Gulbinas, V., Kananavicius, R., Valkunas, L., Bässler, H., Dynamic Strak effect as a probe of the evolution of geminate electron-hole pairs in a conjugated polymer, Phys. Rev. B 66, 233203 2002
Abramavicius, D., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Shiu, Y.-J., Liang, K. K., Hayashi, M., Lin, S. H., Molecular twisting and relaxation in the excited state of triarylpyrylium cations., J. Phys. Chem. A 106, 8864-8869 2002
Kietis, P., Vengris, M. and Valkunas, L., Electrical-to-mechanical coupling in purple membranes: membrane as electrostrictive medium. , In: Bioelectronic applications of photochromic pigments, NATO science series, eds. A.Der and L.Keszthelyi, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 185-197 2001
Kietis, P., Linge, D., Valkunas, L., Photoelectric response and electrostrictive properties of dried purple membrane films: the comparative study., Liet. fiz. Zur. (Lith. J. Phys.) 41, 4-6, 477-483 2001
Kietis, P., Vengris, M. and Valkunas, L. , Electrical-to-mechanical coupling in purple membranes: membrane as electrostrictive medium., Biophys. J. 80, 1631-1640 2001
Osvath, I., Samiei, M., Valkunas, L., Zlatnansky, J., Dynamic waters of the Baltic Sea., IAEA Bulletin, 43: 2 9-15 2001
Kovalevskij, V., Jursenas, S., Gulbinas, V., Muzikante, I., Valkunas, L., Excited state dynamics in indandione-1,3-pyridinium betaine compound., Proc. SPIE, 4415, 150-155 2001
Gulbinas, V., Dementjev, V., Valkunas, L., Tamulaitis, G., Motchalov, I., Raaben, H., Glasses doped with PbS nanocrystals as optically nonlinear medium for saturable absorber., Proc. SPIE, 4318, 26-30 2001
Abramavicius, D., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Charge separation in molecular compounds from the charge transfer states., Proc. SPIE, 4415, 126-131 2001
Melkozernov, A. N., Lin, S., Blankenship, R. E., Valkunas, L., Spectral inhomogeneity of photosystem I and its influence on excitation equillibration and trapping in the cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 at 77 K. Biophys. J., 80, 1144-1154 2001
Barzda, V., Gulbinas, V., Kananavicius, R., Cervinskas, V., van Amerongen, H. van Grondelle, R., Valkunas, L., Singlet-singlet annihilation kinetics in aggregates and trimers of LHCII., Biophys. J., 80, 2409-2421 2001
Abramavicius, D., Valkunas, L., Gulbinas, V., Ultrafast charge separation induced by unrelaxed polarisation field, Inter. Conf. “Advanced Optical Materials and Devices (ADOM-2)â€, Vilnius, August 16-19, Book of Abstracts, p.72 2000
Valkunas, L., Light-induced fluorescence quenching in LHCII, Int. conf. On Photobiology in Technology and Medicine. Poznan, Poland, June 26-30, Book of Abstracts, p.L11 2000
Kovalevskij, V., Gruodis, A., Jursenas, S., Valkunas, L., Vibrational spectra of indandione-1,3-pyridinium betaine., Environmental and Chemical Physics 22(2):71-79 2000
Kovalevskij, V., Gruodis, A., Balevicius, M., Valkunas, L., Quantum chemical analysis of electronic spectrum of indandione-1,3-pyridinium betaine., Environmental and Chemical Physics 22(2): 80-92 2000
Barzda, V., Vengris, M., Valkunas, L., van Grondelle, R., van Amerongen, H., Generation of fluiorescence quenchers from the triplet states of chlorophylls in the major light-harvesting complex II from green plants., Biochemistry, 39:10468-10477 2000
van Amerongen, H., Valkunas, L., van Grondelle, R., Photosynthetic excitons., World Scientific. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 590 p. 2000
Tamulaitis, G., Gulbinas, V., Kodis, G., Dementjev, A., Valkunas, L., Motchalov, I., Raaben, H., Optical nonlinearities of glass doped with PbS nanocrystals., J. Appl. Phys., 88(1):178-182 2000
