Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., Interband coupling effects in the theory of impurity centers of molecular crystals., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.-Collection) 20:13, 1980
Adamonis, K., Bershev, E., Valkunas, L., and Girchovichus, S., Contact electrization of textile dust and fibres in electric field., Izv. Vishykh Uchebnykh Zavedenij-Tekhnologiya Tekstilnoy Promyshlennosti. 3:71, 1980
Valkunas, L. and Kudzmauskas, S., Modelling of primary picosecond processes in photosynthetic bacteria reaction centres., Preprint IP 1-79, Ultrafast Physical Phenomena, Institute of Physics (ed. J.Viscakas) 1979
Valkunas, L., Gaizauskas, E., Poluektov, A.I., and Popov, Y.M., Coherent interaction between high-power light pulses and exciton-impurity centers in molecular crystals., Quant. Electronika 6:1971, 1979
Valkunas, L., Viscakas, J., and Ignatyeva, L., The influence of three-particle electron-hole complexes on the optical spectrum of semiconductors., Liet. Fiz. Rink.(Soviet Phys.-Collection) 19:677, 1979
Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., The influence of the resonance interaction on the stark-effect in some impurity centers of molecular Crystals., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.- Collection) 19:345, 1979
Abromaitis, A., Valkunas, L., and Girchovichus, S., Thread friction on a vibrating support., Vibrotechnique (Sov. Selection of Higher School Proc.) 5 (29):129, 1979
Girshovichus, S., Adamonis, K., Valkunas, L., and Belov, A., Influence of contact charging on electrostatic dust trapping., Textile Industry (Tekstilnaja Promyshlenostj) 11:71, 1977
Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., Effect of resonance interaction berween crystal molecules and impurity., Opt. Spectr. 40:834-837, 1976
Skaistys, E. and Valkunas, L., Screening effects in the luminescence spectra of exciton-electron interaction., Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 75:K23, 1976
Vaitkus, J., Valkunas, L., Viscakas, J., and Skaistys, E., The influence of the free carriers on the exciton luminescence spectra in semiconductors., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.-Collection) 16:813, 1976
Valkunas, L. and Skaistys, E., Exciton-exciton and exciton-electron interaction in the luminescence spectra of two-dimensional crystals., Soviet Phys.-Solid State 18:2594, 1976
Valkunas, L. and Skaistys, E., Exciton-exciton and exciton-electron interaction in the luminescence spectra of two-dimensional crystals., Abstracts 8th Soviet. Conf. on Semiconductors, ed. S.Pekar, Kiev. :39, 1975
Skaistys, E., Vaitkus, J., and Valkunas, L., The exciton-plasmon interaction in the luminescence spectra of semiconductors., Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 69:K69, 1975
Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., Intensities of fine structure of electron-vibrational spectrum in doped crystalline naphthalene., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.-Collection) 15:647-653, 1975
Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., Application of the exciton dispersion law calculating some impurity centres in naphthalene., Ukrain. Phys. J. 17:1561-1563, 1972