\( \def\<#1>{\left<#1\right>} \let\geq\geqslant \let\leq\leqslant % an undirected version of \rightarrow: \newcommand{\mathdash}{\relbar\mkern-9mu\relbar} \def\deg#1{\mathrm{deg}(#1)} \newcommand{\dg}[1]{d_{#1}} \newcommand{\Norm}{\mathrm{N}} \newcommand{\const}[1]{c_{#1}} \newcommand{\cconst}[1]{\alpha_{#1}} \newcommand{\Exp}[1]{E_{#1}} \newcommand*{\ppr}{\mathbin{\ensuremath{\otimes}}} \newcommand*{\su}{\mathbin{\ensuremath{\oplus}}} \newcommand{\nulis}{\vmathbb{0}} %{\mathbf{0}} \newcommand{\vienas}{\vmathbb{1}} \newcommand{\Up}[1]{#1^{\uparrow}} %{#1^{\vartriangle}} \newcommand{\Down}[1]{#1^{\downarrow}} %{#1^{\triangledown}} \newcommand{\lant}[1]{#1_{\mathrm{la}}} % lower antichain \newcommand{\uant}[1]{#1_{\mathrm{ua}}} % upper antichain \newcommand{\skal}[1]{\langle #1\rangle} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} % natural numbers \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\minTrop}{\mathbb{T}_{\mbox{\rm\footnotesize min}}} \newcommand{\maxTrop}{\mathbb{T}_{\mbox{\rm\footnotesize max}}} \newcommand{\FF}{\mathbb{F}} \newcommand{\pRR}{\mathbb{R}_{\mbox{\tiny $+$}}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\gf}[1]{GF(#1)} \newcommand{\conv}[1]{\mathrm{Conv}(#1)} \newcommand{\vvec}[2]{\vec{#1}_{#2}} \newcommand{\f}{{\mathcal F}} \newcommand{\h}{{\mathcal H}} \newcommand{\A}{{\mathcal A}} \newcommand{\B}{{\mathcal B}} \newcommand{\C}{{\mathcal C}} \newcommand{\R}{{\mathcal R}} \newcommand{\MPS}[1]{f_{#1}} % matrix multiplication \newcommand{\ddeg}[2]{\#_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\Ddeg}[2]{\#_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\length}[1]{|#1|} \DeclareMathOperator{\support}{sup} \newcommand{\supp}[1]{\support(#1)} \DeclareMathOperator{\Support}{sup} \newcommand{\spp}{\Support} \newcommand{\Supp}[1]{\mathrm{Sup}(#1)} %{\mathcal{S}_{#1}} \newcommand{\lenv}[1]{\lfloor #1\rfloor} \newcommand{\henv}[1]{\lceil#1\rceil} \newcommand{\homm}[2]{{#1}^{\langle #2\rangle}} \let\daug\odot \let\suma\oplus \newcommand{\compl}[1]{Y_{#1}} \newcommand{\pr}[1]{X_{#1}} \newcommand{\xcompl}[1]{Y'_{#1}} \newcommand{\xpr}[1]{X'_{#1}} \newcommand{\cont}[1]{A_{#1}} % content \def\fontas#1{\mathsf{#1}} %{\mathrm{#1}} %{\mathtt{#1}} % \newcommand{\arithm}[1]{\fontas{Arith}(#1)} \newcommand{\Bool}[1]{\fontas{Bool}(#1)} \newcommand{\linBool}[1]{\fontas{Bool}_{\mathrm{lin}}(#1)} \newcommand{\rBool}[2]{\fontas{Bool}_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\BBool}[2]{\fontas{Bool}_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\MMin}[1]{\fontas{Min}(#1)} \newcommand{\MMax}[1]{\fontas{Max}(#1)} \newcommand{\negMin}[1]{\fontas{Min}^{-}(#1)} \newcommand{\negMax}[1]{\fontas{Max}^{-}(#1)} \newcommand{\Min}[2]{\fontas{Min}_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\Max}[2]{\fontas{Max}_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\convUn}[1]{\fontas{L}_{\ast}(#1)} \newcommand{\Un}[1]{\fontas{L}(#1)} \newcommand{\kUn}[2]{\fontas{L}_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\Nor}{\mu} % norm without argument \newcommand{\nor}[1]{\Nor(#1)} \newcommand{\bool}[1]{\hat{#1}} % Boolean version of f \newcommand{\bphi}{\phi} % boolean circuit \newcommand{\xf}{\boldsymbol{\mathcal{F}}} \newcommand{\euler}{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand{\ee}{f} % other element \newcommand{\exchange}[3]{{#1}-{#2}+{#3}} \newcommand{\dist}[2]{{#2}[#1]} \newcommand{\Dist}[1]{\mathrm{dist}(#1)} \newcommand{\mdist}[2]{\dist{#1}{#2}} % min-max dist. \newcommand{\matching}{\mathcal{M}} \renewcommand{\E}{A} \newcommand{\F}{\mathcal{F}} \newcommand{\set}{W} \newcommand{\Deg}[1]{\mathrm{deg}(#1)} \newcommand{\mtree}{MST} \newcommand{\stree}{{\cal T}} \newcommand{\dstree}{\vec{\cal T}} \newcommand{\Rich}{U_0} \newcommand{\Prob}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathrm{Pr}\left\{{#1}\right\}}} \newcommand{\xI}{\boldsymbol{I}} \newcommand{\plus}{\mbox{\tiny $+$}} \newcommand{\sgn}[1]{\left[#1\right]} \newcommand{\ccompl}[1]{{#1}^*} \newcommand{\contr}[1]{[#1]} \newcommand{\harm}[2]{{#1}\,\#\,{#2}} %{{#1}\,\oplus\,{#2}} \newcommand{\hharm}{\#} %{\oplus} \newcommand{\rec}[1]{1/#1} \newcommand{\rrec}[1]{{#1}^{-1}} \DeclareRobustCommand{\bigO}{% \text{\usefont{OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n}O}} \newcommand{\dalyba}{/}%{\oslash} \newcommand{\mmax}{\mbox{\tiny $\max$}} \newcommand{\thr}[2]{\mathrm{Th}^{#1}_{#2}} \newcommand{\rectbound}{h} \newcommand{\pol}[3]{\sum_{#1\in #2}{#3}_{#1}\prod_{i=1}^n x_i^{#1_i}} \newcommand{\tpol}[2]{\min_{#1\in #2}\left\{\skal{#1,x}+\const{#1}\right\}} \newcommand{\comp}{\circ} % composition \newcommand{\0}{\vec{0}} \newcommand{\drops}[1]{\tau(#1)} \newcommand{\HY}[2]{F^{#2}_{#1}} \newcommand{\hy}[1]{f_{#1}} \newcommand{\hh}{h} \newcommand{\hymin}[1]{f_{#1}^{\mathrm{min}}} \newcommand{\hymax}[1]{f_{#1}^{\mathrm{max}}} \newcommand{\ebound}[2]{\partial_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\Lpure}{L_{\mathrm{pure}}} \newcommand{\Vpure}{V_{\mathrm{pure}}} \newcommand{\Lred}{L_1} %L_{\mathrm{red}}} \newcommand{\Lblue}{L_0} %{L_{\mathrm{blue}}} \newcommand{\epr}[1]{z_{#1}} \newcommand{\wCut}[1]{w(#1)} \newcommand{\cut}[2]{w_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\Length}[1]{l(#1)} \newcommand{\Sup}[1]{\mathrm{Sup}(#1)} \newcommand{\ddist}[1]{d_{#1}} \newcommand{\sym}[2]{S_{#1,#2}} \newcommand{\minsum}[2]{\mathrm{MinS}^{#1}_{#2}} \newcommand{\maxsum}[2]{\mathrm{MaxS}^{#1}_{#2}} % top k-of-n function \newcommand{\cirsel}[2]{\Phi^{#1}_{#2}} % its circuit \newcommand{\sel}[2]{\sym{#1}{#2}} % symmetric pol. \newcommand{\cf}[1]{{#1}^{o}} \newcommand{\Item}[1]{\item[\mbox{\rm (#1)}]} % item in roman \newcommand{\bbar}[1]{\underline{#1}} \newcommand{\Narrow}[1]{\mathrm{Narrow}(#1)} \newcommand{\Wide}[1]{\mathrm{Wide}(#1)} \newcommand{\eepsil}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\amir}{\varphi} \newcommand{\mon}[1]{\mathrm{mon}(#1)} \newcommand{\mmon}{\alpha} \newcommand{\gmon}{\alpha} \newcommand{\hmon}{\beta} \newcommand{\nnor}[1]{\|#1\|} \newcommand{\inorm}[1]{\left\|#1\right\|_{\mbox{\tiny $\infty$}}} \newcommand{\mstbound}{\gamma} \newcommand{\coset}[1]{\textup{co-}{#1}} \newcommand{\spol}[1]{\mathrm{ST}_{#1}} \newcommand{\cayley}[1]{\mathrm{C}_{#1}} \newcommand{\SQUARE}[1]{\mathrm{SQ}_{#1}} \newcommand{\STCONN}[1]{\mathrm{STCON}_{#1}} \newcommand{\STPATH}[1]{\mathrm{PATH}_{#1}} \newcommand{\SSSP}[1]{\mathrm{SSSP}(#1)} \newcommand{\APSP}[1]{\mathrm{APSP}(#1)} \newcommand{\MP}[1]{\mathrm{MP}_{#1}} \newcommand{\CONN}[1]{\mathrm{CONN}_{#1}} \newcommand{\PERM}[1]{\mathrm{PER}_{#1}} \newcommand{\mst}[2]{\tau_{#1}(#2)} \newcommand{\MST}[1]{\mathrm{MST}_{#1}} \newcommand{\MIS}{\mathrm{MIS}} \newcommand{\dtree}{\mathrm{DST}} \newcommand{\DST}[1]{\dtree_{#1}} \newcommand{\CLIQUE}[2]{\mathrm{CL}_{#1,#2}} \newcommand{\ISOL}[1]{\mathrm{ISOL}_{#1}} \newcommand{\POL}[1]{\mathrm{POL}_{#1}} \newcommand{\ST}[1]{\ptree_{#1}} \newcommand{\Per}[1]{\mathrm{per}_{#1}} \newcommand{\PM}{\mathrm{PM}} \newcommand{\error}{\epsilon} \newcommand{\PI}[1]{A_{#1}} \newcommand{\Low}[1]{A_{#1}} \newcommand{\node}[1]{v_{#1}} \newcommand{\BF}[2]{W_{#2}[#1]} % Bellman-Ford \newcommand{\FW}[3]{W_{#1}[#2,#3]} % Floyd-Washall \newcommand{\HK}[1]{W[#1]} % Held-Karp \newcommand{\WW}[1]{W[#1]} \newcommand{\pWW}[1]{W^{+}[#1]} \newcommand{\nWW}[1]{W^-[#1]} \newcommand{\knap}[2]{W_{#2}[#1]} \newcommand{\Cut}[1]{w(#1)} \newcommand{\size}[1]{\mathrm{size}(#1)} \newcommand{\dual}[1]{{#1}^{\ast}} \def\gcd#1{\mathrm{gcd}(#1)} \newcommand{\depth}[1]{\mathrm{Depth}(#1)} \newcommand{\ffactor}{\Delta} \newcommand{\factor}[1]{\Delta(#1)} \newcommand{\Factor}[2]{\ffactor_{#1}(#2)} \newcommand{\degrad}[2]{\Gamma_{#2}(#1)} \newcommand{\weight}[1]{\mu(#1)} \newcommand{\wweight}{\mu} \)
[This is a supplementary material to Chapter 2]

