
  • Urbonaitė, J. 2020. [Book review]. Roush, D. R. (2018). Event Structure Metaphors through the Body. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 224 pp. ISBN: 9789027200709 (HB); 9789027264091 (EB). Special issue of Metaphor and the Social World. 10 (2) (2020). [Metaphor in Mental Healthcare]. 338–343.
  • Urbonaitė. J., I. Šeškauskienė & J. Cibulskienė. 2019. Linguistic metaphor identification in Lithuanian, in Nacey, S., A. G. Dorst, T. Krennmayr, W. G. Reijnierse (eds.). Metaphor Identification in Multiple Languages. MIPVU around the world. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 159–181.
  • Šeškauskienė, I. & J. Urbonaitė. 2018. Deprivation of liberty or imprisonment? Metaphorical motivation of some terms in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania and their translation into English. International Journal of Legal Discourse 3 (2). DOI
  • Urbonaitė, J. 2017. Metaphor in Written Academic Legal Discourse: A Cross-Linguistic Study [doctoral dissertation]. Vilnius: Vilnius University.
  • Urbonaitė, J. 2015. Metaphor identification procedure MIPVU: an attempt to apply it to Lithuanian. Taikomoji kalbotyra [Applied Linguistics]. To download the article, click here.
  • Urbonaitė, J. 2015. A cross-linguistic study of metaphor in legal research articles: the case of criminal justice. Thought Elaboration: Linguistics, Literature, Media Expression: TELL ME 2014. Collection of Scientific Articles. You can access the article here (pp. 13–28).
  • Urbonaitė. J. & I. Šeškauskienė. 2007. HEALTH metaphor in political and economic discourse: a cross-linguistic analysis. Kalbų studijos/Studies about Languages 11: 68–73. To download the article, click here.