For the first claim observe that none of the sets A-B can be empty: Since B is a *minimal* blocking set of b(F), it cannot contain any member A of F as a proper subset, just because each member of F is a blocking set of b(F). Then argue as in the book. Note that this claim holds for *all* families F, not just for anti-chains.
To prove the second claim, take any A in F. We want to show A is in b(b(F)). Each element of b(F) intersects A, so A is a blocking set for b(F). Therefore A contains (as a subset) some minimal blocking set B in b(b(F)). Since b(b(F)) is a subset of F (by the first part of the proposition), the set B must belong to F. Hence, A and its subset B are both in F. But F is an antichain, therefore A=B, so A in b(b(F)). Q.E.D.