\( \let\phi\varphi \def\<#1>{\left<#1\right>} \def\bar#1{\overline{#1}} \newcommand{\factor}[1]{c_{#1}} \newcommand{\mes}{\mu} \newcommand{\df}{:=} \newcommand{\f}{{\cal F}} \newcommand{\A}{{\cal A}} \newcommand{\B}{{\cal B}} \newcommand{\NN}{{\mathbb N}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\hh}{{\cal H}} \newcommand{\DD}[1]{{#1}_{\mathrm{dnf}}} \newcommand{\CC}[1]{{#1}_{\mathrm{cnf}}} \newcommand{\lab}[1]{F_{#1}} \newcommand{\easy}[2]{G^{\ast}_{#1}{(#2)}} \newcommand{\DDT}[2]{{#1}_{#2}^{\mbox{d}}} \newcommand{\CCT}[2]{{#1}_{#2}^{\mbox{c}}} \def\paley{\mathrm{PALEY}} \def\gf#1{\mathrm{GF}(#1)} \def\bound{N} \def\all#1{\Gamma(#1)} \def\no#1{\widehat \Gamma(#1)} \newcommand{\real}[2]{L^+_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\Geq}{\succcurlyeq} \newcommand{\Leq}{\preccurlyeq} \newcommand{\Tr}[1]{\mathrm{Tr}(#1)} \)

Lower bounds for monotone real circuits via finite limits

This comment concerns the the lower-bounds criterion for monotone real circuits (Theorem 9.21 in the book). I only sketched how it can be proved by considering (up to exponentially many) thresholds $f^{(a)}:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$ of real functions $f:\{0,1\}^n\to\RR$ computed at the gates of the circuit with $f^{(a)}(x)=1$ iff $f(x)\geq a$. At the very end of the proof, I've wrote (rather carelessly) that "the rest of the proof is the same as that of Theorem 9.17" (in the boolean case). But this is not quite the case. One issue is that now we do not have the "cross intersection property" $\DD{f}^{(a)}\leq \CC{f}^{(a)}$ for the approximators as it was in the boolean case. This happens because (unlike in the boolean case) now the $s$-CNF $\CC{f}^{(a)}$ is obtained by applying the switching lemma not to the $r$-DNF $\DD{f}^{(a)}$ (right approximator of the corresponding threshold $f^{(a)}$ of the gate $f$) but rather to the $2r$-DNF $D^{(a)}:=\bigvee_{\varphi(b,c)\geq a}(\DD{g}^{(b)}\land \DD{h}^{(c)})$ obtained from the approximators of the input gates $g$ and $h$, and the Switching Lemma gives the inequality $D^{(a)}\leq \CC{f}^{(a)}$ instead of $\DD{f}^{(a)}\leq \CC{f}^{(a)}$. This does not brake down the entire argument, but a bit more work must be done to finish this "threshold-based" proof.

Since my original, direct and fairly simple combinatorial argument in [6] (via so-called finite limits) does not had this "absence of the cross-intersection property" issue, I present it below. We have already seen the concept of finite limits in the context of depth-3 circuits (Sect. 11.3). Here we show how this concept - told me by Mike Sipser many years ago - can be used for monotone (and even real) circuits.


We consider circuits using any monotone $d$-ary real functions $\varphi:\RR^d\to\RR$ as gates; such a function is monotone if $x_1\leq y_1,\ldots,x_d\leq y_d$ implies $\phi(x_1,\ldots,x_d)\leq \phi(y_1,\ldots,y_d)$. Let us call such circuits $d$-local monotone real circuits. It is clear that this class includes all monotone boolean circuits that are allowed to use arbitrary monotone $d$-ary boolean functions $\phi:\{0,1\}^d\to\{0,1\}$ as gates.

Using counting arguments, Rosenbloom [7] has show that already $2$-local monotone real circuits can be exponentially more powerful than even non-monotone boolean $\{\lor,\land,\neg\}$ circuits!