Depth of tropical circuits


In the book, we were interested in the size of circuits. Another important measure is the circuit depth, that is, the maximum number of gates in an input-output path. If a circuit (over some semiring) has depth $d$, then its size $s$ satisfies $s\leq 2^d$ (gates have fanin $2$).

1. Upper Bounds

If a set $A\subseteq\NN^n$ can be produced by a Minkowski circuit of size $s$, what is then the smallest depth of a Minkowski circuit producing $A$? Hyafil [1] has shown that then $A$ can also be produced by a Minkowski circuit of depth proportional to $(\log d)(\log s + \log d)$, where $d$ is the maximum degree of a vector in $A$; recall that the degree of a vector $x\in\NN^n$ is the sum $x_1+\cdots+x_n$ of its entries. However, the size of the resulting circuit may be as large as $s^{\log d}$. A much better simulation, leaving the size polynomial in $s$, was found by Valiant, Skyum, Berkowitz and Rackoff [6].
Theorem A ([6]): Let $A\subseteq\NN^n$ be a set of maximum degree $d$. If $A$ can be produced by a Minkowski circuit of size $s$, then $A$ can also be produced by a Minkowski circuit that has size $O(s^3)$ and depth $O((\log s)(\log d))$.
Actually, the results in [1,6] are stronger: they are proved for arithmetic circuits, not only for Minkowski circuits (that ignore coefficients).

