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1971 - 1980
1981 - 1990
1991 - 2000
2001 -

1971 - 1980

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1. Z.J.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Matulaitite, A.P.Jucys. On the application of generalized hydrogen-like radial orbitals for the calculation of atomic structure. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1971, v. 11, N 4, p. 557-563 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physiscs Collections).

2. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Matulaitite, A.P.Jucys. Application of the non-orthogonal radial orbitals to the ground configuration of the magnesium-type atoms. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1971, v. 11, N 4, p. 565-571 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physiscs Collections).

3. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Matulaitite, A.P.Jucys. Application of the generalized hydrogen-like radial orbitals to the ground configuration of the sodium- and aliuminium-type atoms. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1972, v. 12, N 1,p. 19-24 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections)

4. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Matulaitite, J.A.Yakimavichus. Intensity calculation of X-ray scattering by Al and Al+. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1972, v. 12, N 1, p. 26-33 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

5. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Theoretical study of berillium-like atoms having the 1s22s3s configuration. - Optika i spektroskopya, 1975, v. 38, N 3, p. 409-410 (in Russian). Optics and spectroscopy, 1975, v. 38, N 3, p.233.

6. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. On the investgation of atoms with vacancies. - Izvestiya vuzov USSR, Fizika, 1975, N 9, p. 19-23 (in Russian).

7. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. The investgation of flourine-type atoms in the configuration 2p43p.- Izvestiya vuzov USSR, Fizika, 1975, N 9, p. 143-145 (in Russian).

8. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Emision of atoms of the second period with K vacancies. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1975, v, 39, N 5, p. 993-995 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy, 1975, v. 39, N 5, p. 569-570.

9. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. The investigation of coherent scattering of photons by oxygen atoms and ions. - Izvestiya vuzov USSR, Fizika, 1976, N 4, p. 95-99 (in Russian).

10. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. The investigation of the 1s-hole state of neon. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1976, v. 16, N 2, p. 231-238 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

11. A.V.Kuplyauskiene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. The investigation of the cross sections of elastic photon scattering by cooper atom an ions. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1976, v. 16, N 4, p. 524-531 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

12. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. The effect of the division of 2p-shell in nitrogen-type atoms. - Izvestiya vuzov USSR, Fizika, 1976, N 10, p. 97-103 (in Russian).

13. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Oscillator strengths of 3s23pN - 3s3pN+1 transitions in neutral atoms and singly and doubly ionized atoms. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1977, v. 42, N 3, p. 600-601 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy, 1977, v. 42, N 3, p. 345-346.

14. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Cross sections for coherent scattering of photons by zinc atom and ions. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1976, v. 41, N 4, p. 677-679 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy, 1976, v.41, N 4, p. 399-400.

15. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Division of the 2p-shell of oxygen-type atoms. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1977, v. 17, N 1, p. 21-28 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

16. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. The investigation of Li and He- in the configuration 1s2s2p. - Izvestiya vuzov USSR, Fizika, 1977, N 6, p. 70-74 (in Russian).

17. A.A.Bandzaitis, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis, V.J. Tutlis. Theoretical calculations of the autoionizing terms of neon in the configuration 1s22s22p4(3P)3s3p. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1979, v. 19, N 2, p. 187-193 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

18. S.L.Ionushauskas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Cross sections of iron atom and ions for photon scattering. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1979, v. 47, N 3, p. 447-450 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy, 1979, v. 47, N 3, p. 248-250.

19. S.L.Yonushauskas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Investigation of the Rayleigh and Compton photon scattering cross sections by atoms and ions of chromium. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1979, v, 19, 6, p. 757-764 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

20. A.V.Kupliauskiene, Z.J.Kupliauskis. Reileigh and Compton scattering cross sections of x-rays by oxygen ions. - Journal de Physique, 1979, C7, t. 40, p. C7-853.

21. A.V.Kupliauskiene, Z.I.Kupliauskis. Doubly excited states of a lithium atoms. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1980, v. 48, N 3, p 430-434 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1980, v.48, N 3, p. 237-239.

22. S.L.Yonushauskas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Investigation of Compton scattering cross sections by the atoms and ions of nickel. - Izvestiya vuzov USSR, Fizika, 1980, v. 23, N 3, p. 131-132 (in Russian).

23. V.E.Briyunas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Energies of x-ray and Auger satellites in neon. Initial configuration 1s2pN. - Izvestiya vuzov USSR. Fizika, 1980, v. 23, N 7, p. 108-110 (in Russian).

24. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Analytical radail orbitals for negative ions of second, third, and fourth period. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1980, v. 20, N 4, p. 95-96 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

25. V.E.Briyunas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Investigation of neon ions in the configuration 1s2s2pN. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1980, v. 20, N 6, p. 33-40 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

1981 - 1990

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26. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene, V.J.Tutlis. Study of excited states of atoms by means of nonorthogonal radial orbitals. - Izvestiya vuzov USSR. Fizika, 1981, N 3, p. 7-10 (in Russian). Soviet Physics Tr., 1981, N 3, p. 203-207.

27. A.A.Borovik, I.S.Aleksakhin, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Excitation and electronic decay of autoionizing states of alkali-earth atoms. (calcium atomic states). - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1981, v. 51, N 3, p. 433-439 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1981, v.51, N 3, p. 239-242.

28. A.A.Borovik, I.S.Aleksakhin, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Excitation and electronic decay of autoionizing states of alkali-earth atoms. Calcium (atomic optically forbidden and ionic states). - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1982, v. 52, N 3, p. 425-428 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1982, v. 52, N 3, p. 254-256.

29. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Doubly excited states of B2+. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1982, v. 22, N 1, p. 13-23 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

30. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Doubly excited states of Be+. - Optika i spktroskopiya. 1982, v. 52, N 5, p. 793-798 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1982, v. 52, N 5, p. 475-477.

31. V.E.Briyunas, R.S.Kiselyus, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. The investigation of the decay of two K vacancies in neon ions. - Izvestiya vuzov USSR. Fizika, 1982, v. 25, N 8, p. 119-120 (in Russian).

32. A.A.Borovik, I.S.Aleksakhin, V.F.Bratsev, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Excitation and electronic decay of autoionizing states of alkali-earth atoms: strontium. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1982, v. 53, N 6, p. 976-980 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1982, v. 53, N 6, p. 583-586.

33. V.E.Briyounas, R.S.Kiselyus, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Fluorescence yield for the decay of autoionizing states in ions. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1982, v. 22, N 4, p. 95-97 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

34. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Doubly excited states of C3+ ion. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1983, v. 54, N 1, p. 48-53 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1983, v. 54, N 1, p. 26-29.

35. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis, V.J.Tutlis. Dielectronic satellites in the three-electron ions of nitrogen. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1983, v. 23, N 5, p. 15-21 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

36. G.N.Ogurtsov, V.M.Mikoushkin, I.P.Flaks, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Experimental and theoretical determination of energies of 2p3nln'l' autoionization states of NeII. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1983, v. 54, N 3, p. 391-396 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1983, v. 54, N 3, p. 230-233.

36. Z.I.Kuplyauskis, K.K.Glyamzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Dielectronic satellites of the of C4+ resonance line.- Optika i spektroskopiya, 1984, v. 56, N 1, p. 21-25 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1984, v. 56, N 1, p. 12-15.

37. V.G.Gontis, J.J.Grudzinskas, R.S.Kiselyus, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.B.Rudzikas, V.J.Tutlis. The simulation of atomic processes in tokamak plasma. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1984, v. 24, N2, p. 120-121 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

38. V.E.Briyunas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. The investigation of the radiative and Auger decay probabilities of KL21 states with vacancies in neon ions. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1984, v. 24, N 4, p. 90-91 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

39. A.A.Borovik, I.S.Aleksakhin, V.F.Brattsev, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Excitation and electronic decay of autoionizing states of alkaline earth atoms. 4. Barium. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1985, v. 58, N 5, p. 988-992 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1985, v. 58, N 5, p. 601-604.

40. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Promising transitions for the construction of VUV potassium vapour lasers. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1985, v. 58, N 6, p. 1341-1344 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1985, v. 58, N 6, p. 821-823.

41. K.K.Glyamzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, A.H.Nakas. The influence of the use of more accurate wave functions and the account of exchange on the excitation cross sections of ions by electrons. - Izvestiya USSR, seriya fizicheskaya, 1986, v. 50, N 7, p. 1343-1348 (in Russian).