On the other hand, we have shown in [6] that that (similarly as in the case of monotone boolean $\{\lor,\land\}$ circuits) functions computable by "small" monotone real $d$-local circuits are "simple" in the following sense.

Definition 3: Let $f$ be a monotone boolean function of $n$ variables. We say that $f$ is $(d,t)$-simple if for every pair of integer parameters $2\leq r,s\leq n$ there exists an exact $s$-CNF $C(x)$ with $|C|\leq t\cdot (dr-1)^{s}$ clauses, an exact $r$-DNF $D(x)$ with $|D|\leq t\cdot (ds-1)^{r}$ monomials, and a clause $c(x)=\bigvee_{i\in S}x_i$ with $|S|\leq s-1$ variables such that at least one of the following holds.
For a monotone boolean function $f$, let $\real{f}{d}$ denote the minimum size of a monotone read $d$-local circuit computing $f$.
Theorem 1 (The Criterion): Let $f$ be a monotone boolean function. If $\real{f}{d}\leq t$, then $f$ is $(d,t)$-simple.
Thus, as we have done it in the case of boolean circuits (Theorem 9.17), this reduces the lower bounds problem for real circuits to an instance of SET COVER problem: show that for some choice of parameters $s$ and $r$, either no exact $s$-CNF can reject ``too many'' negative inputs, or no exact $r$-DNF can accept ``too many'' positive inputs.

1. Witnesses and finite limits

Let $u\in\{0,1\}^n$ be a vector and $A\subseteq\{0,1\}^n$ a set of vectors. If $u\not\in A$, then there is a set $S\subseteq[n]$ of positions such that vector $u$ differs from every vector of $A$ in at least one position $i\in S$. We call such a set $S$ a witness of vector $x$ against the set $A$.

Now fix a monotone boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$. This function splits the binary cube into two parts $f^{-1}(0)$ and $f^{-1}(1)$. We call vectors in $f^{-1}(0)$ $0$-inputs, and those in $f^{-1}(1)$ $1$-inputs. The support of a vector $u\in \{0,1\}^n$ is the set $I(u):=\{i \colon u_i=f(u)\}$ of positions holding the value $f(u)$. Thus,

Since the function $f$ is monotone, we have \begin{equation}\label{eq:intersect} \mbox{$I(u)\cap I(v)\neq\emptyset$ for all vectors $u\in f^{-1}(0)$ and $v\in f^{-1}(1)$.} \end{equation} Indeed, if $I(u)\cap I(v)=\emptyset$, then $u\geq v$ and the monotonicity of $f$ yields $f(u)\geq f(v)=1$, a contradiction with $u\in f^{-1}(0)$.

We will be interested in the case when vectors $u$ and sets $A$ come from different parts $f^{-1}(0)$ and $f^{-1}(1)$. Namely, if $u\in f^{-1}(\epsilon)$ and $A\subseteq f^{-1}(\epsilon\oplus 1)$, then we say that a witness $S\subseteq[n]$ of the vector $u$ against the set $A$ is a legal witness if $S\subseteq I(u)$. Thus, $S$ is a legal witness of vector $u$ against the set $A$ iff $S\cap I(v)\neq \emptyset$ for all $v\in A$. We will be interested in the minimal possible size $|S|$ of subsets $S\subseteq I(u)$ with this property.

