2016-08-23 07:18

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First and Family Name Eugenijus Manstavičius
Date of Birth 22/09/1947
Scientific Degree, Academic Title Dr. habil., professor, academician-emeritus
Higher Education
Name of University Year of Graduation Academic Degree or Qualification obtained
Vilnius University  1969 mathematician
Postgraduate Studies
Name of University Title of Theses Date Scientific Degree
Vilnius University  Application of the Dirichlet generating series in the theory of value distribution of arithmetical functions 27 09 1973 Candidate of physics and mathematics (doctor of mathematics)
Name of University Title of Theses Date Scientific Degree
Vilnius University  Distribution of number-theoretic objects 02 09 1994 Doctor habilitatis of mathematics
Work Experience
Year (from/to) Institution Position
1969-1974 Vilnius University Assistant professor
1974-1976 Vilnius University Sen. lecturer
1975-1977 Vilnius University Vice-dean
1976-1995 Vilnius University Associated professor
1992-1995 Vilnius University Associated  professor and head of department
1995-2005 Vilnius University Professor and head of department
2005-2019 Vilnius University Professor
Since 2019 09 01 Vilnius University Professor emeritus
Awards:Gold medal of Ministry of Education of LSSR, 1964,

Award for Young Researchers of Lithuania, 1976,

The highest rank State Stipend of Lithuania, 2001–2002,

Science Price of Lithuania (jointly with M. Bloznelis and V. Mackevičius), 2002,

Vilnius University medal, 2004,

The Jonas Kubilius prize of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2015,

Expert member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2004–2011,

Full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2011–2019,

Member-emeritus of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, since 09/22/2019,

Medal of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2022.

Scientific Activity (Fields of Research)

Probabilistic number theory, probability theory, analytic and probabilistic combinatorics

Teaching Activity (Courses offered until 2019) Algebra, analytic and probabilistic number theory, limit theorems of probability theory, combinatorics, graph theory, graph algorithms, discrete mathematics, random processes, probability theory and mathematical statistics
Fellowships, Professorships, and Participation in the Projects
Place Duration Year
Charles University (Prague) 1-month 1982
Sankt Petersburg Polytechnic Institute 3 months 1984
Institute of Informatics and Automatics (Sankt Petersburg) 3 months 1987
Paderborn University GH (professorship, DFG) 1-year 1989/1990
Salzburg University 10 days 1991
Bordeaux University I (EC, individual project) 3 months 1993
University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) 3 months 1995
Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest) 1-month 1997
Universite de Provence (Marseille) 1-month 1999
Pennsylvania State University (NRC, Twinning programme project) (1+1)-month 1998, 1999
Technical Universities (Graz and Wien) 1-month 2000
Goethe University (Frankfurt am Main) (1+1)-months 2000, 2005
Nagoya University, Japan 14 days 2005
Institute for Statistical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei 22 days 2008
 CRM Montreal, Canada  10 days  2018


  • Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proc. of the Sixth Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 11–17 September, 2016, (eds. A. Dubickas, A. Laurinčikas, E. Manstavičius and G. Stepanauskas), Vilnius University Publishers, 2017.
  • Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Kubilius’ Memorial Volume. Proc. of the Fifth Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 04–10 September, 2011, (eds. A. Laurinčikas, E. Manstavičius and G. Stepanauskas), TEV, Vilnius, 2012.
  • Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proc. of the Forth Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 25–29 September 2006, (eds.  A. Laurinčikas and E. Manstavičius), TEV, Vilnius, 2007.
  • Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proc. of the Third Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24–28 September 2001, (eds. A. Dubickas, A. Laurinčikas and E. Manstavičius), TEV, Vilnius, 2002.
  • Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proc. of the Second Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 23–27 September 2001. New Trends in Probability and Statistics, vol. 4 (Eds A. Laurinčikas, E. Manstavičius and V. Stakėnas), TEV/VSP, Vilnius/Utrecht, 1997.
  • Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proc. of the First Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24–28 September, 1991. New Trends in Probability and Statistics, vol. 2, (Eds F. Schweiger and E. Manstavičius), TEV/VSP, Vilnius/Utrecht, 1992.
  • Analytic and Probabilistic Combinatorics (316 p., in Lithuanian), TEV, Vilnius, 2007.
  • J. Kubilius, Mathematics in Higher Schools of Lithuania 1921–1944 (Eds K. Kubilius, E. Manstavičius, V. Pekarskas, M. Sapagovas), VU Publishers, 2015, in Lithuanian.

