Fact 1: If $A=P\cdot Q^T$ for $n\times r$ matrices $P$ and $Q$, then all $\SUM_2(A)$, $\OR_2(A)$ and $\XOR_2(A)$ are at most $2rn$.
SUM, OR and XOR circuits computing $y=Ax$ may be viewed as rectifier networks representing the matrix $A$. A rectifier network is directed acyclic graph with $n$ input nodes (fanin = $0$), and $n$ output nodes (fanout = $0$). Let $p(i,j)$ be the number of paths from input $i$ to output $j$. Then a network represents $A$ if \[ \mbox{in SUM circuit}\ \ A[i,j]=\begin{cases} 1 & \mbox{if $p(i,j)=1$,}\\ 0 & \mbox{if $p(i,j)=0$;} \end{cases} \] \[ \mbox{in OR circuit}\ \ A[i,j]=\begin{cases} 1 & \mbox{if $p(i,j)>0$,}\\ 0 & \mbox{if $p(i,j)=0$;} \end{cases} \] \[ \mbox{in XOR circuit}\ \ A[i,j]=\begin{cases} 1 & \mbox{if $p(i,j)$ is odd,}\\ 0 & \mbox{if $p(i,j)$ is even.} \end{cases} \]
Note that SUM-circuits constitute the weakest of these models: in such a circuit, there cannot be more than one path from an input variable to an output gate. So, both $\OR(A)$ and $\XOR(A)$ are at most $\SUM(A)$. The most general circuit model is that of "general" circuits, where arbitrary(!) boolean functions are allowed to be used as gates. The corresponding measure $\GEN(A)$ is an obvious lower bound for all three measures above, in this case we want to compute $y=Ax$ over $GF(2)$ using arbitrary gates. Thus, we have the obvious inequalities \[ \GEN(A)\leq \OR(A), \XOR(A)\leq \SUM(A). \] for all matrices $A$. We are interested in maximal possible gaps between these measures on $n\times n$ matrices. For the maximum $\OR(n),\XOR(n)$ and $\SUM(n)$ over all such matrices, Lupanov's result (Thm. 13.18 in the book) implies that all they are $\Theta(n^2/\log n)$: \[ \SUM(n)\approx \OR(n) \approx \XOR(n)\approx \frac{n^2}{\log n}. \] Thus, there can be no nonconstant "worst-case" gaps between these three measures. [It remains still open whether $\GEN(n)=\Omega(n^2/\log n)$ also holds.] But if we measure the complexity of the same matrix $A$, then large gaps $\OR(A)/XOR(A)=\Omega(n/\log^2 n)$ and $\SUM(A)/\OR(A)=\Omega(\sqrt{n}/\log^2n)$ were shown in [1]. The goal of this comment is to show that the OR/XOR gap actually follows from some results in the book, and the proofs are elementary. Moreover, the constructed matrix $A$ has the property that $\XOR_d(A)=O(n)$ holds even in depth $d=3$.
Theorem 1: There exists an $n\times n$ matrix $A$ such that $\XOR_3(A)=O(n)$ but $\OR(A)=\Omega(n^2/\log^2 n)$.
Let us now give some details. Recall that a matrix $A$ is $k$-Ramsey if it contains no monochromatic $k\times k$ submatrices, and is $k$-free ($k\geq 2$) if it does not contain a $k\times k$ all-$1$ submatrix. Hence, $A$ is $k$-Ramsey iff both the matrix $A$ and its complement$\overline{A}$ are $k$-free. Let $|A|$ denote the number of $1$-entries in $A$. The results from the book we use are the following; for convenience of readers who do not have the book, we recall their proofs in the appendix bellow.
The matrix $A$ whose existence is shown in (iii) is just a submatrix of an $n^2\times n^2$ Sylvester matrix $H=H_{n^2}$ with $n=2^r$. Recall that rows and columns of $H$ correspond to the vectors in $GF(2)^{2r}$, and the value $H[u,v]$ is the scalar product of vectors $u$ and $v$ over $GF(2)$: \[ H_2=\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix},\qquad H_4=\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix},\qquad H_{2n}=\begin{bmatrix} H_{n} & H_{n} \\ H_{n} & \overline{H}_{n} \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
- (i) Lupanov (Lemma 1.2 in the book)
- For every $n\times m$ matrix $A$, and every positive integer $k$, $\SUM_2(A)\leq nm/k+\min\{n,m\}2^k$. By taking $k=\log n - \log\log n$, we obtain $\SUM_2(A)\leq 2nm/\log n$ . In particular, $\SUM_2(A)=O(n)$ if $m=O(\log n)$.