Definition 1: A vector $u\in f^{-1}(\epsilon)$ is a $k$-limit for a set $A\subseteq f^{-1}(\epsilon\oplus 1)$ if for every set $S\subseteq I(u)$ of $|S|\lt k$ positions there is a vector $v\in A$ such that $u_i=v_i$ for all $i\in S$.
In other words, a vector $u$ is a $k$-limit for $A$ if $|S|\geq k$ holds for every legal witness $S$ of $u$ against $A$. That is, if $u\in f^{-1}(1)$ and $A\subseteq f^{-1}(0)$, then for any set of fewer than $k$ $1$-positions of vector $u$ at least one vector of $A$ also has $1$s in all these positions. This means that the fact that $u\not\in A$ cannot be detected by looking at fewer than $k$ $1$-positions of vector $u$; in the case when $u\in f^{-1}(0)$ and $A\subseteq f^{-1}(1)$, the same holds for sets of $0$-positions of vector $u$. The empty set $A=\emptyset$ has no limit vectors.
Property 1 If a vector $u$ is a $k$-limit for a set $A$ and if $A\subseteq B$, then $u$ is a $k$-limit for the set $B$. If a vector $u$ is a $(dk)$-limit for a union of $d$ sets, then then $u$ is a $k$-limit for at least one of these sets.
Proof: If a vector $u$ has legal witnesses $S_1,\ldots,S_d$ for the sets $A_1,\ldots,A_d$, then the set $S=S_1\cup\cdots\cup S_d$ is a legal witness of vector $u$ against the entire set $A=A_1\cup\cdots\cup A_d$. So, if $|S_i|\lt k$ for all $i$ (i.e., if vector $u$ is a $k$-limit for none of the sets $A_i$), then the set $S$ of size $|S|\lt dk$ is a legal witness of vector $u$ agains the entire set $A$. $\Box$

Definition 2: A set $A\subseteq f^{-1}(\epsilon)$ is $(a,b)$-closed if there exists a set $B\subseteq f^{-1}(\epsilon\oplus 1)$ such that:
Remark 1: In terms of CNFs/DNFs, $(a,b)$-closure of a set $A\subseteq f^{-1}(1)$ means that there is a nonempty $(b-1)$-CNF $C$ such that $C(u)=1$ for every vector $u\in A$ but $C(w)=0$ for every vector $w\leq u$ with fewer than $a$ ones; to see this, just take $B:=C^{-1}(0)$. If $A\subseteq f^{-1}(0)$, then there is a nonempty $(b-1)$-DNF $D$ such that $D(u)=0$ for every vector $u\in A$ but $D(w)=1$ for every vector $w\geq u$ with fewer than $a$ zeros; to see this, just take $B:=D^{-1}(1)$. $\Box$

Main property of closed sets is given by the following

Closure Lemma: If $A\subseteq f^{-1}(\epsilon)$ is $(a,b)$-closed, then there exist a family $\f\subseteq 2^{[n]}$ of $|\f|\leq (b-1)^{a}$ $a$-element sets such that the support $I(u)$ of each vector $u\in A$ contains at least one of the sets $F\in\f$.
That is, for every vector $u\in A$ there is a set $F\in\f$ such that $u_i=\epsilon$ holds for all positions $i\in F$.

To prove the Closure Lemma, we will use the following property of transversal of families of sets. A transversal of a family ${\cal A}\subseteq 2^X$ of sets is a set $T\subseteq X$ intersecting all members of the family. Such a transversal is $r$-critical if no its subset $S\subseteq T$ of size $|S| \lt r$ is a transversal of ${\cal A}$.

Transversal Lemma ([6]): Let ${\cal A}$ be a nonempty finite family of sets, each with $\leq s$ elements. Then, for every integer $r\geq 1$ there is a family $\f$ of $|\f|\leq s^r$ $r$-element sets such that every $r$-critical transversal of ${\cal A}$ contains at least one set of $\f$.
Proof: See here. $\Box$

Proof of Closure Lemma: By property (2) of the $(a,b)$-closure, for every vector $v\in B$ there is a subset $S_{v}\subseteq I(v)$ of $|S_{v}|\leq b-1$ positions such that the vector $v$ differs from every vector $u\in A$ in at least one position $i\in S_{v}$. This, in particular, means that the support $I(u)$ of every vector $u\in A$ intersects all sets of the family $\A:=\{S_{v}\colon v\in B\}$, that is, each the sets $I(u)$ with $u\in A$ is a a transversal of the family $\A$. Thus, by the Transversal Lemma applied with parameters $s:=b-1$ and $r:=a$, it is enough to show that for each vector $u\in A$ the set $I(u)$ is, in fact, an $a$-critical transversal for $\A$.