Jursenas S., Gulbinas V., Kuprionis Z., Kananavicius R., Kodis G., Gustavsson T., Mialocq J.-C., Valkunas L., Femtosecond excited-state dynamics in N,N-dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-indandione (DMABI) films., Synthetic Methals, 109:169-172 2000
Valkunas L., Gulbinas V., Jursenas S., Relaxation paths of charge transfer excitons., J. Luminesc., 87-89:121-125 2000
Abramavicius D., Gulbinas V., Valkunas L., Charge separation and geminate recombination in sensitizes photoconducting polymers., Synthetic Methals, 109:39-42 2000
Barzda, V., Gulbinas, V., Kananavicius, R., Cervinskas, V., van Amerongen, H., van Grondelle, R., Valkunas, L., Singlet-singlet annihilation kinetics in LHCII aggregates and trimers, Intern. Conf. on Retinal Proteins. Szeged, Hungary, September 14-19. Programme and Abstract Book, p. 8 2000
Abramavicius, D., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Charge separation and recombination in sensytised photoconducting polymer, Intern. Conf. on Retinal Proteins. Szeged, Hungary, September 14-19. Programme and Abstract Book, p.5 2000
Kietis, P., Vengris, M., Valkunas, L., Electrical-to-mechanical coupling in purple membranes: membrane as electrostrictive medium, Intern. Conf. on Retinal Proteins. Szeged, Hungary, September 14-19. Programme and Abstract Book, p. 134 2000
Dementjev, A., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Tamulaitis, G., Motchalov, I., Raaben, E., Galsses doped with PbS nanocrystals as optically nonlinear medium for saturable, Intern. Conf. “Advanced Optical Materials and Devices (ADOM-2)â€, Vilnius, August 16-19, Book of Abstracts, p. 19 2000
Kovalevskij, V., Jursenas, S., Gulbinas, V., Gruodis, A., Muzikante, I., Valkunas, L., Excited state dynamics of indandione 1.3-pyridinium betaine., 1 // Intern. Conf. “Advanced Optical Materials and Devices (ADOM-2)â€, Vilnius, August 16-19, Book of Abstracts, p.84, 2000. 2000
Vengris M., Barzda V., van Amerongen H., van Grondelle R., Valkūnas L., Savireguliacijos procesai fotosinezėje, 33-ji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija,Vilnius, rugsėjo 16-18, 1999, Programa ir pranešimų tezės, p. 343. 1999
.. Valkūnas L., Å ervinskas V., Trinkūnas G., Moller M.G., Holzwarth A.R., Excited state mixing effects in transient absorption spectra of photosynthetic light-harvesting complex II., 1 Proc. XI-th congress on photosynthesis, eds. G. Garab, Kluwer Publ., the Netherlands, 1999, p.p. 281-284. 1999
Kietis B., Markus Ž., Lingė D., Valkūnas L., Biologinių membranų elektrostrikcija ir jų elektromechaninis modelis, 3-ji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija,Vilnius, rugsėjo 16-18, 1999, Programa ir pranešimų tezės, p. 133. 1999
Abramavičius D., Gulbinas V., Valkūnas L., Pradinių sąlygų įtaka porinei rekombinacijai., 1 Program and Abstracts of the Conference “Lithuanian science and industry, interaction of the irradiation with the materialâ€, Kaunas, April 16, 1999. Kaunas: Technologija, 1999, p.p. 86-89. 1999
Kodis G., Tamulaitis G., Gulbinas V., Valkūnas L., Netiesinė šviesos sugertis PbS nanokristaluose, 33-ji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija,Vilnius, rugsėjo 16-18, 1999, Programa ir pranešimų tezės, p. 123. 1999
Tamulaitis G., Gulbinas V., Undzėnas A., Valkūnas L., Charge transfer processes in sensitized photoconductive polymers., Environmental and Chemical Physics, Vilnius, 2(3) 1999
Juršėnas S., Gulbinas V., Kodis G., Gustavsson T., Pommeret S., Mialocq J. C., Valkūnas L., Nonradiative excited state relaxation of N,N dimethylaminobenzylidene 1,3 indandione (DMABI): from the isolated molecule to solids, 1 XI International Symp. “Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopyâ€, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, October25-29, 1999. 1999
