#Import the required modules for vectors and matrix operations, data generation
import numpy as np
#Import the required modules for plot creation:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import the required modules for TimeSeries data generation:
import statsmodels.api as sm
#Import the required modules for test statistic calculation:
import statsmodels.stats as sm_stat
#Import the required modules for model estimation:
import statsmodels.tsa as smt
We will simulate the following time series processes
We will assume that if $t \leq 0$, then $Y_t = \epsilon_t = 0$ and $\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 0.5^2)$
We will begin by rewriting the processes in their expanded forms
From their functional forms, we see that we have the following processes:
To recap the theory:
This translates to checking the following:
We begin by checking the stationarity of (C), (D) and (E).
We can also do it via Python
using poly1d
From the documentation an example of poly1d([1, 2, 3])
represents $x^2 + 2x + 3$, so:
print("(C)" + str(np.poly1d([-1.1, 1], variable = 'z')))
print("Roots: " + str(np.poly1d([-1.1, 1], variable = 'z').roots))
print("(D) and (E)\n" + str(np.poly1d([0.2, -1.1, 1], variable = 'z')))
print("Roots: " + str(np.poly1d([0.2, -1.1, 1], variable = 'z').roots))
The invertability concept concerns only moving-average and ARMA processes, but it is calculated in a similar way as before, only now we need to find the roots of the moving-average lag operator function $\Theta(x)$:
We will not repeat the manual calculations and instead immediately look at the results via Python
print("(A)" + str(np.poly1d([0.5, 1], variable = 'x')))
print("Roots: " + str(np.poly1d([0.5, 1], variable = 'x').roots))
print("(B)\n" + str(np.poly1d([-0.4, 1.3, 1], variable = 'x')))
print("Roots: " + str(np.poly1d([-0.4, 1.3, 1], variable = 'x').roots))
print("(E)\n" + str(np.poly1d([1.3, 1], variable = 'x')))
print("Roots: " + str(np.poly1d([1.3, 1], variable = 'x').roots))
We see that for (A), the process is invertible (the roots are outside the unit circle), while in (B) it is not since one of its roots is inside the unit circle. Finally, (E) is also non-invertible.
So, to recap:
We will remind that an MA model is invertible if it is equivalent to a converging infinite order AR model. By converging, we mean that the AR coefficients decrease to 0 as we move back in time.
The logic behind generating this process is as follows:
we can carry out these calculations in Python
as follows:
N = 150
epsilon = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.5, size = N)
A_data = 1 + epsilon[0]
for j in range(1, N):
Y_temp = 1 + epsilon[j] + 0.5 * epsilon[j - 1]
A_data = np.append(A_data, Y_temp)
The logic behind generating this process is as follows:
we can carry out these calculations in Python
as follows:
N = 150
epsilon = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.5, size = N)
B_data = 1 + epsilon[0]
B_data = np.append(B_data, 1 + epsilon[1] + 1.3 * epsilon[0])
for j in range(2, N):
Y_temp = 1 + epsilon[j] + 1.3 * epsilon[j - 1] - 0.4 * epsilon[j - 2]
B_data = np.append(B_data, Y_temp)
We now start the loop from 2
instead of 1
, since the first two elements include $\epsilon$ at values $t \leq 0$, so they have a different formula.
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 5))
plt.plot(B_data, label = "$Y_t = 1 + \\epsilon_t + 0.5 \\epsilon_{t-1}$ (invertible)")
plt.plot(A_data, label = "$Y_t = 1 + \\epsilon_t + 1.3 \\epsilon_{t-1} - 0.4 \\epsilon_{t-2}$ (non-invertible)")
plt.title("Moving-Average Processes")
Notice that the plots do not exhibit large differences - you may not be able to tell whether a process is invertrible or not from the time series plots alone.