To show this, suppose that some set $I(u)$ is not an $a$-critical transversal for $\A$. Then some subset $T\subseteq I(u)$ of size $|T| \lt a-1$ also intersect all sets of $\A$. This means that the set $T$ is a legal witness (of size $\lt a-1$) of vector $u$ against the set $B$, a contradiction with the fact given by Property (1) that vector $u$ is an $a$-limit against the set $B$. $\Box$

The Closure Lemma shows that every $(a,b)$-closed set $A$ has the following property similar to that given by the Switching Lemma (Lemma 9.15 in the book):

These CNFs and DNFs played the role of the "correctors" of errors introduced by approximators of gates in the boolean case.

2. Proof of Theorem 1

Let $\Phi$ be a circuit of size $t$ with arbitrary monotone real-valued $d$-ary functions as gates, and suppose that $\Phi$ computes a monotone boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$. Hence, the circuit $\Phi$ is a sequence $f_1,\ldots,f_t$ of gates, where $f_t=f$ and each $f_i$ for $i=1,\ldots,t$ is a function $f_i:\{0,1\}^n\to\RR$ of the form $f_i=\varphi(f_{i_1},\ldots,f_{i_d})$, where $\varphi:\RR^d\to\RR$ is some monotone real function, and each $f_{i_j}$ is either an input variable or some of the previous gates.

Fix any two integer parameters $2\leq r,s\leq n$. Let $U^0:=f^{-1}(0)$ and $U^1:= f^{-1}(1)$. To capture the progress made by one gate, we associate with the $i$th gate the bipartite graph \[ G_i\df \left\{(u,v)\in U^0\times U^1\colon f_i(u) \lt f_i(v)\right\} \] whose edges are pairs of negative/positive inputs separated ``correctly'' at that gate. Since the entire circuit correctly computes the target boolean function $f$, the last graph is the bipartite complete graph $G_t=U^0\times U^1$. Let $U^0_i\subseteq U^0$ and $U^1_i\subseteq U^1$ denote the sets of vertices of the $i$th graph $G_i$ (on the corresponding side of the bipartition) that are non-isolated in the graph $G_i$. That is, $U^{\epsilon}_i$ is the set of input vectors correctly separated by the $i$th gate $f_i$ from at least one vector on the other side of the bipartition. The monotonicity of gates gives us the following property of graphs $G_i$: \begin{equation}\label{eq:monotonicity} \mbox{If $f_i=\phi(f_{i_1},\ldots,f_{i_d})$, then $G_i\subseteq G_{i_1}\cup\ldots\cup G_{i_d}$.} \end{equation} Indeed, observe that if some edge $(u,v)\in U^0\times U^1$ appears in none of the graphs $G_{i_1},\ldots,G_{i_d}$, then $f_{i_j}(u)\geq f_{i_j}(v)$ holds for all $j=1,\ldots,d$. Since the function $\phi:\RR^d\to\RR$ is nondecreasing, this implies that $f_i(u)\geq f_i(v)$, i.e. that $(u,v)\not\in G_i$, as desired.

We define what input vectors that are hard for a given gate $f_i$ by exploring the gates $f_1,\ldots,f_t$ one-by-one. Initially no input vector is hard. Suppose we already know what input vectors are hard for the first $i-1$ gates $f_1,\ldots,f_{i-1}$, i.e. that for every $j=1,\ldots,i-1$ and $\epsilon=0,1$, we already know the set $H_j^{\epsilon}$ of input vectors that were hard for the gate $f_j$. Let \[ E^{\epsilon}_i\df U^{\epsilon}_i\setminus\left(H_{1}^{\epsilon}\cup\ldots \cup H_{i-1}^{\epsilon}\right)\subseteq U^{\epsilon} \] denote the set of all vectors that were easy for all previous gates $f_1,\ldots,f_{i-1}$, that is, were hard for none of these gates. We define the sets of input vectors that are hard for the $i$th gate by: \begin{align*} H_i^0&\df \{u\in U^0_i\colon \mbox{$u$ is an $s$-limit for the set $E^1_i\subseteq U^1$}\}\,;\\ H_i^1&\df \{v\in U^1_i\colon \mbox{$v$ is an $r$-limit for the set $E^0_i\subseteq U^0$}\}\,. \end{align*} That is, a vector $u\in U^0_i$ is hard for the $i$th gate $f_i$ if it was hard for none of the previous gates, and the fact "$u\not\in E^0_i$" cannot be detected by looking at fewer than $s$ $0$-positions of $u$; for vectors from the other part $U^1$, we look at their $1$-positions. In particular, $H^0_i=\emptyset$ if $E^1_i=\emptyset$, and $H^1_i=\emptyset$ if $E^0_i=\emptyset$.

