V. Butkus, A. Gelzinis, R. Augulis, A. Gall, C. Büchel, B. Robert, D. Zigmantas, L. Valkunas, D. Abramavicius, J. Chem. Phys. 142: 212414, 2015.
V. Balevicius, Jr., L. Valkunas, D. Abramavicius, J. Chem. Phys. 143: 074101, 2015.
A. Kadashchuk, Yu. Skryshevski, A. Vakhnin, S. Toliautas, J. Sulskus, R. Augulis, V. Gulbinas, S. Nespurek, J. Genoe, L. Valkunas, J. Phys. Chem. C, 118: 22923-22934, 2014.
G Trinkunas, O Zerlauskiene, V Urbonienė, J Chmeliov, A Gall, B Robert et al., Exciton Band Structure in Bacterial Peripheral Light-Harvesting Complexes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (17), 5192-5198 2012
D Rutkauskas, J Chmeliov, M Johnson, A Ruban, L Valkunas, Exciton annihilation as a probe of the light-harvesting antenna transition into the photoprotective mode, Chemical Physics 2012
M Macernis, J Sulskus, CDP Duffy, AV Ruban, L Valkunas, The Electronic Spectra of Structurally Deformed Lutein, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2012
TPJ Krüger, C Ilioaia, L Valkunas, R Grondelle, Correction to ‘Fluorescence Intermittency from the Main Plant Light-Harvesting Complex: Sensitivity to the Local Environment”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2012
V Butkus, L Valkunas, D Abramavicius, Molecular vibrations-induced quantum beats in two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.3383 2012
L Valkunas, Electronic processes in organic systems, Chemical Physics 404, 1-1 2012
V Butkus, D Zigmantas, L Valkunas, D Abramavicius, Vibrational vs. electronic coherences in 2D spectrum of molecular systems, Chemical Physics Letters 2012
CDP Duffy, J Chmeliov, M Macernis, J Sulskus, L Valkunas, AV Ruban, Modeling of Fluorescence Quenching by Lutein in the Plant Light-Harvesting Complex LHCII, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2012
IY Goliney, VI Sugakov, L Valkunas, GV Vertsimakha, Effect of Metal Nanoparticles on Energy Spectra and Optical Properties of Periferal Light-harvesting LH2 Complexes from Photosynthetic Bacteria, Chemical Physics 2012
S Toliautas, J Sulskus, L Valkunas, M Vengris, Quantum chemical studies of photochromic properties of benzoxazine compound, Chemical Physics 2012
V Balevičius, A Gelzinis, D Abramavicius, T Mančal, L Valkunas, Excitation dynamics and relaxation in a molecular heterodimer, Chemical Physics 2012
D Abramavicius, A Gelzinis, V Butkus, L Valkunas, Coherent vs. dissipative nonequilibrium dynamics in spectroscopy of molecular aggregates, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 57 2012
Krüger, T. P. J., Ilioaia, C., Valkunas, L., van Grondelle, R., Fluorescence intermittency from the main plant light-harvesting complex: sensitivity to the local environment, . Phys. Chem. B 115, 5083-5095 2011
Mančal, T., Balevicius, V. Jr., Valkunas, L., Decoherence in weakly coupled excitonic complexes, J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 3845-3858 2011
Butkus, V., Gelzinis, A., Valkunas, L., Quantum coherence and disoder-specific effects in simulations of 2D spectra of one-dimensional J-aggregates, J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 3876-3885 2011
Karpicz, R., Gulbinas, V., Lewanowicz, A., Macernis, M., Sulskus, J., Valkunas, L., Relaxation pathways of excited N-(triphenylmethyl) salicylideimine in solutions, J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 1861-1868 2011
Gelzinis, A., Abramavicius, D., Valkunas, L., Non-Markovian effects in time-resolved fluorescence spectrum of molecular aggregates: tracing polaron formation, Phys. Rev. B 84, 245430 2011
Valkunas, L., Chmeliov, J., Trinkunas, G., Duffy, C. D. P., van Grondelle, R., Ruban, A. V., Excitation migration, quenching and regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting in photosystem II, J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 9252-9260 2011
Gall, A., Berera, R., Alexandre, M. T. A., Pascal, A. A., Bordes, L., Mendes-Pinto, M. M., Andrianambinintsoa, S, Stoitchkova, K. V., Marin, A., Valkunas, L., Horton, P., Kennis, J. T. M., van Grondelle, R., Ruban, A., Robert, B., Molecular adaptation of photoprotection: triplet states in light-harvesting proteins, Biophys. J. 101, 934-942 2011
Graham, M. W., Chmeliov, J., Ma, J.-Z., Shinohara, H., Green, A. A., Hersham, M. C., Valkunas, L., Fleming, G. R., Exciton dynamics in semiconducting carbon nanotubes, J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 5201-5211 2011
Duffy, C. D. P., Johnson, M. P., Macernis, M., Valkunas, L., Barford, W., Ruban, A. V., A theoretical investigation of the photophysical consequences of major plant light-harvesting complex aggregation in photosynthetic membrane, J. Phys. Chem. B 114, 15244-15253 2010
Mančal, T., Valkunas, L., Exciton dynamics in photosynthetic complexes: excitation by coherent and incoherent light, New. J. Phys. 12, 065044-1-19 2010
Kietis, B. P., Macernis, M., Sulskus, J., Valkunas, L., Estimation of permanent dipole moment of bacterirhodopsin, Lith. J. Phys. 50, 451-462 2010
Butkus, V., Abramavicius, D., Gelzinis A., Valkunas, L., Two-dimensional optical spectroscopy of molecular aggregates, Lith. J. Phys. 50, 267-303 2010