Example 1: Recall that the shortest $s$-$t$-path problem $\STPATH{n}$ is, given an assignment of nonnegative weights to the edges of the complete graph $K_n$ on the vertex-set $[n]=\{1,\ldots,n\}$, to compute the minimum weight of a simple path from vertex $s=1$ to vertex $t=n$, the latter being the sum of weights of edges of this path. Using binary search, one can easily construct a $(\min,+)$ circuit of depth $O(\log^2 n)$ for $\STPATH{n}$. But the size of the resulting circuit will then be $n^{\Omega(\log n)}$. To obtain a circuit of depth $O(\log^2 n)$ but polynomial size, we can take the $(\min,+)$ circuit $\Phi$ of size $O(n^3)$ resulting from the Bellman-Ford-Moore dynamic programming algorithm (see Example 1.8 in the book). Let $B\subseteq\NN^{\binom{n}{2}}$ be the set of vectors produced by the circuit $\Phi$. Every vector $b\in B$ (indexed by the edges of $K_n$) corresponds to an $s$-$t$ walk in $K_n$ with $\leq n-1$ edges, and $b_{i,j}$ being the number of times the edge $\{i,j\}$ appears in the walk $w_b$. Since the maximum degree of $B$ does not exceed $n-1$, Theorem A implies that the set $B$ can also be produced by a $(\min,+)$ circuit $\Phi'$ which simultaneously has depth $O(\log^2 n)$ and size $O(n^9)$. Since the new circuit $\Phi'$ produces the same set $B$, it also solves the problem $\STPATH{n}$.    $\Box$

To apply Theorem A to $(\min,+)$ circuits, we must know the maximum degrees of sets $B\subseteq \NN^n$ of vectors produced by them. In the case of $(\max,+)$ circuits, the situation is simpler: then the degree of any produced set $B$ cannot exceed the degree of the set of feasible solutions of a given maximization problem.

Corollary A: Let $A\subseteq\{0,1\}^n$ be an antichain. If the maximization problem on $A$ can be solved by a tropical $(\max,+)$ circuit of size $s$, then this problem can also be solved by a tropical $(\max,+)$ circuit of size $O(s^3)$ and depth $O((\log s)(\log n))$.
Proof: Let $\Phi$ be a $(\max,+)$ circuit of size $s$ solving the maximization problem $f(x)=\max_{a\in A}\skal{a,x}$ on $A$. By Lemma 1.24 in the book, the Minkowski version $\Phi'$ of $\Phi$ produces some set $B\subseteq\NN^n$ such that $A\subseteq B$ and $B$ lies below $A$. Since $A$ consists of only $0$-$1$ vectors, the maximum degree $d$ of a vector in $A$ does not exceed $n$. Since the set $B$ lies below $A$, the maximum degree of $B$ is also $d\leq n$. By Theorem A, the set $B$ can be produced by a Minkowski circuit of size $O(s^3)$ and depth $O((\log s)(\log n))$. Thus, the $(\max,+)$ version of this latter circuit solves the same problem $f$ and has the same size and depth.

Remark A: Note that, in general, the argument used in the proof of Corollary A cannot give any reasonable upper bound for $(\min,+)$ circuits: unlike for $(\max,+)$ circuits, the sets $B\subseteq\NN^n$ of vectors produced by such circuits of size $s$ may have maximum degree up to $2^s$ (by Lemma 1.22, the set then $B$ lies above (not below) the set $A$. In Example 1, however, we already knew that the maximum degree of the set of vectors produced by a particular $(\min,+)$ circuit is at most $n-1$.    $\Box$

2. Lower Bounds

The Boolean version of a minimization problem $f(x)=\min_{a\in A}\ \skal{a,x}$ on a set $A\subseteq\{0,1\}^n$ is the monotone Boolean function $\bool{f}(x)= \bigvee_{a\in A} \bigwedge_{i\in \supp{a}}x_i$, where $\supp{a}=\{i\colon a_i\neq 0\}$ is the support of vector $a$. By Lemma 1.30(1), if every monotone Boolean $(\lor,\land)$ circuit computing $\bool{f}$ must have depth at least $d$, then also every $(\min,+)$ circuit solving the problem $f$ must have depth at least $d$. We stated and proved Lemma 1.30(1) only for circuit size but the proof carries over also for circuit depth: we have only changed the operations at gates, not the underlying graph of the circuit itself.