- (ii) Nechiporuk-Wegener-Mehlhorn-Pippenger (Theorem 13.21 in the book)
- If $A$ is $k$-free then $\OR(A)\geq |A|/(k-1)^2$ and $\OR_2(A)\geq |A|/(k-1)$.
- (iii) Pudlák-Rödl-Jukna (Theorem 11.18 in the book)
- There exists an $n\times r$ matrix $B$ such that $r=2\log n$, and the matrix $A=B\cdot B^T$ (over $GF(2)$) is $r$-Ramsey.
Proof of Theorem 1:
Take the matrix $A=B\cdot B^T$ guaranteed by (iii). Then (i) implies that
$\XOR_4(A)\leq \XOR_2(B)+\XOR_2(B^T)=O(nr/\log n)=O(n)$.
To obtain the lower bound, we may assume that $A$ has $|A|\geq n^2/2$ ones; if not,
then take the complement matrix $\overline{A}$. Since $A$ is $r$-free, (ii) implies that
$\OR(A)\geq |A|/r^2=\Omega(n^2/\log^2n)$. $\Box$
Sergeev has improved $\XOR_4(A)=O(n)$ to $\XOR_3(A)=O(n)$.
Lemma 1 (Sergeev [3]) Let $m=a\log_2 n$. Then for every $n\times m$ matrix $A$ and for every $m\times n$ matrix $B$, we have $\XOR_3(A\cdot B)\leq\max\{3,6a\}\cdot n$.The same upper bound holds also for SUM- and OR-circuits, if the product $A\cdot B$ is taken over the corresponding semiring.
This, in particular, implies the following interesting property of "narrow" depth-2 circuits: If an $n\times n$ matrix can be computed by a depth-2 circuit with $O(\log n)$ nodes on the middle level (and an arbitrary size!), then it has a depth-3 circuit of linear size.
Proof: See his self-explaining sketch (in it, the roles of $n$ and $m$ are interchanged). $\Box$
Actually, Sergeev has shown the following upper XOR-bounds for arbitrary circulant matrices (many of known explicit $k$-free matrices are such). Recall that a matrix $A$ is circulant each its row is a cyclic shift of the previous one. That is, each circular matrix is defined by its first row.
Theorem (Sergeev [3]): For every integer constant $t\geq 1$ there is a constant $c=c(t)$ such that, for every circulant $n\times n$ matrix $A$:Improving an earlier result of Grinchuk [16], Grinchuk and Sergeev [17] have proved that, for every $k\geq 2$, $k$-free circulant matrices $A$ with $|A|=\Omega(k^{-4}n^{2-\alpha})$ ones exist, where $\alpha=2/k-2/k^2$; this is almost optimal, because $|A|\leq n^{2-1/k}$ holds for any $k$-free matrix, not only for circulant. Thus, taking $k\to\infty$ slowly growing, we see that circulant matrices achieving the gap $\OR(A)/\XOR_3(A)=\Omega(n^{1/2-o(1)})$ exist. Recall that we already have shown the much larger gap $\OR(A)/\XOR_2(A)=\Omega(n/\log^3n)$ even for depth-2 XOR-circuits. But this was achieved for matrices that are not circular. The class of circular matrices is much smaller: we have only $2^n$ out of $2^{n^2}$ such matrices.
- $\XOR_{2t-1}(A)\leq c n^{1+1/t}$
- $\XOR_{2t}(A)\leq c n^{1+1/t}/\log^{1/t}n$.
For circular 2-free matrices $A$ (including explicit ones), the theorem gives a non-constant gap $\OR(A)/\XOR_4(A)=\Omega(\sqrt{\log n})$ also in depth $4$ (for $t=2$). It remains open whether there is a growing gap for 2-free matrices already in depth $3$. Concerning depth $2$, it is conjectured (already by Valiant 1977) that $\XOR_2(A)\geq n^{1+\epsilon}$ must hold for dense 2-free matrices, that is, that dense 2-free matrices are hard for depth-$2$ XOR-circuits.