Gall, A., Songaila, E., Gulbinas, V., Ilioaia, O., Robert, B., Valkunas, L., Spectral dependence of energy transfer in wild-type peripheral light-harvesting complexes of photosynthetic bacteria, BBA 1797, 1465-1469 2010
Abramavicus, D., Butkus, V., Bujokas, J., Valkunas, L., Manipulation of two-dimensional spectra of excitonically coupled molecules by narrow-bandwidth laser pulses, Chem. Phys. 372, 22-32 2010
Telbiz, G. M., Posudievsky, O. Yu., Dementjev, A., Kiskis, J., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L, Effect of nanoscale confinement on fluorescence of MEH-PPV/MCM-41 composite, Physica status solidi A. 207, 2174‒2179 2010
Gulbinas, V., Karpič, R., Muzikante, I., Valkunas, L., Fluorescence quenching by trapped charge carriers in N,N-dimethylaminobenzylidene 1,3-indandione films, Thin solid films 518, 3299-3304 2010
Valkunas, L., Trinkunas, G., Chmeliov, J., Ruban, A. V., Modeling of exciton quenching in photosystem II., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 7576-7584 2009
D., Ma, Y.-Z., Graham, M. W., Valkunas, L., Fleming, G. R., Dephasing in semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes induced by exciton-exciton annihilation, Phys. Rev. B 79: 195445 2009
Valkunas, L., van Stokkum, I. H. M., Berera, R., van Grondelle, R., Exciton migration and fluorescence quenching in LHCII aggregates: Target analysis using a simple nonlinear annihilation scheme, Chem. Phys. 357: 17-20 2009
Macernis, M., Kietis, B. P., Sulskus, J., Lin, S. H., Hayashi, M., Valkunas, L., Triggering the proton transfer by H-bond network, Chem. Phys. Lett. 466: 223-226 2008
Zerlauskiene, O., Trinkunas, G., Gall, A., Robert, B., Urboniene, V., Valkunas, L., Static and dynamic protein impact on electronic properties of light-harvesting complex LH2, J. Phys. Chem. B 112: 15883-15892 2008
Jursenas, S., Kurilcik, N., Karpicz, R., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Rutkis, M., Muzikante, I., Impact of aggregates on excitation dynamics in a transparent polymer films doped by dipolar molecules, Thin Solid Films 516: 8909-8916 2008
Kazlauskas, K., Dementjev, A. Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Vitta, P., Zukausjas, A., Ostapenko, N., Suto, S., Temperature independent exciton relaxation in poly(di-n-hexylsilane)confined in nanoporous silica, Chem. Phys. Lett. 465: 261-264 2008
Mancal, T. Valkunas, L., Rea E. L., Engel, G. S., Calhoun, T. R., Fleming, G. R., Elecronic coherence transfer and its signatures in optical spectroscopy, Spectroscopy 22: 199-211 2008
Ostapenko, N, Kozlova, N., Dementjev, A., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Suto, S., Watanabe, A., Thermochromic transition of nanosized polysilane, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 483: 98-108 2008
Ma, Y.-Z., Hertel, T., Vardeny Z. V., Fleming G. R., Valkunas, L., Ultrafast spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes, In: Carbon Nanotubes, Advanced topics in the synthesis, structure, properties and applications, Topics in Applied Physics v. 111, eds. A. Jorio, M. S. Dresselhause, G. Dresselhaus, Springer, 321-352 2008
Janusonis, J., Valkunas, L., Rutkauskas, D., van Grondelle, R., Specttral dynamics of individual bacterial light-harvesting complexes: alternative disorder model, Biophys. J. 94: 1348-1358 2008
Dmytrenko, O. P., Kulish, N. P., Belyi, N. M., Lizunova, S. V., Prylutskyy, Y. I., Valkunas, L., Karpicz, R., Shlapatskaya, V. V., Prylutskiy, E. V., Wade, T., Wegrowe, J. E., Raman vibrational properties of carbon nanotubes with the radiation defect formation, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 497, 370-377 2008
Valkunas, L., Janusonis, J., Rutkauskas, D., van Grondelle, R., Protein dynamics revealed in the excitonic spectra of LH2 complexes, J. Luminesc. 127: 269-275 2007
Urboniene, V., Vrublevskaja, O., Trinkunas, G., Stakvilevicius, M., Gall, A., Robert, B., Valkunas, L., Gaussian decomposition of absorption spectra of peripheral light-harvesting complexes of photosynthetic baceria, Lith. J. Phys. 47: 103-108 2007
Abramavicius, D., Valkunas, L., Mukamel, S., Transport and correlated fluctuations in nonlinear response of excitons, Eur. Phys. Lett. 80: 17005 2007
Urboniene, V., Vrublevskaja, O., Trinkunas, G., Gall, A., Robert, B., Valkunas, L., Solvation effects of bacteriochlorophyll excitons in light-harvesting complex LH2, Biophys. J. 93: 2188-2198 2007
Zaushitsyn, Y., Jaspersen, K. G., Valkunas, L., Sundström, V., Yartsev, A., Ultrafast dynamics of singlet-singlet and singlet-triplet exciton annihilation in poly(3-2’-methoxy-5’ octylphenyl) thiophene films, Phys. Rev. B 75: 195201 2007
Dementjev, A., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Ostapenko, N., Suto, S., Watanabe, A., Coexistence of different conformer forms in nanosize poly (di-n-hexylsilane), J. Phys. Chem. C 111: 4717-4721 2007
Kietis, B. P., Saudargas, P., Varo, G., Valkunas, L., External electric control of the proton pumping in bacteriorhodopsin, Eur. Biophys. J. 36: 199-211 2007