A nondeterministic space-time tradeoff for linear codes

Stasys Jukna


We consider nondeterministic D-way branching programs computing functions $f:D^n\to \{0,1\}$ in time at most $kn$ for $k\ll\log n$. In the boolean case, where D={0,1}, no exponential lower bounds are known even for k=2. Such lower bounds are known only if the domain D is sufficiently large: at least $n^c$ in [Ajtai] and at least $2^{2^k}$ in [Beame, Saks, Thathachar]. In this note we prove such a lower bound for for an explicit function $f:D^n\to \{0,1\}$ over substantially smaller domain of size about $2^k$.

Our function $f(Y,x)$ has $n^2+n$ variables, the first $n^2$ of which are arranged in an n by n matrix Y. The variables take their values in the domain D=GF(q), and $f(Y,x)=1$ iff the vector $x$ is orthogonal over GF(q) to all rows of Y.

We prove that, for any prime power q\geq c4^k, any nondeterministic branching program computing f in time kn requires size exponential in n/8^k.