41. V.E.Briyunas, K.K.Glyamzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Theoretical investigation of the dependence of the intensities of resonance line satellites on plasma temperature. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1986, v. 26, N 2, p. 231-232 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

42. K.K.Glyamzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Effects of ortogonalization of radial orbitals of free and bound electrons on the electron-impact excitation cross sections of ions. - Optika i spektoskopiya, 1987, v. 62, N 1, p. 23-25 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1987, v. 62, N 1, p. 14-16.

43. R.S.Kiselyus, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.B.Rudzikas. Approximation formulas for the rate of electron photorecombination in ions in the 1s22sN12pN2 configuration. - Optika i spektoskopiya, 1987, v. 63, N 2, p. 244-248 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1987, v. 63, N 2, p. 143-146.

44. K.K.Glyamzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. Contribution of high values of the momentum of an incident electron to the electron-impact excitation cross section of ions. - Optika i spektoskopiya, 1987, v. 63, N 2, p. 445-448 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1987, v. 63, N 2, p. 261-262).

45. K.K.Glyamzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.H.Nakas. The investigation of excitation cross sections of ions by electrons in the Coulomb-Born approximation. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1987, v. 27, N 1, p. 121-123 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

46. A.V.Kuplyauskene, V.E.Briyunas, A.Maknitskas. Energies of autoionization states of three-electron ions from boron to neon. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1988, v. 64, N 2, p. 254-257 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1988, v. 64, N 2, p. 150-152.

47. A.V.Kuplyauskene. Recombination of electron with positive ions. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1988, v. 28, N 1, p. 97-98 (in Russian).

48. K.K.Glyamzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis, A.H.Nakas. Investigation of the excitation of positive ions by electron impact. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1988, v. 28, N 1, p. 98-99 (in Russian).

49. A.V.Kuplyauskene. Doubly excited states of Ne2+, Ne3+, and Ne4+. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1988, v. 28, N 2, p. 263-264 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

50. R.S.Kiselyus, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Study of the level population of higly charged chlorine ions in high temperature plasmas. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1988, v. 28, N 2, p. 265-266 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

51. A.H.Nakas, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Calculation of electron bremsstrahlung cross sections in an ion field. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1989, v. 66, N 1, p. 42-44 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1989, v. 66, N 1, p. 24-25.

52. A.H.Nakas, A.V.Kuplyauskene. The methods of the evaluation of radial integrals with two Coulomb wave functions of continuos spectra for the characteristics of collision processes. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1989, v. 29, N 2, p. 248-250 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

53. K.K.Glyamzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.I.Kuplyauskis. The excitation cross sections of the autoionizing states 1s2l2l'LSJ of Ar15+ by electrons. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1989, v. 29, N 5, p. 602-604 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

54. A.V.Kuplyauskene. Autoionization energies of doubly excited states of Ne2+. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1989, v. 66, N 3, p. 514-517 (in Russian). Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), 1989, v. 66, N 3, p. 299-301.

1991 - 2000

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55. A.V.Kuplyauskene, A.H.Nakas. Computer program for the calculation of radial integrals containing the Slater-type radial orbitals of discrete spectrum and Coulomb radial orbitals of contimuun spectrum. - Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys, 1991, v. 31, N 1, p. 111-113 (in Russian, English translation in Soviet Physics Collections).

56. A.V.Kuplyauskene, G.Zhukauskas. Spectra of radiative decay of the 1s22s22p53l3l'LSJ states of sodiumlike ions of chlorine and argon. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1991, v. 71, N 1, p. 15-18 (in Russian). Optics and spectroscopy (USSR), 1991, v. 71, N 1, p. 8-11.

57. A.V.Kuplyauskene, R.L.Furmonavichyute. Cross-sections for resonance charge exchange with electron excitation due to collisions of Ca17+ with He and H2. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1991, v. 71, N 1, p. 25-28 (in Russian). Optics and spectroscopy (USSR), 1991, v. 71, N 1, p. 13-15.

58. A.V.Kupliauskiene, A.A.Maknitskas. Theoretical study of the ionization of a helium atom by electrons with excitation of the helium ion. - Optika i spektroskopiya, 1991, v. 71, N 2, p. 221-224 (in Russian). Optics and spectroscopy (USSR), v. 71, N 2, p. 127-129.

58. P.Serapinas, A.V.Kupliauskiene. On current filament formation in arc cathode plasmas. - J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys. 1994, v. 27, N2, p.330-337.

59. A.V.Kupliauskiene. Relative intensities of shake-up satellites in photoionization of potassium atoms from 3p64s and 3p64p. - J.Phys. B: at.Mol.Opt.Phys.,1994, v. 27, N23, p. 5647-5660.