Does $\XOR_3(K)=\omega(n)$ or at least $\XOR_2(K)=\omega(n)$?
Theorem (Chashkin [12]): For any constant $c > 0$ and any subset $S\subseteq \{0,1\}^n$ of size $|S|\le 2^{n/2}$, there exists a boolean $m\times n$ matrix $A$ such that:I found this result quite surprising. If we consider arbitrary operators $f:S\to\{0,1\}^m$, then none of them can be injective, unless $m\geq \log_2|S|$. But by Chashkin's result, if we allow the dimension of the range be just twice larger (than this "counting border"), then an even linear operator of linear XOR-complexity can do the job!
- $Ax\neq Ay$ for all $x\neq y\in S$ (the mapping $y=Ax$ is injective on $S$)
- $m \le \lfloor 2\log_2 |S|\rfloor -1$
- $\XOR(A)=O(n)$.
In particular, by taking $S$ to be the set of all vectors with Hamming weight $\le k$, we obtain the following interesting consequence.
Corollary: For every $1\leq k\leq n/\log_2 n$, there is an $m\times n$ matrix $A$ such that:Note that the matrix in this corollary is a parity-check matrix of a linear self-correcting code with very good parameters.
- $m =O(k\ln n)$
- any $k$ columns of $A$ are linear independent
- $\XOR(A)=O(n)$
Theorem ([8]): There are boolean $n\times m$ matrices $A$ such that:Moreover, the upper bounds on $\XOR_2(A)$ and $\XOR_3(A)$ cannot be improved, even if arbitrary(!) boolean functions are allowed as gates; this (lower bounds for general circuits) is their main result. Today, these are the strongest explicit lower bounds for general circuits.
- $|Ax\oplus Ay|\geq n/8$ for all $x\neq y\in \{0,1\}^m$ (Hamming distance is at least $n/8$)
- $m\geq n/32$ (rate $m/n$ is constant)
- $\XOR_2(A)=O(n(\tfrac{\ln n}{\ln\ln n})^2)$
- $\XOR_3(A)=O(n\ln\ln n)$.
- $\XOR(A)=O(n)$.
The above results give yet another explanation for why lower bounds for XOR-circuits are so difficult to prove: these circuits may be unexpectedly powerful!
Lemma (Sergeev [3]): There is a constant $c$ such that \[ \SUM_2(D_n)\leq c n^{\log_2(1+\sqrt{2})} \approx n^{1.28}. \]Proof: See here. $\Box$
In [6], it is show that this bound is tight: $\SUM(D)\geq \tfrac{1}{2}n\log n$. Note that (ii) cannot yield any nontrivial lower bounds, because $D$ is not $k$-free for $k \ll \sqrt{n}$. In fact, the argument of [6] also yields $\OR(D)\geq \tfrac{1}{2}n\log n$. Recall that $\OR(\overline{D})=O(n)$, already in depth 3.
It is easy to see that the upper bound $\SUM(M_n)=O(n\log n)$ holds for any matrix which can be constructed by some recursion \[ M_{2n}=\begin{bmatrix} f_1(M_{n}) & f_2(M_{n}) \\ f_3(M_{n}) & f_4(M_n) \\ \end{bmatrix} \qquad \mbox{where $f_i(M)$ is either $0,1, M$ or $\overline{M}$.} \]
Lemma (Sergeev [3]): \[ \SUM_2(H)\leq 2^{3r+1}=2n^{1.5}. \]A lower bound of Morgenstern [15] yields $\SUM(H)=\Theta(n\log n)$.
Since $H=P\cdot P^T$ for an $n\times r$ matrix $P$ with $r=\log n$, Fact 1 and Lemma 1 imply that $\XOR_2(H)=O(n\log n)$ and $\XOR_3(H)=O(n)$. A lower bound $\XOR_2(H)=\Omega(n\log n)$ for every $n\times n$ Hadamard matrix $H$ (including Sylvester matrices) was proved in [9].
