doc. dr. Alvido Lukošaičio asmenine svetaine

    Courses tought » Globalisation Challenges (GC)

    Course unit code-
    Course unit titleGlobalisation Challenges
    Name and title of lecturer(s)Assoc. prof., dr. Stasys Kropas
    Academic department-
    Level of courseFirst level
    SemesterSpring, (2, 4, 6, 8)
    ECTS credits-
    VU credits-
    Class hours-
    Total hours32
    PrerequisitesBasic knowledge of macroeconomy is required.
    Language of instructionEnglish
    Objectives and learning outcomesThe aims of this course is to: introduce students to the essence of the globalization process, help them understand factors driving globalization; equip students with the theoretical arguments relevant to the debate about globalization; provide students with the relevant information and knowledge to enable them to analyze, understand and follow debates on current problems of globalization; allow students to develop economic concepts and analysis skills that will enable them to form opinions on the adequate adjustment policies while meeting challenges of globalization, and, finally, learn to think in terms of evolutionary adaptability.

    Course unit contentThis course gives an overview of trends, driving forces and discusses the outlook of globalization.
    It also deals with theoretical considerations of the pros and cons of the globalization and its impact on poverty and income inequality. It then discuss weather more open trade regime leads to an increase of level of inequality and how to find the right balance between economic efficiency and income equality.
    Moreover, it considers the globalization’s impact on nation’s economic progress, climate change and people’s life. It also considers implications for other areas of economic policies, such as public finances, labor and product markets.
    Furthermore, policy responses to the globalization (with a special emphasis on the experience of small states) are discussed. Finally, global economic policy making environment and the role of the international institutions are defined.
    Reading listT.L.Friedman. The World is Flat. A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. New York. 2005.

    Rising International Economic Integration opportunities and Challenges. The EU Economy 2005 - Review. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 2005, November, 300

    Responses to the Challenges of Globalisation. A Study on the International Monetary and Financial System and on Financing for Development. Working document of the commission services, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 14 February 2002

    Masson, Paul R. Globalization Facts and Figures . Policy Discussion Paper No. 01/4 , November 1, 2001, IMF.

    Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? April 12, 2000 (Corrected January 2002), IMF.
    Supplementary readingsThomas L. Friedman. The Lexus and the Olive Tree, New York, 2000. Whether you agree with Friedman or not, this book is referred to in almost every serious discussion of globalization.

    Joseph Stiglitz. Globalization and Its Discontents, W.W. Norton, 2002, New York.
    An inside look at how globalization can be a positive force if the World Bank and International Monetary Fund can get their acts together. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize winner, is a former World Bank official and member of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisors.

    Greg Palast. The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Plume Books, 2003, New York.
    Palast's collection of newspaper articles has the full title "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Truth About Corporate Cons, Globalization, and High-Finanace Fraudsters." Publisher's Weekly called it a "...polemical indictment of globalization and political corruption."

    Income Inequality Issues and Policy Options. A symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 27-29, 1998

    Michael Mussa., Factors Driving Global Economic Integration. Presented in Jackson Hole, Wyoming at a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City on “Global Opportunities and Challenges,” August 25, 2000, IMF.
    Teaching methodsIntroduction by instructor. Presentation by students of the overview of literature and presentations on special topics and discussion in-class. Cours materials and asignments for the seminars will be available throw lector‘s personale website - . Access by password for registered users. All anouncements will be made via the website. So please, get in a habit to checking the website often.
    Attendance requirementsStudents are strongly encouiraged to attend class and actively participate in discussions and activity on a regular basis.
    Assessment requirementsExam
    Assessment methods40% written exam (multiple choise and open questions), 40% a term paper (3500-4500 words, 10 sources per paper is minimum. Balanced resources, academic papers used, main points of the topic should be covered. Keep it focused, general information should be very limited and support the argumentation), 20% periodic in-class reports of work-in- progress and performance in seminars.
    Sufficient grade 40% in each asigement.
    Approved by department-
    Approved by Committee of the study program-
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