Special journal issues

  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics, Part 1. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 9th international Vilnius conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, June 25–30, 2006.  In: Acta Appl. Math. , 96(1-3), 347 p., Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 2007  (Eds V. Paulauskas, V. Bagdonavičius, E. Manstavičius, D. Surgailis).
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics, Part 2. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 9th international Vilnius conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, June 25–30, 2006.  In: Acta Appl. Math. , 96(1-3), 362 p., Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 2007  (Eds V. Paulauskas, V. Bagdonavičius, E. Manstavičius, D. Surgailis).
  • The tenth Vilnius conference on probability theory and mathematical statistics, Part 1,  In: Lithuanian Math.  J., 51(2), 121–285., New York, Springer, 2011 (Eds V. Paulauskas, V. Bagdonavičius, E. Manstavičius, D. Surgailis).
  • The tenth Vilnius conference on probability theory and mathematical statistics, Part 2,  In: Lithuanian Math.  J., 51(3), 287–449, New York, Springer, 2011 (Eds V. Paulauskas, V. Bagdonavičius, E. Manstavičius, D. Surgailis).
  • Special Issue dedicated to Centennial Anniversary of Professor Jonas Kubilius, Lithuanian Math. J., 2021, 61(3) (Redaktoriai R. Garunkštis ir E. Manstavičius).

List of the main research publications in 2001–2024

  1. E. Manstavičius, On random permutations without cycles of some lengths, Periodica Math. Hungarica, 2001, 42(1-2), 37–44.

2. E. Manstavičius, Distribution of multiplicative functions defined on semigroups, Quaestiones Math., 2001, 24(3), 335–347 (jointly with K.-H. Indlekofer).

3. E. Manstavičius, An estimate for the Taylor coefficients, Liet. matem. rink., 2001, 41(spec. issue), 100–105.

4. E. Manstavičius, Limit processes with independent increments for the Ewens sampling formula, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 2002, 54(3), 607–620 (jointly with G.J. Babu).

5. E. Manstavičius, Mapings on decomposable combinatorial structures: analytic approach, Combinatorics, Probab. Computing, 2002, 11, 61–78.

6. E. Manstavičius, Functional limit theorems in probabilistic number theory, in: Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies. 11:  Paul Erdos and His Mathematics. I, G. Halasz et al (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2002, 465–491.

7. E. Manstavičius, On the probability of combinatorial structures without some components, in: Number Theory for the Millennium. II, M.A. Bennett et al (Eds.), A.K. Peters, Natick, Massachusetts, 2002, 387–401. 

8. E. Manstavičius, Functional limit theorem for sequences of mappings on the symmetric group, in: Proc. of the Third Intern. Conf. “Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory”, A. Dubickas, A. Laurinčikas and E. Manstavičius (Eds.), TEV, Vilnius, 2002, 175–187.

9. E. Manstavičius, Infinitely divisible limit processes for the Ewens sampling formula, Liet. matem. rink., 2002, 42(3), 294–307 (Russian); Translation: Lithuanian Math. J., 2002, 42(3), 232–242.

10. E. Manstavičius, On permutations missing short cycles, Liet. matem. rink., 2002, 42 (spec. issue), 70–74.

11. E. Manstavičius, On analytic problems for additive arithmetical semigroups, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sec. Computatorica}, 2003, 22, 269–285 (jointly with R. Skrabutėnas). 

12. E. Manstavičius, Value concentration of additive functions on semigroups,  Liet. matem. rink., 2003, 43 (spec. issue), 70–74.

13. E. Manstavičius, Functional limit theorems for digital expansions, Acta Math. Hungarica, 2003, 98(3), 175–201 (jointly with M.  Drmota and M. Fuchs).

14.  E. Manstavičius, Value concentration of additive functions on random permutations, Acta Appl. Math., 2003, 79, 1–8.

15. E. Manstavičius, Iterated logarithm laws and the cycle lengths of a random permutation, in:  Trends in Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science III, Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities, M. Drmota et al (Eds), Birkhauser, Basel, 2004, 39–47.

16. E. Manstavičius, Harmonic Bernoulli strings and random permutations, Liet. matem. rink., 2004, 44 (spec. issue),  90–94.

17. E. Manstavičius, The Poisson law for linear statistics of random permutations,  Liet. matem. rink., 2005, 45(4), 537-552 (Russian); Translation: Lithuanian  Math. J., 2005, 45(4), 487–492. 

18. E. Manstavičius, Discrete limit laws for additive functions on the symmetric group, Acta Math. Univ. Ostraviensis, 2005, 13, 47–55.

19. E. Manstavičius, Conditional Probabilities in Combinatorics. The Cost of Dependence, In: Prague Stochastics 2006: 7th Prague symposium on asymptotic statistics and 15th Prague conference on information theory, statistical decision functions and random processes. Prague, 2006, 523–532.  

20. E. Manstavičius, On the random mapping statistics, In: Elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie (Tagungsband), Proc. ELAZ-Conf., W. Schwarz und J. Steuding (Eds), F. Steiner Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2006, 180–191.