Claim 1: For every $i=1,\ldots,t$ the set $H_i^0$ is either empty or is $(s,dr)$-closed, and the set $H_i^1$ is either empty or is $(r,ds)$-closed.
Thus, by the Closure Lemma, $H_i^0\subseteq C^{-1}(0)$ holds for some exact $s$-CNF $C(x)=\bigwedge_{F\in\f}\bigvee_{i\in F}x_i$ consisting of $|\f|\leq (dr-1)^s$ clauses, and $H_i^1\subseteq D^{-1}(1)$ holds for some exact $r$-DNF $D(x)=\bigvee_{F\in\f}\bigwedge_{i\in F}x_i$ consisting of $|\f|\leq (ds-1)^r$ monomials.

Proof of Claim 1: We will prove the claim only for sets $H_i^0$ of hard inputs on the left side of the bipartition; for sets $H_i^1$ the argument is the same (with parameters $s$ and $r$ interchanged). If the $i$-th gate $f_i$ is one of the variables $x_l$ $(1\leq l\leq n)$, then $H_i^0=\emptyset$ (initially, there are no hard input vectors). So, assume that $f_i=\phi(f_{i_1},\ldots,f_{i_d})$ is the $i$-th gate. We are going to show that both the items (i) and (ii) in Definition 2 (of closed sets) hold with $a \df s$, $b \df dr$, $A\df H_i^0$ and $B\df E^1_i$ for $j=1,\ldots,m$.

Item (i) holds by the definition of $H_i^0$: every vector $u\in H_i^0$ is an $s$-limit for the set $E^1_i$. To verify the second item (ii), suppose the opposite that some input $v\in E^1_i$ is a $(dr)$-limit for the set $H^0_i$. Since $H^0_i\subseteq E^0_i$, the vector $v$ is then also a $(dr)$-limit for the set $E^0_i$. Since $v\in E^1_i$, we know that vector $v$ was hard for none of the previous gates $f_1,\ldots,f_{i-1}$, that is, \begin{equation}\label{eq:not-hard} v\not\in H_1^1\cup\cdots\cup H_{i-1}^1 \end{equation} By the property \eqref{eq:monotonicity} of the graphs $G_i$ associated with the gates $f_i$, we have the inclusion $G_i\subseteq G_{i_1}\cup\ldots\cup G_{i_d}$ and, hence, also the inclusion $E^1_i\subseteq E^1_{i_1}\cup\ldots\cup E^1_{i_d}$. Hence, vector $v$ is a $(dr)$-limit for the union $E^1_{i_1}\cup\ldots\cup E^1_{i_d}$ of $d$ sets and, by Property 1 of finite limits, vector $v$ was an $r$-limit for some of these sets $E^1_{i_{\ell}}$, meaning that, $v\in H^1_{i_{\ell}}$, a contradiction with \eqref{eq:not-hard}. This finishes the proof of Claim 1.  ∎

If $E^0\subseteq U^0$ and $E^1\subseteq U^1$ denote the sets of vectors which were hard for none of the gates $f_1,\ldots,f_t$, then $U^0=E^0 \cup H_1^0\cup \cdots H_t^0$ and $U^1=E^1 \cup H_1^1\cup \cdots H_t^1$.