60. A.Kupliauskiene. Application of nonorthogonal radial orbitals to atoms. - Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 1995, v. 35, N 2, p. 113-121.

61 A.Kupliauskiene. Simultaneous photoionization and excitation of Li, Na, and K atoms in the ground and excited state. - Physica Scripta, 1996, v. 53, N 2, 149-158.

62. A.Kupliauskiene. 2s electron photoionization of atomic sodium in the ground and first excited states. - Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 1997, v. 37, N 1, p. 5-11(Lith. Phys. J. (USA), 1997, v.37, no 1, p. 5-10).

63. A.Kupliauskiene. Simultaneous ionization and excitation of B and Al atoms in the ground and excited states by photons. - Physica Scripta, 1997, v. 55, N 4, p. 445-454.

64. A.Kupliauskiene. 2s photoionization of Na and 3s photoionization of K atoms in the ground and first excited states. - J.Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 1997, v. 30, N 8, p.1865-1878.

65. K.Glemza, A.Kupliauskiene. 1s-shell photoionization cross sections and asymmetry parameter of Na atoms in excited states. - Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 1997, v. 37, N 5, p. 384-390 (Lith. Phys. J. (USA), 1997, v. 37, no 5, p. 380-386).

66. A.Kupliauskiene. The influence of valence electron excitation on the 2s subshell photoionization cross sections of atomic sodium. - J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 1998, v. 31, N 13, p. 2885-2896.

67. N.Rakstikas, A.Kupliauskiene. Strong dependence of the 2p photoionization cross sections of Na atoms on valence electron state. - Physica Scripta, 1998, v. 58, N 6, p. 587-594.

68. A.Kupliauskiene. On the application of relaxed-orbital Hartree-Fock approximation for the ionization cross sections of atoms. - J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 1999, v. 32, N 15, p. 3939-3954.

69. A.Kupliauskiene, N.Rakstikas, V.Tutlys. General expression of the photoionization cross section of an atom in polarized LS states. - Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 2000, v. 40, N 5, p. 311-320.

2001 -

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70. A.Kupliauskiene. On the application of relaxed-orbital and sudden perturbation approximations for the photoionization of atoms. - J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys,. 2001, v. 34, N 3, p. 345-362.

71. V.Tutlys, A.Kupliauskiene. Practice of the use of graphical methods for the stufies of polarization in photoionization of atoms. Lithuanian J. Phys., 2001, v. 41, N 1, p. 31-37.

72. A.Kupliauskiene , N.Rakstikas, V.Tutlys. Polarization studies in the photoionization of atoms using graphical technique. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2001, v. 34, N 9, p. 1783-1805.

73. N.Rakstikas, A.Kupliauskiene. The influence of valence electron state on the 2p ionization of atomic sodium by electrons. Physica Scripta, 2001, v. 63, N 3, p. 230-236.

74. A.Kupliauskiene, J.Lipinskaja. The pecularities of the angular distribution of photoelectrons from the 2p shell of excited Na. Lithuanian Joournal of Physics, 2001, v. 41, No. 3, p. 206-212.

75. K.Glemza, A.Kupliauskiene. The role of excited electron in the inner-shell ionization of atoms. Lithuanian Joournal of Physics, 2001, v. 41, No. 3, p. 237-241.

76. D.Jurciukonis, A.Kupliauskiene. Investigation of the influence of valence electron excitation on the polarization of photoelectrons from Na atoms. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 2001, v. 41, No. 3, p. 242-246.

77. A.Kupliauskiene, K.Glemza. Strong dependence of shake probability on valence electron state for the inner-shell ionization of atoms. -- J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2002, v. 35, No. 22, p. 4637-4646.

78. A.Kupliauskiene, V.Tutlys. Application of graphical technique for Auger decay following photoionization of atoms. Physica Scripta, 2003, v. 67, No 4, 290-300.

79. A.Kupliauskiene, V.Tutlys. Auger decay probability following photoionization of atoms. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 2003, v. 43, N 1, p. 27-34.

80. A.Kupliauskiene, V.Tutlys. General study of magnetic dichroism in Auger and fluorescence decay of photoionized atoms. -- Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 2003, v. 43, N 1, p. 35-40.

81. A.Kupliauskiene, K.Glemza. General expression for ionization cross-section of polarized atoms by polarized electrons. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 2003, v. 43, N 2, p. 89-97.