21. E. Manstavičius, Limiting processes with dependent increments for measures on the symmetric group of permutations, In: Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 49, Proc. Int. Conf. “Probability and Number Theory”, Kanazawa 2005, Tokyo, 2007, 41–67 (jointly with G.J. Babu and V. Zacharovas).

22. E. Manstavičius, On the DDT theorem, Acta Arithmetica, 2007, 126, 155–168 (jointly with G. Bareikis). 

23. E. Manstavičius, Summability of additive functions on random permutations, in:  Proceedings of the Fourth Intern. Conf. “Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory”, A. Laurinčikas and E. Manstavičius (Eds), TEV, Vilnius, 2007, 99–108.

24. E. Manstavičius, Moments of additive functions defined on the symmetric group, Acta Appl. Math., 2007, 97, 119–127.

25. E. Manstavičius, Analytic and probabilistic combinatorics, Vilnius, TEV, 2007, 316 p. (Lithuanian, University textbook).

26. E. Manstavičius, Asymptotic value distribution of additive functions defined on the symmetric group, The Ramanujan J., 2008, 17, 259–280.

27. E. Manstavičius, An analogue of Feller’s theorem for logarithmic combinatorial assemblies, Lithuanian Math. J., 2008, 48(4), 405–417 (jointly with J. Norkūnienė).

28. E. Manstavičius, An analytic method in probabilistic combinatorics, Osaka J. Math, 2009, 46(1), 273–290.

29. E. Manstavičius, A functional limit theorem on powers of random permutations, Lithuanian Math. J., 2009, 49(3), 145–157.

30. E. Manstavičius, On some densities in the set of permutations, Electronic J. of Combinatorics, 2010, 17, R100, 15 p.

31. E. Manstavičius, Total variation approximation for random assemblies and a functional limit theorem, Monatshefte fuer Math., 2010, 161, 313–334.

32. E. Manstavičius, Strong convergence on weakly logarithmic combinatorial structures, Discrete Math., 2011, 311, 463-477.

33.  E. Manstavičius, A limit theorem for additive functions defined on the symmetric group, Lithuanian Math. J., 2011, 51, 220–232.

34. E. Manstavičius, On a variance related to Ewens Sampling Formula, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 2011, 16, 453–466 (with Ž. Žilinskas).

35.  E. Manstavičius, Stochastic processes on weakly logarithmic assemblies, in: Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory. Kubilius Memorial Volume, A. Laurinčikas et al (Eds), TEV, Vilnius, 2012, 69–80 (with K. Bogdanas).

36. E. Manstavičius, Multiplicative functions on Z+n and the Ewens Sampling Formula, RIMS Kokyuroku Besatsu, Kyoto, B34, 2012, 137–151 (with T. Kargina).

37. E. Manstavičius, On total variation approximations for random assemblies, Discrete Math. Theoretical Comput. Sci., Proc. AofA12, 2012, 97–108.

38. E. Manstavičius, The law of large numbers with respect to Ewens probability, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comput., 2013, 40, 227–238 (with T. Kargina).

39. E. Manstavičius, Jonas Kubilius (1921–2011), Acta Arithm., 2013, 157, 1, 11–36.

40. E. Manstavičius, On statistics of permutations chosen from the Ewens distribution, Combin. Probab. Computing., 2014, 23, 889–913 (jointly with T.Bakshajeva).

41.  E. Manstavičius, On variance of an additive function with respect to a generalized Ewens probability, Discrete Math. Th. Computer Sci. AofA14, 2014, 301–312 (jointly with V. Stepanauskas).

42. E. Manstavičius, Restrictive patterns of combinatorial structures via comparative analysis, Ann. Combinatorics, 2015, 19(3), 545–555. 

43. E. Manstavicius,  Permutations without long or short cycles, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2015, 49, 153–158 (jointly with R. Petuchovas).

44. E. Manstavičius, Local probabilities for random permutations without long cycles, Electron. J. Combin., 2016, 23 (1) #P1.58, 25 pp. (jointly with R. Petuchovas).

45. E. Manstavičius, A Tur\’an-Kubilius inequality on mappings of a finite set, In: From Arithmetic to Zeta-Functions, Number Theory in Memory of Wolfgang Schwarz, J. Sander et al (Eds), Springer, 2016, 295–307.

46. E. Manstavičius, Local probabilities and total variation distance for random permutations, Ramanujan J., 2017, 43, 679–696; DOI 10.1007/s11139-016-9786 (jointly with R. Petuchovas).

 47. E. Manstavičius, On mean values of multiplicative functions on the symmetric group, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2017, 182, 359–376.