Example 2: Consider the shortest $s$-$t$ path problem $\STPATH{n}$ from Example 1 above. The Boolean version of this problem is the Boolean function $\STCONN{n}(x)$: decide whether there is a path between $s$ and $t$ in a given subgraph $G_x$ of $K_n$ specified by a Boolean input vector $x\in\{0 ,1\}^{\binom{n}{2}}$ (an edge $e$ of $K_n$ is present in the graph $G_x$ iff $x_e=1$). Karchmer and Wigderson [3]f used communication complexity arguments to show that every monotone Boolean circuit computing $\STCONN{n}$ must have depth at least $\Omega(\log^2n)$. Thus, by the ``Boolean bound'' (Lemma 1.30(1)), every $(\min,+)$ circuit solving the problem $\STPATH{n}$ must have depth at least $\Omega(\log^2 n)$. This, in particular, implies that the depth of the $(\min,+)$ circuit of size $O(n^9)$ for $\STPATH{n}$, which we described in Example 1 above, is optimal.    $\Box$

Unfortunately, the task of proving nontrivial lower bounds on the depth and/or size of Boolean circuits is a rather nontrivial task and, for this reason, even for monotone circuits, only several such bounds are known so far.

Fortunately, the task of proving lower bounds on the depth of Minkowski circuits (a.k.a. monotone arithmetic circuits) is easier. When this is done for Minkowski circuits producing homogeneous sets $A\subseteq\{0,1\}^n$ of vectors, then by Lemma 1.34(2), the bound also holds for both optimization problems (minimization and maximization) on $A$.

Remark B: Although we stated and proved Lemma 1.34 in the book only for circuit size, it holds also for the circuit depth: when producing the lower and higher envelopes in Lemma 1.32(3), we have not increased the circuit depth (we only removed some edges).    $\Box$

By simplifying the previous argument of Shamir and Snir [4], Tiwari and Tompa [5] have invented (on two examples) an interesting argument to prove lower bounds on the depth of monotone arithmetic circuits. Jukna [6] observed that the idea of Tiwari and Tompa fits into the following general frame (expressed by Lemmas A and B below).

2.1 General lower bound

Let $\Phi$ be a Minkowski $(\cup,+)$ circuit, and $V$ be the set of the nodes (gates and inputs) in its underlying graph. A weighting of the circuit $\Phi$ is an assignment $\wweight:V\to \RR_+\setminus\{0\}$ of positive weights to the gates of $\Phi$ such that the output gate gets weight $\geq 1$, and all other gates get weight $\leq 1$. Such a weighting is subadditive if $\weight{u\cup w}\leq \weight{u}+\weight{w}$ holds for every union gate $v=u\cup w$; that is, the weighting must be subadditive only at union $(\cup)$ gates. At Minkowski sum gates $v=u+w$, the weighting $\wweight$ defines the decrease \[ \factor{v}:=\frac{\weight{u}\cdot \weight{w}}{\weight{v}}\,. \] of $\wweight$ at gate $v$. Note that, since $\weight{u}\leq 1$ holds for every non-output gate $u$, we have \begin{equation}\label{eq:decrease} \weight{v}=\frac{\weight{u}\cdot\weight{w}}{\factor{v}} \leq \frac{1}{\factor{v}}\cdot\min\{\weight{u}, \weight{w}\}\,. \end{equation} That is, when entering the Minkowski sum gate $v$ from any of its two predecessors, the weight must decrease by at least the factor $\factor{v}$. This explains the use of term ``decrease.''

Now let $A\subseteq\NN^n$ be the set of vectors produced by the circuit $\Phi$, and suppose that this set is homogeneous of degree $m$ (all vectors $a\in A$ have the same degree $a_1+\cdots+a_n=m$). Since the produced set $A$ is homogeneous, the sets $\pr{v}\subseteq\NN^n$ of vectors produced at each gate $v$ of $\Phi$ must be homogeneous and, hence, all vectors of $\pr{v}$ have the same degree, which we denote by $\dg{v}$ and call the degree of the gate $v$.

We call an input-to-output path $\pi$ in $\Phi$ balanced if every its edge $(u,v)$ has the following property, where $w$ is the second gate entering the gate $v$: if $v=u\cup w$ is a union gate, then $\dg{u}=\dg{w}=\dg{v}$, and if $v=u+w$ is a Minkowski sum gate, then $\dg{u}\geq \dg{w}$.

Lemma A: For every subadditive weighting $\wweight$ of the gates of $\Phi$, there is a balanced input-to-output path in $\Phi$ containing a sequence $v_1,\ldots,v_l$ of $l\geq \log_2m$ Minkowski sum $(+)$ gates and $p\geq \log_2 \prod_{i=1}^{l} \factor{v_i}$ union $(\cup)$ gates.
Proof: Since the produced set $A$ is homogeneous, the sets $\pr{v}\subseteq\NN^n$ of vectors produced at the gates $v$ of $\Phi$ must be homogeneous and, hence, all vectors of $\pr{v}$ have the same degree $\dg{v}$. This, in particular, implies that the degree of the two gates entering any union $(\cup)$ gate must have the same degree. Thus, $\dg{v}=\dg{u}=\dg{w}$ if $v=u\cup w$ is a union gate, and $\dg{v}=\dg{u}+\dg{w}$ if $v=u+w$ is a Minkowski sum gate.