A lower bound $\OR(H)=\Omega(n\log n)$ was proved by Grigor'ev [19]. Sergeev [3] has found a refinement of (ii) which yields an even more general lower bound. Define the area of an $a\times b$ rectangle to be $ab$, and let $r(A)$ be the maximal area of a rectangle in $A$.
Theorem (Sergeev [3]): For every $n\times n$ boolean matrix $A$, \[ \OR(A)\geq \frac{|A|}{r(A)}\log\frac{|A|}{n}. \]Proof: See here. $\Box$
Every $n\times n$ Hadamard matrix (including the Sylvester matrix) $H$ has $|H|=\Omega(n^2)$ and $r(H)\leq n$. Hence, $\OR(H)=\Theta(n\log n)$.
Let $B\otimes A$ denote the Kronecker product, that is a block-matrix obtained by replacing 1-entries of $B$ by copies of $A$.
Theorem (Find et al. [1]): If $A$ is $k$-free, then \[ \SUM(B\otimes A)\geq \pr(B)\cdot\frac{|A|}{(k-1)^2}. \]On the other hand, using (i) and the fact that the transformation $x\mapsto (B\otimes A)x$ can be written as a result $(A(XQ))P^T$ of three matrix products, where $B=PQ^T$ and $P,Q$ are $m\times \br(B)$ matrices, and $X$ is the $m\times m$ matrix of variables, it is shown in [1] that \[ \OR(B\otimes A)\lesssim \br(B)\cdot \OR_2(m)\approx \br(B)\cdot m^2/\log m \] holds for any $m\times m$ matrix $A$. If we take $B=\overline{I_m}$ to be the complement of the $m\times m$ identity matrix $I_m$, where $m=\sqrt{n}$, then $\pr(B)=\Omega(m)$, while $\br(B)=O(\log m)$, and the gap $\pr(B)/\br(B) \gtrsim m/\log m$ is already large. Thus, if we let $B=\overline{I_m}$ and $A$ be a random $m\times m$ matrix, then $\OR(B\otimes A)\lesssim m^2 = n$, whereas $\SUM(B\otimes A) \gtrsim m^3/\log^2 m\approx n^{3/2}/\log^2 n$, and the desired SUM/OR gap follows.
Theorem (Gál [18]): For every boolean $m\times m$ matrix $A$ and $k\times l$ matrix $B$, \[ \tr(B)\cdot \OR_2(A)\leq \OR_2(B\otimes A) \lesssim \tr(B)\max\{k,l\}\cdot \OR_2(m). \]The proof of the lower bound is based on a simple fact that, in depth 2, we have that \[ \OR_2\begin{bmatrix} X & C \\ D & Y \\ \end{bmatrix} \geq \OR_2\begin{bmatrix} X & 0 \\ 0 & Y \\ \end{bmatrix} \] Using this, the lower bound can be easily shown by induction on $\tr(B)$. In larger depth, the fact does not hold anymore. Here we only have that \[ \OR\begin{bmatrix} X & C \\ D & Y \\ \end{bmatrix} \geq \max\{ \OR(X), \OR(Y)\}\geq \frac{1}{2}\cdot \OR\begin{bmatrix} X & 0 \\ 0 & Y \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
In particular, if $B=\overline{I_m}$ and $A$ is a random $m\times m$ matrix with $m=\sqrt{n}$, then $\OR_2(\overline{I_m}\otimes A) =\Omega(n^{3/2}/\log n)$. This does not contradict the upper bound $\OR(\overline{I_m}\otimes A) \lesssim m^2=n$ given above, because here circuits of depth larger than 2 are used (depth 6 is enough).
Sergeev [3] improved the upper bound as follows. For a covering $\sigma$ of $B$ by rectangles (all-1 submatrices), let $s(\sigma)$ denote the sum of the lengths of shorter sides, and $S(\sigma)$ the sum of the lengths of longer sides of rectangles in $\sigma$. Hence, $OR_2(B)=\min \{s(\sigma)+S(\sigma)\}$ where the minimum is over all coverings $\sigma$ of $B$.