48.  E. Manstavičius, V. Stepas, Variance of an additive defined on random assemblies, Lithuanian Math. J., 2017, 57(2), 222–235.

49.  E. Manstavičius, An enumeration method, in: Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, A. Dubickas et al (Eds), Vilnius University, 2017, 109–121.

50. E. Manstavičius,   The Turan-Kubilius inequality on permutations, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comp., 2018, 48, 45–51 (jointly with J. Klimavičius).

51. E. Manstavičius, Moments of additive statistics with respect to the Ewens Sampling Formula, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2019, 95 (3-4) 259–277. DOI: 10.5486/PMD.2019.8267 (jointly with V. Stepas).

52. E. Manstavičius, Effective bounds of the variance of statistics on multisets of necklaces, Proc. of the Lithuanian Math. Soc., Ser. A, 2020, 61, 7–12 (jointly with A. Karbonskis).

53. E. Manstavičius, Sharp bounds for the variance of linear statistics on
random permutations, Random Struct. Alg., 2020, 57(4), 1303–1313, DOI: 10.1002/rsa.20951.

54. E. Manstavičius, A sharp inequality for the variance with respect to the Ewens sampling formula, Lithuanian Math. J., 2021, 61(3), 289–300, DOI 10.1007/s10986-021-09524-x (jointly with Ž. Baronėnas and P. Šapokaitė).

55. E. Manstavičius, Construction of the beta distributions using the random
permutation divisors, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control,  2024. Vol. 29, No. 2, 189–204 (jointly with G. Bareikis).

56. E. Manstavičius, Variance of a strongly additive function defined
on random permutations, Lithuanian J. Math., 2024 (3), 302–314;  DOI 10.1007/s10986-024-09637-x (jointly with A. Karbonskis).

Selected Talks at International Conferences

1. The 7th Conf. on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Appl., Graz, 1996.

2. Conf. on Analytic and Number Theory, Kyoto, 1996.

3. The 7th Vilnius Conf. on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics and the 22nd European Meeting of Statisticians, Vilnius, 1997.

4. Conf. on Number Theory, Zakopane, 1997.

5. Conf.  Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis, Graz, 1998.

6-9.  Conf. Numbers, Functions, Equations’98, ’03, and ’08, De La Motte Castle, Noszvaj, 1998, 2003, 2008, and 2013.

10. Conf.  P. Erdos and His Mathematics, Budapest, 1999 (invited).

11.  Conf. Arithmetics, Automata and Dynamical Systems, Luminy, 1999.

12.   Millennial Conf. on Number Theory and Workshop „Problems at the Interface of Probability and Number Theory”, Urbana-Champagne, 2000.

13.   Semester at the Erwin Schroedinger Inst.: Workshop „Arithmetics and Algorithms”, Wien, 2002.

14.   Conf. on Number Theory, CIRM, Luminy, 2003 (plenary lecture).

15.   Third Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science, Vienna, 2004.

16.   Tagung Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie, Mainz, 2004.

17.   Conf. on Probability and Number Theory, Kanazawa, 2005.

18.   Conf. Elementary and Analytic Number Theory (ELAZ 2006), Blaubeuren, 2008.

19.   Slovak-Austrian Mathematical Congress, Podbanske, 2007 (plenary lecture).

20.   Conf. Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects, Kyoto, 2010.

21.   Conf. Limit Theorems in Probability and Number Theory, Paderborn, 2011.

22.   Conf. Elementary and Analytic Number Theory (ELAZ 2012), Germany, 2012.

23.   Random Structures and Algorithms, Poznan, August, 2013.

24.  Vilnius 11-th conf. on probability theory and mathematical statistics, 2014.

25.  Connections in Discrete Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 15-19 June, 2015.

26.   Eurocomb15, Bergen, September 2015 (jointly with R. Petuchovas).

27.   Conf. dedicated to Linnik’s centennial jubilee, Sankt-Petersburg, September, 2015.

28.  AofA2016, Krakow (with V. Stepas).

29. Eurocomb17, Vienna

30. Random Structures and Algorithms, 2017, Gniezno,

31. „Limit theorems for additive functions on random permutations”, The CCPT Conference, 07-11 May, 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia (invited talk).

32. „Probabilistic number theory on random permutations„, Invited lecture at CRM, Universite de Montreal, May 28, 2018.

33. „Probabilistic number theory on random permutations„, The 12th Vilnius International Conf. on Probab. Th. Math. Statist. and Annual Meetings of IMS, July 02-09, 2018, Vilnius (invited talk).

34. „Sharp bounds for the variance of linear statistics on random permutations„, Random Structures and Algorithms 2019, Zurich.

35. „Optimal constants in some conditional variance estimates„, International Workshop New Trends in PNT and TSP, June 28, 2019, Paderborn.