Construct an input-to-input path $\pi$ in a reversed order by going backward from the output gate (the last gate of the path $\pi$) to an input gate and using the following rule:

Traversing the circuit
Since the output gate $v$ has degree $\dg{v}=m$, and since each such gate has fanin $2$, there must be $l\geq \log_2 m$ Minkowski sum gates along the path $\pi$. Since union gates along the path $\pi$ (if there are any) are entered from gates of equal degrees, the degree does not change at union gates. So, since at each Minkowski sum gate we choose (by going backward) an input of greater degree, the constructed path $\pi$ is balanced.

Now look at the path $\pi$ in a "normal" way as an input-to-output path. The path $\pi$ starts with some input gate (of weight $\leq 1$). Since the weighting is subadditive at union $(\cup)$ gates, at each edge entering a union gate the weight can only increase by a factor of at most $2$. So, if $p$ is the number of union gates along $\pi$, then the total increase in weight is by a factor at most $2^p$. But by Eq. \eqref{eq:decrease}, when entering the $i$th Minkowski sum $(+)$ gate $v_i$ along $\pi$, the weight decreases by a factor at least $1/\factor{v_i}$. Thus, the total decrease in the weight is by a factor at least $1/\prod_{i=1}^{l} \factor{v_i}$. Since the last (output) gate must have weight $\geq 1$, this gives \[ 2^p\cdot \prod_{i=1}^{l} \frac{1}{\factor{v_i}}\geq 1\,. \] Thus, the path $\pi$ must have $p\geq \log_2 \prod_{i=1}^{l} \factor{v_i}$ union gates, as desired.

2.1 Specific lower bound

We now will consider a specific weighting of gates in Minkowski circuits. Let $A\subseteq \{0,1\}^n$ be a homogeneous set of vectors of degree $m$; hence, every vector of $A$ has exactly $m$ ones. For $0\leq r\leq m$, let \[ \Ddeg{A}{r}:= \max_b\, \big|\{a\in A\colon a\geq b\big|\,, \] were the maximum is aver all vectors $b\in\{0,1\}^n$ of degree $b_1+\cdots+b_n=m-r$. That is, $\Ddeg{A}{r}$ is the maximum number of vectors in $A$ sharing $m-r$ or more $1$s in common. Note that $1=\Ddeg{A}{0}\leq \Ddeg{A}{1}\leq \ldots \Ddeg{A}{m}=|A|$. For integers $1\lt s\lt r\leq m$, define \[ \Factor{A}{r,s}:=\frac{\Ddeg{A}{r}}{\Ddeg{A}{s}\cdot \Ddeg{A}{r-s}}\,. \] Lemma 3.5 in Section 3.2 of the book shows that this measure lower-bounds the size of Minkowski circuits (in this lemma, we used the same same notation $\Ddeg{A}{r}$ to denote the maximum number of vectors in $A$ sharing $m-r$, not $r$, $1$s in common): if $A\subseteq\{0,1\}^n$ is homogeneous of degree $m$, then $\Un{A}\geq \Factor{A}{r,s}$ holds for $r=m$ and for some $m/3\leq s\leq 2m/3$ (recall that $\Ddeg{A}{m}=|A|$, and $m/3\leq m-s\leq 2m/3$ iff $m/3\leq s\leq 2m/3$). The measure $\Factor{A}{r,s}$ turned out to be also useful when dealing with the depth of Minkowski circuits. For a finite set $A\subseteq\NN^n$ of vectors, let $\depth{A}$ denote the minimum depth of a Minkowski $(\cup,+)$ circuit producing $A$.
Lemma B: Let $A\subseteq \{0,1\}^n$ be a homogeneous set of degree $m$. Then there is a sequence $1=r_0 \lt r_1 \lt r_2 \lt \ldots \lt r_l=m$ of $l+1\geq \log_2 m$ integers such that $r_{i-1}\geq \frac{1}{2} r_{i}$ for all $i=0,1,\ldots,l$, and \[ \depth{A}\geq l+\log_2\prod_{i=1}^{l-1}\Factor{A}{r_i,r_{i-1}}\,. \]
Since $A\subseteq \{0,1\}^n$ and $A$ is homogeneous, the Envelope Lemma (Lemma 1.34 in the book) implies that $\depth{A}$ is also the minimum depth of a tropical circuit solving the minimization or maximization problem on $A$.

