% an undirected version of \rightarrow:
\newcommand{\nulis}{\vmathbb{0}} %{\mathbf{0}}
\newcommand{\Up}[1]{#1^{\uparrow}} %{#1^{\vartriangle}}
\newcommand{\Down}[1]{#1^{\downarrow}} %{#1^{\triangledown}}
\newcommand{\lant}[1]{#1_{\mathrm{la}}} % lower antichain
\newcommand{\uant}[1]{#1_{\mathrm{ua}}} % upper antichain
\newcommand{\skal}[1]{\langle #1\rangle}
\newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} % natural numbers
\newcommand{\minTrop}{\mathbb{T}_{\mbox{\rm\footnotesize min}}}
\newcommand{\maxTrop}{\mathbb{T}_{\mbox{\rm\footnotesize max}}}
\newcommand{\pRR}{\mathbb{R}_{\mbox{\tiny $+$}}}
\newcommand{\f}{{\mathcal F}}
\newcommand{\h}{{\mathcal H}}
\newcommand{\A}{{\mathcal A}}
\newcommand{\B}{{\mathcal B}}
\newcommand{\C}{{\mathcal C}}
\newcommand{\R}{{\mathcal R}}
\newcommand{\MPS}[1]{f_{#1}} % matrix multiplication
\newcommand{\Supp}[1]{\mathrm{Sup}(#1)} %{\mathcal{S}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\lenv}[1]{\lfloor #1\rfloor}
\newcommand{\homm}[2]{{#1}^{\langle #2\rangle}}
\newcommand{\cont}[1]{A_{#1}} % content
\def\fontas#1{\mathrm{#1}} %{\mathrm{#1}} %{\mathtt{#1}} %
\newcommand{\Nor}{\mu} % norm without argument
\newcommand{\bool}[1]{\hat{#1}} % Boolean version of f
\newcommand{\bphi}{\phi} % boolean circuit
\newcommand{\ee}{f} % other element
\newcommand{\mdist}[2]{\dist{#1}{#2}} % min-max dist.
\newcommand{\stree}{{\cal T}}
\newcommand{\dstree}{\vec{\cal T}}
\newcommand{\plus}{\mbox{\tiny $+$}}
\newcommand{\harm}[2]{{#1}\,\#\,{#2}} %{{#1}\,\oplus\,{#2}}
\newcommand{\hharm}{\#} %{\oplus}
\newcommand{\mmax}{\mbox{\tiny $\max$}}
\newcommand{\pol}[3]{\sum_{#1\in #2}{#3}_{#1}\prod_{i=1}^n x_i^{#1_i}}
\newcommand{\tpol}[2]{\min_{#1\in #2}\left\{\skal{#1,x}+\const{#1}\right\}}
\newcommand{\comp}{\circ} % composition
\newcommand{\Lred}{L_1} %L_{\mathrm{red}}}
\newcommand{\Lblue}{L_0} %{L_{\mathrm{blue}}}
\newcommand{\maxsum}[2]{\mathrm{MaxS}^{#1}_{#2}} % top k-of-n function
\newcommand{\cirsel}[2]{\Phi^{#1}_{#2}} % its circuit
\newcommand{\sel}[2]{\sym{#1}{#2}} % symmetric pol.
\newcommand{\Item}[1]{\item[\mbox{\rm (#1)}]} % item in roman
\newcommand{\inorm}[1]{\left\|#1\right\|_{\mbox{\tiny $\infty$}}}
\newcommand{\BF}[2]{W_{#2}[#1]} % Bellman-Ford
\newcommand{\FW}[3]{W_{#1}[#2,#3]} % Floyd-Washall
\newcommand{\HK}[1]{W[#1]} % Held-Karp
What circuits produce and what they actually compute
As was shown in the book, there is a big difference between what polynomials
$P$ circuits over a given semiring $(R,\suma,\daug)$ do produce (purely syntactically,
as formal expressions), and what functions $f:R^n\to R$
they actually compute.
The point is that no cancellations are applied when producing (formal) polynomials $P$!
For example, in the circuits over the arithmetic semiring $(\RR,+,\times)$ (non-monotone arithmetic $(+,\times,-)$ circuits),
the polynomial produced by the circuit $\Phi=(x+y)(x-y)$
is $P=x^2+c_1xy+c_2y^2$ with the set $B=\{(2,0), (1,1),(0,2)\}$ of exponent vectors, and coefficients $c_1=1-1=0$ and $c_2=-1$, while the polynomial function computed by the circuit $\Phi$ is $f=x^2-y^2$ whose set of exponent vectors is $A=\{(2,0),(0,2)\}$.
In monotone Boolean $(\lor,\land)$ and tropical $(\min,+)$ or $(\max,+)$ circuits we have no cancellations like arithmetic $x-x=0$ because there are no analogs of arithmetic subtraction in the corresponding semirings.
However, in these circuits, we have cancellations via absorption
$x\lor xy=x$ or $\min\{x,x+y\}=x$ or $\max\{x,x+y\}=x+y$ when going from
the produced polynomials $P$ to the functions $f$ actually
computed by the circuits(1).
Note, however, that if $P$ is the polynomial produced by a a tropical, say by $(\min,+)$, circuit computing a tropical polynomial $f$ (as a function), then one can not necessarily obtain $f$ from $P$ by only using cancellations $\min\{x,x+y\}=x$. For example, if
$P=\min\{2x,x+y,2y\}$, then $f=\min\{2x,2y\}$. The reason is that the "exponent" vector $(1,1)$ of the polynomial $P$ is a convex combination of "exponent" vectors $(2,0)$ and $(0,2)$ of $f$. Thus, instead of cancelation
of the arithmetic term $(1-1)xy=0$, the tropical analog $0+x+y=x+y$
of this term is now eliminated via convexity. Likewise, in monotone Boolean $(\lor,\land)$ circuits,
the transition from produced polynomials
$P$ to computed polynomials $f$ uses the idempotence $x^2=x$, not only absorption $x\lor xy=x$.
Monotone arithmetic $(+,\times)$ circuits make a big exception:
there, as shown by Corollary 1.13 in the book, $f=P$ holds (as formal expressions), that is, in these circuits, we have no cancellations at all.
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