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"Boolean Function Complexity: Advances and Frontiers" -- Orthographic Mistakes
- page 21, line -6: "particular their" $\to$ "particular" (Andras Salamon)
- page 24, proof of Claim 1.16: full stop missing before the last sentence
- page 24 line 5: "functions" $\to$ "function" (Pierre McKenzie)
- 25 line -4: "terms" $\to$ "term" (Pierre McKenzie)
- page 84, line 8: "Leafs" $\to$ "Leaves" (Andras Salamon)
- page 86, lines -4 and -6: "here" $\to$ "her" (Sasha Golovnev)
- page 92, Ex. 3.21: "Husfeld" $\to$ "Husfeldt" (Sasha Golovnev)
- page 104, line 16: "does then $c(A)$ is" $\to$ "is then $c(A)$" (Andras Salamon)
- page 108, line -10: "the a conjecture" $\to$ "a conjecture" (Andras Salamon)
- page 109, line 17: "associate" $\to$ "associate a" (Andras Salamon)
- page 109, line 20: "if these" $\to$ "of these"
- page 109, line -10: "complexity unique" $\to$ "complexity of the unique" (Andras Salamon)
- page 208, line 4 in Ex. 7.4: "meet is" $\to$ "meet in"
- page 209, line 9: "unfortunately", this word is duplicated
- page 311, line 13: duplicated "function" (Yuping Shen)
- page 331, line 1: "output gates" should be "output gate" (Igor Sergeev)
- page 608, reference "Sholomov (1969)": replace "parially" by "partially" (Igor Sergeev)
Last modified: 15.05.2017
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