Claim 2: Either $E^0=\emptyset$ or there exists an $(s-1)$-element subset $S_0$ of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ such that $v(S_0)\not\equiv 0$ for all vectors $v\in E^1$. Dually, either $E^1=\emptyset$ or there exists an $(r-1)$-element subset $S_0$ of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ such that $u(S_0)\not\equiv 1$ for all vectors $u\in E^0$.
Proof: If $E^0=\emptyset$, there is nothing to do. Suppose therefore that $E^0\neq\emptyset$ and take an arbitrary vector $u\in E^0$. By the definition of $E^0$, this vector $u$ was hard for none of the gates, and in particular, was not hard for the last gate $f_t$. Since our circuit computes the function $f$ we have that $f_t=f$, and hence (by the definition of hardness), vector $u$ has a legal witness $S_0$ of size $|S_0|\leq s-1$ against the set $f^{-1}(1)\setminus\left(H_1^1\cup \cdots H_{t-1}^1\right)$. Since $E^1$ is a subset of this set, $S_0$ is a legal witness of $u$ also against $E^1$. Since $f(u)=0$, the legality of $S_0$ means that $u(S_0)\equiv 0$. Hence, $v(S_0)\not\equiv 0$ for all vectors $v\in E^1$, as claimed.  ∎

We can now finally show that our target function $f=f_t$ is $(d,t)$-simple.

Case 1: $E^0=\emptyset$. Then the left part is the union $U^0 = H_1^0\cup \cdots H_t^0$ of the sets of negative input vectors that were hard for the gates $f_1,\ldots,f_t$. Since we only have $t$ gates, Claim 1 gives us an exact $s$-CNF $C$ consisting of $\leq t\cdot (dr-1)^s$ clauses such that $C(u)=0$ holds for all vectors $u\in U^0$.

Case 2: $E^0\neq\emptyset$. The right part is the union $U^1=E^1 \cup H_1^1\cup \cdots H_t^1$. By Claim 2, there is a clause $c(x)=\bigvee_{i\in S_0}x_i$ with $|S_0|\leq s-1$ variables such that $c(v)=1$ holds for all vectors $v\in E^1$. Since we only have $t$ gates, Claim 1 gives us an exact $r$-DNF $D$ consisting of $\leq t\cdot (ds-1)^r$ clauses such that $D(v)=1$ holds for all vectors $u\in U^1\setminus E^1$. Hence, $D(v)\lor c(v)=1$ holds for all vectors $v\in U^1$. This completes the proof of the theorem.  ∎

Remark 2: Note that the only place where the monotonicity of operations $\varphi:\RR^d\to \RR$ performed at the gates was used was to show that if $f_i=\varphi(f_{i_1},\ldots,f_{i_d})$, then the inclusion $G_i\subseteq G_{i_1}\cup\cdots\cup G_{i_d}$ holds. That is, if a pair $(u,v)\in f^{-1}(0)\times f^{-1}(1)$ is correctly separated by the gate $f_i$, then it was correctly separated by at least one of the previous gates $f_{i_j}$. $\Box$

3. Application: Bipartite Paley graphs

Let $n$ be a sufficiently large odd prime power, congruent to $1$ modulo $4$. A bipartite Paley graph $G=(V_1,V_2,E)$ is defined on the vertex set $V_1=V_2=\gf{n}$, where two vertices $x\in V_1$ and $y\in V_2$ are joined by an edge iff $x-y$ is a nonzero square in $\gf{n}$.

