I am thankful to Hans Ulrich Simon for pointing to this issue.
Below we give a corrected proof of Lemma 3.6 which follows more tightly the original argument of Aho, Ullman and Yannakakis [1] (for two labels).
Suppose, we have a finite collection $\R=\{X_u\times Y_u\colon u\in V\}$ of (not-necessarily disjoint) rectangles covering the entire rectangle $X\times Y$. Suppose also that each rectangle $R\in\R$ has its label. The only requirement is that the labeling must be legal in that overlapping rectangles have the same label.
In the find-a-rectangle game on $\R$, Alice gets an $x\in X$, Bob gets an $y\in Y$, and their goal is to find a label of a rectangle containing $(x,y)$. Note that the answer (label) is unique for each point $(x,y)$: if the point belongs to more than one rectangle, then (due to the legality of the labeling) all these rectangles must have the same label. Let $\kw{\R}$ denote the deterministic communication complexity of such a game for $\R$. The following lemma was proved by Aho, Ullman, Yannakakis [1] when only two labels ($0$ and $1$) of rectangles are allowed. The argument, however, almost readily extends to any number of labels.
Lemma 3.6 If $|\R|$ is sufficiently large, then for any labeling of $\R$, we have $\kw{\R}\leq 2 (\log|\R|)^2$.Proof: We have a collection $\R=\{X_u\times Y_u\colon u\in V\} $ of (not-necessarily disjoint) rectangles covering the entire rectangle $X\times Y$. This collection is known to both players, Alice and Bob. Consider two graphs $G_0$ and $G_1$ on the same set of vertices $V=\R$; hence, vertices are rectangles. Two rectangles $u=X_u\times Y_u$ and $w=X_w\times Y_w$ are adjacent in $G_0$ if $X_u\cap X_w\neq\emptyset$, and are adjacent in $G_1$ if $Y_y\cap Y_w\neq \emptyset$. For a rectangle $u\in V$, let $\deg{u}{0}$ (resp., $\deg{u}{1}$) denote the degree of a node $u$ in $G_0$ (resp., in $G_1$). The graphs $G_0$ and $G_1$ are also known to both players. Suppose now that some pair $(x,y)\in X\times Y$ arrives. The element $x$ is seen only to Alice, and $y$ only to Bob.
Protocol: The protocol works in rounds. After each round either the label of a rectangle containing the pair $(x,y)$ is found (and the protocol finishes), or the size of the new set $V$ of rectangles is at most $3/4$ of the old size. A round is carried as follows.
Claim: All rectangles in $V'$ have the same label.Proof: Let $u,v\in V$ be rectangles of degree $>|V|/2$ in $G$. Then there is a rectangle $w\in V$ which is adjacent to both $u$ and $v$ in $G$. But two rectangles are adjacent in $G$ if and only if they have a nonempty intersection. Since the labeling of rectangles is legal, it follows that $u,v$ and $w$ have the same label. $\Box$
Since every rectangle containing $(x,y)$ belongs to $V'$, the players can output the label of any rectangle from $V'$: Claim ensures that this is a correct answer.
Number $K$ of communicated bits: We have $r\leq C\log|V|$ rounds where $C:=1/\log_2(4/3)=2.40942\ldots < 2.5$, and in each round at most $1+\log|V|$ bits are communicated. Hence, $K\leq C\log^2|V| +C\log|V|$. But actually, in each of the subsequent rounds, the set $V$ of "still alive" rectangles decreases by $3/4$. Namely, we have $r$ sets $V_1,\ldots,V_r$ of rectangles, where $V_1=V$ and $|V_{i+1}|\leq (3/4)|V_i|\leq (3/4)^i|V|$. This yields a better upper bound $K\leq 2\log^2|V|$. Indeed, \begin{align*} K&=\sum_{i=1}^r(1+\log|V_i|)\leq r+\sum_{i=1}^r\log[(3/4)^i|V| = r+r\log|V|-\sum_{i=1}^ri\log(4/3)\\ &=r+r\log|V|-\frac{r(r+1)}{2C}\leq r\log|V|-\left(\frac{r^2}{2C}-r\right) \leq r\log|V|-\left(\frac{r^2}{5}-r\right) \leq r\log|V|- \frac{r^2}{8}\,, \end{align*} where the last inequality holds for all $r\geq 30$. Now, if $r\leq 2\log|V|$, then $K\leq 2\log^2|V|$, and we are done. So, assume that $r>2\log|V|$. Then \begin{align*} \frac{K}{\log|V|}&\leq r-\frac{r^2}{8\log|V|} \leq 2.5\log|V|-\frac{4\log^2|V|}{8\log|V|} = \left(2.5-0.5\right)\log|V| = 2\log|V|\,. \end{align*} Thus, in both cases, the total number of communicated bits is $K\leq 2\log^2|V|=2\log^2|\R|$, as claimed. $\Box$