Theorem (Sergeev [3]): For every boolean $m\times m$ matrix $A$, every covering $\sigma$ of a matrix $B$, and every positive integer $t$, \[ \OR_2(B\otimes A) \leq s(\sigma)\frac{m^2}{t} + S(\sigma)m2^t. \]Proof: By (i), both $A$ and $A^T$ can be realized by a depth-2 OR-circuit of size $m^2/t+m2^t$ with $m2^t$ wires on the first level, and $m^2/t$ wires on the second level. If $R$ is a $k\times l$ rectangle, then $R\otimes A$ can be realized by a depth-2 circuit of size \[ \min\{k,l\}m^2/t + \max\{k,l\}m2^t. \] Taking the union of these circuits over all rectangles $R\in \sigma$, the desired upper bound follows. $\Box$
He then showed that $B=\overline{I_m}$ has a covering $\sigma$ with $s(\sigma)=O(m)$ and $S(\sigma)=O(m^{3/2})$; see here for a proof. By taking $t=(1/2)\log m - \log\log m$, this yields the tight upper bound $\OR_2(\overline{I_m}\otimes A) =O(m^{3}/\log m)=O(n^{3/2}/\log n)$.
Matrix | $\SUM$ | $\OR$ | $\OR_2$ | $\XOR_2$ | $\OR_3$ | $\XOR_3$ | $\GEN_2$ | Submatrix $A$ of Sylvester $H_{n^2}$ | $\Omega(\frac{n^2}{\ln^2 n})$ | $\Omega(\frac{n^2}{\ln^2 n})$ | $\Theta(\frac{n^2}{\ln n})$ | $O(n\ln n)$ | $\Omega(\frac{n^2}{\ln^2 n})$ | $O(n)$ | $O(n\ln n)$ |
$\bar{I}\otimes A$, $A$ random $\sqrt{n}\times \sqrt{n}$ | $\Omega(\frac{n^{1.5}}{\ln^2 n})$ | $O(n)$ | $\Theta(\frac{n^{1.5}}{\ln n})$ | $O(n\ln n)$ | $O(n\ln n)$ | $O(n)$ | $O(n\ln n)$ |
Sierpinski matrix $D$ | $\Theta(n\ln n)$ | $\Theta(n\ln n)$ | $\Omega(n^{1.08})$ $O(n^{1.28})$ | $\omega(n)$? | ? | ? | $O(n\ln n)$ |
Kneser matrix $K$ | $O(n\ln n)$ | $O(n)$ | $\Theta(n\ln n)$ | $\omega(n)$? | $O(n)$ | ? | $O(n\ln n)$ |
Sylvester matrix $H$ | $\Theta(n\ln n)$ | $\Theta(n\ln n)$ | $\Theta(n^{1.5})$ | $\Theta(n\ln n)$ [9] | ? | $O(n)$ | $\Omega(n\frac{\ln n}{\ln\ln n})$ |
Code matrices from [8] | ? | ? | ? | $\Theta(n(\frac{\ln n}{\ln\ln n})^2)$ | ? | $\Theta(n\ln\ln n)$ | $\Theta(n(\frac{\ln n}{\ln\ln n})^2)$ |
Random $\mathbf{A}$ | $\Theta(\frac{n^2}{\ln n})$ | $\Theta(\frac{n^2}{\ln n})$ | $\Theta(\frac{n^2}{\ln n})$ | $\Theta(\frac{n^2}{\ln n})$ | $\Theta(\frac{n^2}{\ln n})$ | $\Theta(\frac{n^2}{\ln n})$ | $\Omega(\frac{n^2}{\ln n})$ ? |
My thanks to Igor Sergeev for very interesting discussions and for telling his
upper bounds mentioned above.