Proof: Let $\Phi$ be a Minkowski $(\cup,+)$ circuit producing the set $A$, and $v$ be some its gate. Since the rectangle $\pr{v}+\compl{v}$ (the content of the gate $v$) lies in $A$, and since all vectors of $A$ have degree $m$, there must be a vector $y\in\compl{v}$ of degree at least $m-d_v$ for which $\pr{v}+y\subseteq A$ holds. So, since all vectors of $\pr{v}+y$ contain the vector $y$, we have $|\pr{v}|=|\pr{v}+y|\leq \Ddeg{A}{d_v}$. This suggests the following weighting of gates: \[ \weight{v}:=\frac{|\pr{v}|}{\Ddeg{A}{d_v}}\,. \] Intuitively, $\Ddeg{A}{d_v}$ is the maximal possible number of vectors that ``could'' be produced at the gate $v$ (so that the inclusion $\pr{v}+\compl{v}\subseteq A$ still holds), while $|\pr{v}|$ is the number of vectors produced at the gate $v$. For the output gate $o$, we have $\pr{o}=A$ and $d_o=m$. So, the output gate $o$ gets weight $\weight{o}=|A|/\Ddeg{A}{d_o} = |A|/\Ddeg{A}{m}= |A|/|A| =1$, whereas all other gates get weights $\leq 1$.

To apply Lemma A, we have to verify that our weighting is subadditive at union gates. To show this, let $v=u\cup w$ be a union gate; hence, $d_u=d_w=d_v$. So, since $|\pr{v}|=|\pr{u}\cup\pr{w}|\leq |\pr{u}|+|\pr{w}|$, the desired inequality $\weight{v}\leq \weight{u}+\weight{w}$ follows: \[ \weight{v}=\frac{|\pr{u}\cup\pr{w}|}{\Ddeg{A}{d_v}} \leq \frac{|\pr{u}|}{\Ddeg{A}{d_u}} +\frac{|\pr{w}|}{\Ddeg{A}{d_w}} =\weight{u}+\weight{w}\,. \] Thus, our weighting is subadditive at union $(\cup)$ gates, as required. Let $\pi$ be a balanced input-to-output path in the circuit $\Phi$ guaranteed by Lemma A, and let $r_i$ be the degree $d_v$ of the $i$th of Minkowski sum $(+)$ gate $v$ along this path. Since the path $\pi$ is balanced, we have $d_u\geq d_w$ and, hence, also $d_u=r_{i-1}\geq \tfrac{1}{2}r_i$:


It remains to show that the decrease $\factor{v}$ of every Minkowski sum $(+)$ gate $v=u+w$ is at least $\Factor{A}{r_i,r_{i-1}}$. In fact, since $|\pr{v}|=|\pr{u}+\pr{w}|=|\pr{u}|\cdot|\pr{w}|$ and $d_w=d_v-d_u=r_i-r_{i-1}$, the decrease $\factor{v}$ of our weighting at the gate $v$ is exactly $\Factor{A}{r_i,r_{i-1}}$: \[ \factor{v}=\frac{\weight{u}\cdot \weight{w}}{\weight{v}} =\frac{\Ddeg{A}{d_{v}}}{|\pr{v}|}\cdot \frac{|\pr{u}|}{\Ddeg{A}{d_u}} \cdot \frac{|\pr{w}|}{\Ddeg{A}{d_w}}=\Factor{A}{r_i,r_{i-1}}. \tag*{$\Box$} \]

2.3 Applications

Corollary B: Let $A\subseteq\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ be the set of all $|A|=n!$ characteristic vectors of perfect matchings in $K_{n,n}$. Then $\depth{A}\geq n + \log_2n -1$.
Proof: The set $A$ is homogeneous of degree $m=n$. The number of perfect matchings in $K_{n,n}$ containing a fixed matching with $n-r$ edges is $r$. Hence, $\Ddeg{A}{r}=r!$, and we obtain \[ \Factor{A}{r,s} =\frac{\Ddeg{A}{r}}{\Ddeg{A}{s}\cdot \Ddeg{A}{r-s}} =\frac{r!}{s!(r-s)!} =\binom{r}{s}\,. \] For any integers $m/2\leq k \lt m$, we have $ \tbinom{m}{k}=\tbinom{m}{m-k}\geq \left(\tfrac{m}{m-k}\right)^{m-k}\geq 2^{m-k}$. Let $1=r_0 \lt r_1 \lt r_2 \lt \ldots \lt r_l=n$ be a sequence of $l+1\geq \log_2 n$ integers guaranteed by Lemma B. Since $r_{i-1}\geq \frac{1}{2}r_i$ for all $i=1,\ldots,l$, we have $\binom{r_i}{r_{i-1}} \geq 2^{r_i-r_{i-1}}$. Thus, by telescoping, \[ \prod_{i=1}^{l}\Factor{A}{r_i,r_{i-1}}= \prod_{i=1}^{l}\binom{r_i}{r_{i-1}} \geq 2^{r_l-r_{0}}=2^{n-1}\,, \] and the desired lower bound $\depth{A}\geq n-1+l\geq n -1 + \log_2n$ follows.

