Presentations, lectures, visits


•New York, Rockefeler, New York City, Chicago, New Mexico, Rochester, Arizona Sate, Iowa State, Georgetown, Cornell universities, University of California in San Diego, Riverside, Berkeley, Irvine, MIT, Argonne Nat. lab., in USA;
•Dusseldorf university, Botanisches Institut Universitat Munchen, Max-Planck-Institut fur Schtrahlenhemie, ZOS in Berlin, in Germany
•Free University of Amsterdam, Leiden University, Groningen University, in the Netherlands
•University of Milan, Center of Theoretical Physics in Trieste, in Italy
•Umea and Lund universities, in Sweden
•Technical university in Poznan, Poland
•CEA Sacley, France
•Imperial College, London, Great Britain
•Institute of Physics in Tartu, Estonia
•Institute of Physics and Energetics, Riga, Latvia
•Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine
•Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan

Organizer and coorganizer of theESF Scientific workshops: “Pigment-protein complexes: structure and spectroscopic properties” (Preila, 1994) and “Light harvesting physics” (Birstonas, 1996) and “Femtosecond dynamics in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes” (Antalya, 2002)
Co-author of the book: H. van Amerongen, L. Valkunas and R. van Grondelle, Photosynthetic Excitons, World Scientific Co., Singapore, 2000.
Number of publications in refereed journals: about 300
Number of communications to scientific meetings: 150