Apie moteris politikoje

Woman of ArtParaginta kolegos Tomo parašiau komentarą apie Lietuvos moteris politikoje IQ Economist žurnalui. Kovo 8 d. proga redaktoriai nusprendė paskleisti mano išmintį savo portale. Belieka tik skleisti toliau.

Man tikrai keista ir naivi atrodė ta mada, gal kokius 2009 m. prasidėjusi, džiaugtis mūsų pažanga ir moterų iškilimu, apie tai ir parašiau. Liūdna, bet šiuo atveju skeptiška pozicija yra ir realistinė pozicija, ir bus dar gana ilgą laiką.

Arba cituojant save:

Kelios moterys viršuje nekeičia moterų vietos politikoje, kai į kasdienę politiką neįsitraukia daugiau moterų. Kaip nekeičia situacijos ir tai, kad iš 26 Seimo narių moterų tik viena artikuliuotai kalba apie moteris ir jų padėtį visuomenėje bei būtinybę kažką keisti, o kalbos apie ekonominę lyčių lygybę ir smurto prevenciją namuose tampa kone feministinio kalbėjimo išraiška.

Mums reikia politiko ar politikės, pasakančio(s) garsiai ir rišliai, kad yra problema. Reikia, kad tai taptų politine problema, nes mes juk sprendžiame tik jas, ar ne?

Comments 121

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  71. krogerfeedback.com parašė:

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  75. geraldmoore980@gmail parašė:

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  77. Arham parašė:

    Despite a few women in top positions, the lack of broader female participation in everyday politics hampers true progress. We need vocal politicians to highlight and address gender equality issues directly.


    liepos 30, 2024, 16:59
  78. charleskenneth7689 parašė:

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    rugpjūčio 1, 2024, 09:22
  79. Arham parašė:

    The insights on women’s roles in politics are both enlightening and empowering. At DGME, we are committed to supporting the diverse and dynamic contributions of Dollar General employees, providing them with a platform that simplifies work-related tasks and fosters growth. Our goal is to create an environment where everyone can excel and make a meaningful impact, much like the women leaders discussed in your post. Thank you for highlighting such an important topic!

    rugpjūčio 1, 2024, 11:46
  80. publixsurvey parašė:

    Women’s representation in politics varies widely by country. As of recent years, women hold around 25% of parliamentary seats worldwide. Some countries, like Rwanda and Finland, have higher percentages of women in leadership roles.

    rugpjūčio 8, 2024, 21:42
  81. Daniellucas6017 parašė:

    By gathering insightful feedback from its consumers, the Publix Customer Survey aims to help the company better meet the requirements of its patrons.

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  82. Churchschickensurvey parašė:

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  83. ChipotleFeedback.com parašė:

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  84. Henryoliver6107 parašė:

    We’ll make judgments based on the survey results about customer satisfaction. Everyone benefits from your next shopping excursion, whether you get a $500 Hannaford gift card or a great price.

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  85. Aaravjain6107 parašė:

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    In this engaging daily puzzle game, players are tasked with identifying the animal concealed behind an image. Each guess comes with helpful feedback that leads players closer to the correct answer. As players solve puzzles, Adoptle keeps things fresh with new challenges every day. This game is both entertaining and informative, providing players with the chance to improve their deduction skills while learning about different species. Whether you’re a seasoned puzzle solver or an animal enthusiast, this game is sure to provide endless fun.

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  92. Telegram中文 parašė:

    Telegram中文 has played a role in facilitating political discussions worldwide, and as this article highlights the challenges women face in politics, platforms like Telegram can offer a safe space for diverse voices. By enabling secure communication and group discussions, Telegram could potentially be a tool for women politicians to mobilize support and collaborate on shared goals in a way that mainstream platforms sometimes overlook.

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    telegram下载 empowers women in politics by providing them with a platform to connect and exchange ideas. The article emphasizes the importance of female representation, and Telegram’s secure channels can offer women the opportunity to discuss policy issues, share strategies, and build movements without the fear of being overshadowed or dismissed, fostering inclusivity in political discourse.

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    Telegram中文版 role in shaping political narratives is undeniable, especially when discussing underrepresented groups like women in politics. As highlighted in this article, women often face systemic challenges. Using Telegram, they can network with international communities and bring attention to gender-related political struggles, amplifying their voices in a secure, global environment.

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  95. Telegram中文语言包 parašė:

    Telegram中文语言包 has become a key tool for political engagement, and when considering the barriers women face in politics as outlined in the article, it’s clear that platforms like Telegram can help bridge communication gaps. Women leaders can utilize Telegram to foster grassroots movements, collaborate with peers across borders, and cultivate public awareness around gender equality in governance.

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  96. genegomez955 parašė:

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  98. Calvindiego99 parašė:

    It encourages customers who have already shopped in the chain’s districts to visit Lowes Survey and respond to a series of questions about their expertise.

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    To learn what their consumers think of their stores, cuisine, and services, Tellculvers launched a feedback tool called Tell Culvers.Com Survey.

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  103. Official website parašė:

    To raise the caliber of their service, they wish to know what consumers search for when they visit a supermarket.

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  104. Official website parašė:

    women face in politics as outlined in the article, it’s clear that platforms like Telegram can help bridge communication gaps. Women leaders can use Telegram to foster grassroots movements, collaborate.

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  105. Official website parašė:

    politics as outlined in the article, it’s clear that platforms like Telegram can help bridge communication gaps. Women leaders can use Telegram to foster grassroots movements, collaborate

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  106. Oliverleo78613 parašė:

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  114. Beachbodyondemand parašė:

    Beachbody On Demand can be the ideal option for you if you’re a fitness enthusiast searching for a way to work out from the convenience of your home. Numerous workouts and fitness routines are available to you through this digital fitness platform. We’ll answer some commonly asked questions and walk you through the process of turning on Beachbody On Demand on your device in this post. Now let’s get started:

    sausio 23, 2025, 14:14
  115. GTA Portal parašė:

    Walmart carefully reviews the information to ascertain the employees’ exact working hours and whether they are logged in. If employees have a valid reason for not being able to use the GTA Portal Walmart, they should contact Walmart to resolve any concerns. All timestamps are stored in one location by a web application called OneWalmart GTA Portal.


    sausio 24, 2025, 11:36
  116. gta portal walmart parašė:

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    To ascertain the exact working hours of the employees and if they are logged in, Walmart carefully reviews the data. If workers have a valid reason for not being able to use the GTA Portal Walmart, they should contact Walmart to resolve any concerns. OneWalmart GTA Portal is a web application that stores all timestamps in one location.

    sausio 24, 2025, 13:49
  117. aputsiaqgeisler parašė:

    Get ready to excel in the Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam! This all-encompassing certification demonstrates your ability to manage Salesforce environments, streamline processes, and enhance user experiences. Develop your skills in security, data management, and configuration to effectively lead business transformation. Elevate your career with the expertise that employers are looking for. Begin your path to Salesforce certification today and open the door to new professional opportunities!


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    GMGlobalConnect is a portal that connects General Motors’ extensive network of dealers worldwide. As one of the largest automakers headquartered in Detroit, GM is known for its legacy of iconic American automotive brands.

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    vasario 15, 2025, 01:44


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