Homepage of Stasys Jukna

in office I hail from Lithuania. Am affiliated with Vilnius University.
My research interests lie between Math and Theoretical CS.
Mainly in proving lower bounds on circuit complexity.   

My collection of links   ➩

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Most of my papers are available online.

In my free time, I have also written several books, one with Igor Sergeev. Click on the images to visit their home pages with additional information (comments, supplementary material, new open problems, etc.).

     EC_Book     Crashkurs Buch      EC_Book 2nd ed      Boolean Circuit Complexity book      Complexity of Linear Boolean Operators      Tropical Circuit Complexity book

Temporal NOTE:
I am currently working on the 2nd edition of the BFC book, and will be not able to accept any refereeing requests in the next time.

Actual draft of the 2nd edition of the BFC book
Username and password are these strings in reversed orders: "elooB" and "nonnahS" (without ").

Any corrections/comments are welcome!

I serve on editorial teams of:
         Lithuanian Mathematical Journal
         Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity

What interesting happened during my stay in Frankfurt:
         Sasha Razborov's visit (2002)
         Mario Szegedy's visit (2010)
         Ben Rossman's visit (2013)
         my student, Matthias Krieger, has written (2005) an interesting paper on monotone circuits.

My work is/was supported by:
      DFG       and       Alexander von Humboldt Foundation      and      Indre