Note that a slightly weaker lower bound $\depth{A}=\Omega(n)$ for this set $A$ also follows from the lower bound $\Un{A}=2^{\Omega(n)}$ on the circuit size (Theorem 3.6 in the book), because we always have $\depth{A}\geq \log_2\Un{A}$. More interesting, however, is that Lemma B allows us to prove super-logarithmic depth lower bounds even for sets that have Minkowski circuits of polynomial size.

To demonstrate this, consider the iterated matrix multiplication polynomial. Let $X_1, X_2,\ldots, X_d$ be $d$ $n\times n$ matrices of indeterminates. Let $x_{i,j}^{(k)}$ denote the $(i,j)$-th entry of $X_k$. Let $P$ be the $(1,1)$-th entry of the product $X_1X_2\cdots X_d$ of these matrices. Hence, $P$ is the following homogeneous multilinear polynomial of degree $d$ with $(d-2)n^2+2n=\Theta(dn^2)$ variables: \[ P=\sum_{1\leq i_1,\ldots,i_{d-1}\leq n} x_{1,i_1}^{(1)}x_{i_1,i_2}^{(2)}x_{i_2,i_3}^{(3)}\cdots x_{i_{d-1},1}^{(d)}\,. \] It is convenient to view the monomials of $P$ as paths in the following layered graph $G=(V,E)$. We have $d+1$ layers $V_0,V_1,\ldots,V_d$ of nodes, where the first layer $V_0$ and the last layer $V_d$ consists of one node $1$, while each other layer consists of $n$ nodes $1,2,\ldots,n$. Edges of $G$ connect every node from one layer with all nodes of the next layer. Each edge $e=\{i,j\}\in V_{k-1}\times V_{k}$ of $G$ has its associated variable $x_{i,j}^{(k)}$, and the monomials $x_{1,i_1}^{(1)}x_{i_1,i_2}^{(2)}x_{i_2,i_3}^{(3)}\cdots x_{i_{d-1},1}^{(d)}$ of the polynomial $P$ correspond to the $n^{d-1}$ paths of length $d$ from the first to the last layer of $G$.

The monotone arithmetic circuit for the polynomial $P$ constructed according to the layered graph $G$ has size $O(dn^2)$ (linear in the number of variables of the polynomial $P$). Also, the product of two $n\times n$ matrices can be computed by a monotone arithmetic circuit of depth $O(\log n)$. Hence, by squaring, the polynomial $P$ can be computed by a monotone arithmetic circuit of depth $O((\log d)(\log n))$. The following corollary shows that the depth cannot be substantially reduced. Let $A\subseteq\{0,1\}^m$ be the set of $|A|=n^{d-1}$ exponent vectors of the monomials of $P$.

Corollary C: $\depth{A}=\Omega((\log d)(\log n))$.
Proof: The set $A$ is homogeneous of degree $m=d$. To estimate $\Ddeg{A}{r}$, let us fix a set $E$ of $|E|=d-r$ edges in the layered graph $G$ of $P$. Every edge $e\in E$ constrains either two inner nodes (if $1\not\in e$) or one inner node. Thus, if we fix $d-r$ edges, then at least $d-r$ inner nodes are constrained, implying that only $\Ddeg{A}{r}\leq n^{r-1}$ paths can contain all these edges. In fact, we have an equality $\Ddeg{A}{r}= n^{r-1}$: every path with $d-r$ edges, which starts in the first layer, can be prolonged in $n^{r-1}$ ways. Thus, the decrease is \[ \Factor{A}{r,s}=\frac{\Ddeg{A}{r}}{\Ddeg{A}{s}\cdot \Ddeg{A}{r-s}} =\frac{n^{r-1}}{n^{s-1}\cdot n^{r-s-1}}=n \] for all $1\leq s \lt r\leq d$. Lemma B yields $\depth{A_{n,d}}\geq \log_2 d + \log_2 (n^{\log_2 d})$.


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