V. Kurauskas, C. McDiarmid, On graphs with few disjoint cycles, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 20 (2011) 763-775. (preprint)
V. Kurauskas, C. McDiarmid, Random graphs containing few disjoint excluded minors, Random Structures and Algorithms (2012), doi:10.1002/rsa.20447. (preprint)
V. Kurauskas, On small subgraphs in a random intersection digraph. Discrete Mathematics 313 (2013) 872 – 885. (preprint)
M. Bloznelis, J. Jaworski, V. Kurauskas, Assortativity and clustering in sparse random intersection graphs, Electron. J. Probab. 18 (2013), 1 – 24. (pdf)
M. Bloznelis, V. Kurauskas, Large cliques in sparse random intersection graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 24(2), #P2.5. (pdf)
V. Kurauskas, K. Rybarczyk, On the chromatic index of random uniform hypergraphs, SIAM Discrete Mathematics, 29(1), 541 – 558. (preprint)
V. Kurauskas, On graphs containing few disjoint excluded minors. Asymptotic number and structure of graphs containing few disjoint minors K4. (preprint) (poster) (see also Part II and Chapters 8-9 of my thesis)
V. Kurauskas, On weak local limit and subgraph counts for sparse random graphs, Journal of Applied Probability 59 (2022), 755-766. (preprint) (slides)
V. Kurauskas, On the genus of the complete bipartite graph Kn,n,1, Discrete Math, 340 (2017), 508-515. (preprint)
V. Kurauskas, U. Šiurienė, Symmetric road interchanges, manuscript. (preprint) (JMM’18 presentation). Some extraordinary review times: this relatively simple paper has spent almost 2 years (2018-05-08 – 2020-03-29) in Discrete & Computational Geometry (editor: Janos Pach) and was eventually rejected without any reviews. On 2020-09-03 the paper has been submitted to Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (editor: Janez Žerovnik), where it is in review until now (4+ years).
T. Juškevičius, V. Kurauskas, On Littlewood-Offord problem for arbitrary distributions, Random Structures and Algorithms 58 (2021) 370-380. (preprint) (long version)
S. Janson, V. Kurauskas, Estimating global subgraph counts by sampling, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 30 (2023), P2.24. (pdf) (github code)