It is known that this graph is $(n-1)/2$-regular, and has the following ``uniform neighbourhood'' property: for every two disjoint sets $A,B$ one part $V_1$ or $V_2$ of the bipartition, with $|A|+|B|=k$, $k \lt (\log n)/4$, the number $\bound(k)$ of vertices (in the opposite part) that are adjacent with all vertices in $A$ and are nonadjacent with all vertices in $B$ is very close to $n/2^k$, namely \begin{equation}\label{eq:paley} |\bound(k) - n/2^{k}|\leq k\sqrt{n}. \end{equation} In the case of usual (non-bipartite) Paley graphs this property was established by Bollobas and Thomason [3]; the bound in this case is even better: $|\bound(k) - n/2^{k}|\leq k\sqrt{n}/2+k/2$. In the bipartite case one must be more careful because now we have two copies of $\gf{n}$, and hence, no of the edges $(x,x)$ is present in the graph. Still, with slight modification, the proof carries over also to bipartite case (with slightly worse upper bound $k\sqrt{n}/2+k$, which is still $\leq k\sqrt{n}$ for $n\geq 5$); an analysis for the bipartite case is given in [1,2].

Define $\paley(n,k)$ to be the function of $2n$ Boolean variables representing the vertices in $V_1\cup V_2$, which accepts a set of vertices iff this set contains some $k$-element subset $A\subseteq V_1$ together with the set of its common neighbours \[ \all{A}\df\{y\in V_2\colon (x,y)\in E\mbox{ for all vertices } x\in A\}. \] Thus, the sets of the form $A\cup\all{A}$, with $A\subseteq V_1$ and $|A|=k$ are $1$ inputs of $\paley(n,k)$. To define a set of $0$-inputs, let $\no{B}$ denote the set of all common non-neighbours, i.e. \[ \no{A}\df\{y\in V_2\colon (x,y)\not\in E\mbox{ for all vertices } x\in A\}. \] If $k\leq \tfrac{1}{6}\log n$ and $n$ is sufficiently large, then, by the above mentioned uniform neighbourhood property \eqref{eq:paley} of Paley graphs, we have that \[ \bound(2k) \geq n/2^{2k}- 2k\sqrt{n} \geq n/n^{1/3}-\tfrac{1}{3}\sqrt{n}\log n \gt 0\,. \] Hence, for any pair of disjoint $k$-element sets $A,B\subseteq V_1$ there must be a vertex $y\in V_2$ which is a common neighbour of all the vertices in $A$ and is isolated from all the vertices in $B$. Thus, \[ \mbox{$A\cap B=\emptyset$ iff $\all{A}\cap\no{B}\neq\emptyset$.} \] This implies that sets of the form $B\cup\no{B}$ with $B\subseteq V_1$ and $|B|=k$ intersect all the $1$-inputs and contain none of them; hence, these sets are $0$-inputs for $\paley(n,k)$.

For $k=\Theta(\log n)$ the minterms of $\paley(n,k)$ have size at most $k+\bound(k)\leq n$. Hence, the function can be computed by a trivial monotone circuit using $n{{n}\choose{k}}\leq n^{O(\log n)}$ fanin-2 And and Or gates. Is this trivial upper bound optimal? It was proved in [1,2,4] that in the case of, so-called, monotone span programs we cannot do better: any such program for $\paley(n,k)$ with $k=\Theta(\log n)$, requires size $n^{\Omega(\log n)}$. We prove that the same holds also in the case of monotone real circuits.