Amulevičius A., Daugvila A., Davidonis R., Remeikis V., Undzėnas A., Valkūnas L., Ðффект МеÑÑбауÑра и динамика атомов в фталоцианине железа, Liet. fiz. Žur., 39(1): 27-32 1999
Vengris M., Barzda V., van Grondelle R., Valkūnas L., van Amerongen H., Light-induced quenching in qggregates of light-harvesting compex II from green plants studied with fluorescence kinetics, 1 ESF Workshop “Interactions between chlorophylls and carotenoids in photosynthesisâ€, Kemer-Antalya, 7-11 October, 1999. 1999
Valkūnas L., Gulbinas V., Juršėnas S., Relaxation paths of charge transfer excitons., J. Luminesc., 87- 89:121-125 1999
Valkūnas L., Vengris M., Barzda V., van Grondelle R., van Amerongen H., Modelling of the light-induced quenching in the LHCII aggregates, 1 ESF Workshop ‘Interactions Between Chlorophylls and Carotenoids in Photosynthesis’, Kemer-Antalya, October 7-11, 1999. 1999
Abramavičius D., Gulbinas V., Valkūnas L., Charge separation and geminate recombination in sensitized photoconducting polymer., Synth. Metals, 7019 1999
Barzda V., Vengris M., Valkūnas L., van Grondelle R., van Amerongen H., Chlorophyll triplets unquenched by carotenoids generate light-induced fluorescence quenchers in LHCII, 1 ESF Workshop “Interactions Between Chlorophylls and Carotenoids in Photosynthesisâ€, Kemer-Antalya, October 7-11, 1999. 1999
Valkūnas L., Trinkūnas G., Liuolia V., Exciton annihilation in molecular aggregates, 1 Resonance energy transfer, eds., D.L. Andrews, A.A. Demidov, Wiley, Chichester, 1999, p.p. 244-307. 1999
Trinkūnas G., Moller M.G., Bassi R., Valkūnas L., Holzwarth A.R., Modelling problems of energy transfer in pigment-protein complexes, 1 International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Osaka, Japan, August 23-27, 1999, p. 44. 1999
Abramavičius D., Gulbinas V., Ruseckas A., Undzėnas A., Valkūnas L., Femtosecond charge separation in an amorphous photoconducting polymer with electron donor-acceptor complexes, J. Phys. Chem., B, 102, 5611-5616 1999
Valkūnas L., Gulbinas V., Juršėnas S., Relaxation paths of charge transfer excitons, 1 International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Osaka, Japan, August 23-27, 1999, p. 282. 1999
Juršėnas S., Gulbinas V., Kuprionis Z., Kananavičius R., Kodis G., Gustavsson T., Mialocq J.-C., Valkūnas L., Femtosecond excited-state dynamics in N,N,-dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-indandione (DMABI) films, Synth. Metals, 7044 1999
Juršėnas S., Gulbinas V., Gruodis A., Kodis G., Kovalevskij V., Valkūnas L., Luminescence of polar molecular films and crystals, 1 International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Osaka, Japan, August 23-27, 1999, p. 144. 1999
Abramavicius D., Gulbinas V., Ruseckas A., Undzėnas A, Valkūnas L., Geminate charge pair recombination in sensitized photoconducting polymer, J. Phys. Chem., V. 111 (12), 5611-5616 1999
Valkūnas L., Nonlinear annihilation in pigment-protein complexes, ESF Workshop, Naantali, December 16-19, 1999. 1999
Juršėnas S., Gulbinas V., Kuprionis Z., Kananavičius R., Valkūnas L., Ultrafast dynamics of excitons in N,N,-dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-indandione (DMABI) films, XIV Lithuanian-Byelorussian Seminar “Lasers and Optical Nonlinearityâ€, September 8-10, 1999, Preila, Lithuania. Programme and Abstracts, Vilnius, 1999, p. 36. 1999
Tamulaitis G., Gulbinas V., Undzėnas A., Valkūnas L., Fluorescence properties of sensitized photoconducting films of poly-N-epoxypropylcarbazole, J.Luminesc., 82, 327-332 1999
Amulevičius A., Daugvila A., Davidonis R., Remeikis V., Valkūnas L., Undzėnas A., Dynamic effects in iron phthalocyanine crystals, 1 ICAME 99, Program and Abstracts. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, August 29-September 03, 1999, p. T4/1. 1999