Stasys Jukna

Finite Limits and Monotone Computations: The Lower Bounds Criterion


Our main result is a combinatorial lower bounds criterion for monotone circuits over the reals. We allow any {\em unbounded} fanin non-decreasing real-valued functions as gates. The only requirement is their "locality". Unbounded fanin AND and OR gates, as well as any threshold gate $T_s^m(x_1,\ldots,x_m)$ with small enough threshold value $\min\{s, m-s+1\}$, are simplest examples of local gates. The proof is relatively simple and direct, and combines the bottlenecks counting approach of Haken with the idea of finite limit due to Sipser. Apparently this is the first combinatorial lower bounds criterion for monotone computations. It is symmetric and yields (in a uniform and easy way) exponential lower bounds.

REMARK: First symmetric lower bounds criterion for circuits with fanin-2 AND/OR gates was obtained in S. Jukna, A criterion for monotone circuit complexity (1991, unpublished manuscript) There such criterion was derived using Razborov's method of approximations. Interestingly enough, the criterion is allmost the same as we get in the present paper using Haken's approach.

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