82. A.Kupliauskiene, V.Tutlys. Angular distribution of radiation following photoionization of polarized atoms. Physica Scripta, 2004, v. 70, N 4, p. 241-250.

83.A.Kupliauskiene. Photo excitation of polarized atoms by polarized radiation. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 2004, v. 44, N 1, p. 17-26.

84.A.Kupliauskiene. Atomic theory methods for the polarization in photon and electron interactions with atoms. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 2004, v. 44, N 2, p.199-218,

85. A.Kupliauskiene, K.Glemza. Dependence of shake probability on nuclear charge of Li-, Na- and K-like ions. Nuclear Instruments and Methoths in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 235, 180-183 (2005).

86. A.Kupliauskiene. Investigation of fluorescence radiation following radiative recombination of ions and electrons. Nuclear Instruments and Methoths in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 235, 252-256 (2005).

87. A.Kupliauskiene, V.Tutlys. General expression for the dielectronic recombination cross section of polarized ions with polarized electrons. Nuclear Instruments and Methoths in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 235, 257-260 (2005).

88 K.Glemza, A.Kupliauskiene. Theoretical study of fast electron-impact ionization of polarized atoms. Lithuanian J. Phys., 45, 339-352 (2005).

89. A.Kupliauskiene, P.Bogdanovich, A.A.Borovik, O.Zatsarinny, A.N.Grum-Grzhimailo, K.Bartschat. The role of cascade processes in electron-impact excitation of the (3p54s2)2P3/2,1/2 autoionizing levels in potassium. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 39, 591-601 (2006).

90. A. Kupliauskiene, M. Seimys, R.Valavicius. Excitation of polarized atoms by fast electrons. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 46, 147-152 (2006).

91. A.Kupliauskiene. A general expression for the excitation cross-section of polarized atoms by polarized electrons. Physica Scripta 75, 524-530 (2007),

92. A.Kupliauskiene, P.Bogdanovich, A.Borovik. Radiative transitions between lowest autoionizing states in sodium. Lithuanian J. Phys., 47, 7-13 (2007).

93. A.Borovik, V.Vakula, A.Kupliauskiene. The 4p6-core excited autoionizing states in strontium: Classification and excitation dynamics. Lithuanian J. Phys., 47, 129-135 (2007).

94. A.Kupliauskiene, K.Glemza, K.-N.Huang. Fluorescence of polarized atoms ionized by polarized electrons. Lithuanian J. Phys., 48, 25-33 (2008).

95. A.Kupliauskiene, V.Tutlys, K.-N.Huang. Properties of Auger electrons following ionization of polarized atoms by polarized electrons. Lithuanian J. Phys., 48, 49-58 (2008).

96. A.Borovik, A.Kupliauskiene. On cascade transitions between autoionizing doublet levels in sodium. Physica Scripta, 77, 055301 (4pp) (2008).

97. A.Kupliauskiene, V.Tutlys. Properties of Auger electrons following excitation of polarized atoms by polarized electrons. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 267, 263-265 (2009).

98. A.Kupliauskiene. Fluorescence of polarized atoms excited by polarized electrons.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 267, 266-269 (2009).

99. A.Borovik, A.Kupliauskiene. The 5p6 autoionization cross section of cesium atoms: contribution to single ionization by electron impact. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 42, 165202 (5pp) (2009).

100. A.Borovik, A.Kupliauskiene, O.Zatsarinny. Excitation cross sections and spectroscopic classification of autoionizing levels in caesium atom, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 44, 145203 (6pp) (2011).

101. A.Kupliauskiene. Theoretical study of the 5p5nln'l'$ autoionizing states of Cs. Physica Scripta, 84, 045304(7pp) (2011).

102 A.Borovik, V.Roman, A.Kupliauskiene. The 4p6 autoionization cross sections of Rb atoms excited by low-energy electron impact. J.Phys. B: at. Mol. Opt. Phys., 45, 045204(7) (2012).

103. A.Borovik, A.Kupliauskiene, O.Zatsarinny. Excitation-autoionization cross sections of alkali atoms by electron impact. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 46, 215201(6pp) (2013).

104. A.Kuplaiuskiene, G.Kerevicius. Theoretical study of the 4p5nln'l' autoionizing states of Rb excited by electron impact. Physica Scripta, 88, 065305(7pp) (2013).

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