Theorem 2: Let $n\equiv 1 \mod 4$ be a sufficiently large odd prime power, $k=\lfloor(\log n)/6\rfloor$ and $f=\paley(n,k)$. Then $\real{f}{d}=n^{\Omega(\log n)}$ holds for any fanin $d\leq n^{1/14}$ of gates.
Proof: We are going to apply Theorem 1 with equal parameters $s=r:=k$.
Claim 1: Any $k$-element set $S\subseteq V_1\cup V_2$ is contained in at most $n^{k(1-c)}$ positive inputs, and in at most $n^{k(1-c)}$ negative inputs, where $c\geq 1/13$.
Proof: Let $A_i\cup\all{A_i}$, $i=1,\ldots,m$ be all positive inputs containing the set $S$. Then \[ \bigcap_{i=1}^m A_i\supseteq S\cap V_1\ \ \mbox{ and }\ \ S\cap V_2\supseteq \bigcap_{i=1}^m\all{A_i}\ \ \mbox{ or equivalently }\ \ \bigcup_{i=1}^m A_i\subseteq \all{S\cap V_2}. \] If less than half of the vertices of $S$ lie in $V_2$ then $|S\cap V_1|\geq k/2$, and hence, $m\leq \binom{n-k/2}{k-k/2} \leq n^{k/2}$. Otherwise, $|S\cap V_2|\geq k/2$, and we have $m\leq \binom{\bound(k/2)}{k} \leq \bound(k/2)^k$. Since $k\leq \tfrac{1}{6}\log n$, the above mentioned uniformity property \eqref{eq:paley} of Paley graphs gives an upper bound \[ \bound(k/2)\leq n/2^{k/2}+(k/2)\sqrt{n} \leq n^{1-1/12}+\tfrac{1}{12}\sqrt{n}\log n\leq n^{1-1/13}\,. \] Thus, $m\leq \bound(k/2)^k\leq n^{k(1-1/13)}$. The proof for the negative inputs is the same using the sets $\no{A_i}$ of common non-neighbors instead of sets $\all{A_i}$ of common neighbors. $\Box$
Claim 2: At least a half of all positive inputs avoid any fixed $k$-element set $S_0\subseteq V_1\cup V_2$.
Proof: The number of positive (as well as of negative) inputs is $\binom{n}{k}$. To estimate the number of positive inputs avoiding the set $S_0$, let $A_i\cup\all{A_i}$, $i=1,\ldots,m$ be the inputs containing a fixed vertex $x\in S_0$. If $x\in V_1$ then clearly, $m\leq \binom{n-1}{k-1}=\frac{k}{n}\binom{n}{k}$. If $x\in V_2$ then $\left|\bigcup_{i=1}^mA_i\right|$ cannot exceed the degree $(n-1)/2$ of vertex $x$, because every vertex of $\bigcup_{i=1}^mA_i\subseteq V_1$ is a neighbor of vertex $x$. Hence, $m\leq \binom{(n-1)/2}{k} = \binom{n-b}{k}$ for $b:=(n+1)/2$. Since $\binom{n-b}{k}\left/\binom{n}{k}\right. \leq \left(\frac{n-k}{n}\right)^b\leq e^{-(k/n)b}\leq e^{-k/2}$, we have that in both cases at least $1-|S_0|\cdot \max\{k/n, e^{-k/2}\}\geq 1-o(1)$ fraction of all $\binom{q}{k}$ positive inputs avoid the set $S_0$. $\Box$

Together with Claims 1 and 2, Theorem 1 implies that our circuit must have size (recall that $k=\lfloor(\log n)/6\rfloor$ and $d\leq n^{1/14}$): \[ t\geq \frac{1}{2}\cdot \frac{\binom{n}{k}}{(dk)^k\cdot n^{k(1-1/13)}} \geq \frac{(n/k)^k}{(dk)^k\cdot n^{k(1-1/13)}} =\left(\frac{n^{1/13}}{dk^2} \right)^k =n^{\Omega(\log n)}\,. \] This completes the proof of Theorem 2.  ∎

Remark 3 (Small vs. large fanin): Note that the lower bound in Theorem 2 holds when gates of large fanin $d$ are allowed. Hrubes and Pudlák [5] have show that for every monotone boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$, $\real{f}{d}$ is at most a constant times $n^{d-2}\cdot \real{f}{2}$. Thus, any lower bound $\real{f}{2}\geq t$ for fanin-$2$ circuits yield a lower bound $\real{f}{d}\Geq t/n^{d-2}$ for fanin-$d$ circuits. Note, however, that for the Paley function $f=\paley(n,k)$, we have an upper bound $\real{f}{2}\leq n^{O(\log n)}$, the lower bound $\real{f}{d}\Geq \real{f}{2}/n^{d-2}$ for fanin-$d$ circuits can only be non-trivial for $d\leq \log n$. Still, Theorem 2 gives a lower bound $\real{f}{d}\geq n^{\Omega(\log n)}$ even for circuits of fanin $d=n^{1/14} \gg \log n$. $\Box$

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