Split the rows of $B$ into groups, where the rows in one group all have the same values. This gives us a decomposition of $B$ into $t\leq 2^k$ rectangles. For the $i$-th of these matrices $B_i$, let $r_i$ be the number of its nonzero rows, and $c_i$ the number of its nonzero columns. Hence, $\SUM_2(B_i)\leq r_i+c_i$. Since each nonzero row of $A$ lies in exactly one of the these matrices, we obtain: \[ \SUM_2(B)\leq \sum_{i=1}^t \SUM_2(B_i) \leq \sum_{i=1}^t r_i+\sum_{i=1}^t c_i\leq n+\sum_{j=0}^k\sum_{i:c_i=j}j \leq n+\sum_{j=0}^m\binom{k}{j}\cdot j = n+k2^{k-1}. \] $\Box$
Fact: If $A$ is $k$-free, then \begin{align} & \Cov_k(A)\leq \OR(A)\leq \OR_2(A)\leq 2k\cdot \Cov_k(A)\\ & \\ & \Dec_k(A)\leq \SUM(A)\leq \SUM_2(A)\leq 2k\cdot \Dec_k(A) \end{align}Proof: We only need to prove the lower bounds $\SUM(A)\geq \Dec_k(A)$ and $\OR(A)\geq \Cov_k(A)$. Let $F$ be an OR-circuit for $A$. For a node $u$ in $F$, let $s_u$ be the number of inputs from which $u$ is reachable, and $t_u$ be the number of outputs reachable from $u$. A wire $(u,v)$ "eligible" if both $s_u < k$ and $t_v < k$ hold. An eligible cut is a set $C$ of eligible edges such that every input-output path has a wire in $C$. We claim that such a cut exists, that is, every input-output path contains an eligible wire.
To see this, take an input-output path $P$. Nodes $u$ of this path with $s_u < k$ constitute the initial part $P_1$, and those with $t_u < k$ the final part $P_2$ of $P$. Had these parts no wire in common, then $P$ would contain a node $w$ such that $s_w\geq k$ and $t_w\geq k$. But this would mean that $A$ contains a $k\times k$ rectangle, contradicting the $k$-freeness of $A$. Thus, $P_1$ and $P_2$ share some wire $(u,v)$ in common, meaning that $s_u < k$ and $t_v < k$, that is, the wire $(u,v)$ is eligible.
Take now a minimal cut $C$ of $F$ consisting of eligible wires. By our claim, such a cut exists. Each wire $(u,v)$ in $F$ gives an $s_u\times t_v$ rectangle in $A$. If the wire is eligible, then this rectangle is $k$-balanced. Thus, $C$ gives a covering (or decomposition, if we had a SUM-circuit) of $A$ into $|C|$ $k$-balanced rectangles, as desired. $\Box$
The stronger lower bound $\OR_2(A)\geq |A|/(k-1)$ in the case of depth-2 circuits follows from the observation that then either $s_u=1$ or $t_v=1$.
Let $S\subseteq GF(2)^{2r}$. If $|S\cap V|< t$ holds for every subspace $V\subseteq GF(2)^{2r}$ of dimension $\leq r$, then $H_S$ is $t$-Ramsey.Proof: Suppose that $H_S$ contains a monochromatic $t\times t$ submatrix $T$. Our goal is to show that then there is a subspace $V\subseteq GF(2)^{2r}$ of dimension $r$ such that $|S\cap V|\geq t$. The submatrix $T$ corresponds to two subsets of vectors $X,Y\subseteq S$ such that $\langle u,v\rangle=a$ for some $a\in\{0,1\}$ and all $u\in X$ and $v\in Y$. Viewing the vectors in $X$ as the rows of the coefficient matrix and the vectors in $Y$ as (columns of) unknowns, we obtain that the sum $\mathrm{dim}(X')+\mathrm{dim}(Y')$ of the dimensions of vector spaces $X'$ and $Y'$, spanned by $X$ and by $Y$, cannot exceed $2r+a\leq 2r+1$. Hence, at least one of these dimensions, say $\mathrm{dim}(X')$ must be $\leq r$. So, we can take $V=X'$, and obtain that $|S\cap V|\geq |X|=t$, as claimed. $\Box$
It is difficult to explicitly construct large sets $S$ with this property, but one can show their existence using a simple probabilistic argument (given in [4], Section 4). Namely, pick a subset $S\subseteq GF(2)^{2r}$ at random, by including each vector at random and independently in $S$ with probability $p=2^{1-r}=2/n$. Chernoff´s inequalities, together with the fact that there are at most $\tbinom{2r}{r}\leq 2^{2r}/\sqrt{2r}$ subspaces $V\subseteq GF(2)^{2r}$ of dimension $r$, then imply that with probability $1-o(1)$, $|S|\geq pn/2=2^r=n$ and $|S\cap V| < 2r$ holds for every such subspace $V$. Thus,
Almost all $n\times n$ submatrices $H_S$ of $H_{n^2}$ are $t$-Ramsey for $t\leq 2r=2\log n$.
S. Jukna, April 2013