The logic behind generating this process is as follows:
we can carry out these calculations in Python
as follows:
N = 150
epsilon = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.5, size = N)
C_data = np.array(1 + epsilon[0], ndmin = 1)
for j in range(1, N):
Y_temp = 1 + 1.1 * C_data[j - 1] + epsilon[j]
C_data = np.append(C_data, Y_temp)
The logic behind generating this process is as follows:
we can carry out these calculations in Python
as follows:
N = 150
epsilon = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.5, size = N)
D_data = np.array(1 + epsilon[0], ndmin = 1)
D_data = np.append(D_data, 1 + 1.1 * D_data[0] + epsilon[1])
for j in range(2, N):
Y_temp = 1 + 1.1 * D_data[j - 1] - 0.2 * D_data[j - 2] + epsilon[j]
D_data = np.append(D_data, Y_temp)
We start the loop from 2
instead of 1
, since the first two elements include pas values of $Y$ at values $t \leq 0$, so they have a different formula.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15, 5))
fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1).plot(C_data)
plt.title("$Y_t = 1 + 1.1 Y_{t-1} + \\epsilon_t$ (non-stationary)")
fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2).plot(D_data)
plt.title("$Y_t = 1 + 1.1 Y_{t-1} - 0.2 Y_{t-2} + \\epsilon_t$ (stationary)")
The logic behind generating this process is as follows:
we can carry out these calculations in Python
as follows:
N = 150
epsilon = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.5, size = N)
E_data = np.array(epsilon[0], ndmin = 1)
E_data = np.append(E_data, 1.1 * E_data[0] + epsilon[1] + 1.3 * epsilon[0])
for j in range(2, N):
Y_temp = 1.1 * E_data[j - 1] - 0.2 * E_data[j - 2] + epsilon[j] + 1.3 * epsilon[j - 1]
E_data = np.append(E_data, Y_temp)
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 5))
plt.plot(E_data, label = "$Y_t = 1.1 Y_{t-1} - 0.2 Y_{t-2} + \\epsilon_t + 1.3 \\epsilon_{t-1}$ (stationary non-invertible)")
plt.plot(D_data, label = "$Y_t = 1 + 1.1 Y_{t-1} - 0.2 Y_{t-2} + \\epsilon_t$ (stationary)")
plt.title("ARMA(2, 1) Process vs AR(2) process")
Note the difference in the mean - our $ARMA$ process does not have an intercept term.
Alternatively, we can use the built-in functions to simulate the models. We need to specify the $\Phi(z)$ and $\Theta(x)$ functions.
E_auto_spec = smt.arima_process.ArmaProcess(ar = np.array([1, -1.1, 0.2]), ma = [1, 1.3])
E_autogenr = E_auto_spec.generate_sample(N, scale = 0.5)
Note that for puse $\rm AR$ models $\Theta(x) = 1$ and for pure $\rm MA$ models $\Phi(z) = 1$.
The nice thing about this function is that we can examine these lag functions
as well as get their calculated roots
and check the stationarity/invertibility automatically:
print("Stationarity: " + str(E_auto_spec.isstationary))
print("Invertibility: " + str(E_auto_spec.isinvertible))
plt.figure(figsize = (20, 8))
plt.plot(E_data, label = "$Y_t = 1.1 Y_{t-1} - 0.2 Y_{t-2} + \\epsilon_t + 1.3 \\epsilon_{t-1}$ (stationary non-invertible)", color = "blue")
plt.plot(E_autogenr, label = "autogenerated ARMA(2, 1) process with the same parameters", linestyle = "-.", color = "red")
plt.title("ARMA(2, 1) Process vs AR(2) process")
Note - we used the same innovations to generate (A) - (E) processes, and the autogenerated used different innovations simulated via the same specified seed.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_acf(E_autogenr, lags = 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(121))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_pacf(E_autogenr, lags = 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(122), method = "ywm")
NOTE on possible PACF error, need to specify either method = "ywm"
, or method = "ols"
We remember that $\epsilon_t \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 0.5^2)$.
Assuming that $Y_t = 0$ for $t \leq 0$, this can be expressed as $\mathbb{E} (Y_t) =\sum_{j = 0}^{t-1} (1.1)^j$ for an $AR(1)$ process. So, for $t = 150$ this is roughly
tmp_sum = 0
for i in range(0, N):
tmp_sum = tmp_sum + (1.1)**i
An example of a non-stationary process - a non-constant mean.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_acf(A_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(121))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_pacf(A_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(122), method = "ywm")
We see that the ACF is abruptly cutoff after the first lag. Regarding PACF - it appears to be somewhat declining, though it is difficult to say. We expect it to be an MA(1) process.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_acf(B_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(121))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_pacf(B_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(122), method = "ywm")
We see that the ACF is abruptly cutoff after the first lag. Regarding PACF - it appears to be somewhat declining, though it is difficult to say. We would expect an MA(1) process (though in reality we know that it is an MA(2) process).
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_acf(C_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(121))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_pacf(C_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(122), method = "ywm")
The ACF appears to decline, while the PACF is abruptly cutoff after the first lag. We would expect an AR(1) process.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_acf(D_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(121))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_pacf(D_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(122), method = "ywm")
The ACF appears to decline, while the PACF is abruptly cutoff after the first lag. We would expect an AR(1) process (though in reality it is an AR(2) process).
(Try to increase the sample size and re-examine the ACf/PACF plots - are they closer to the true theoretical cases?)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_acf(E_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(121))
sm.tsa.graphics.plot_pacf(E_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(122), method = "ywm")
We see both the ACF and PACF to be declining - it is an ARMA process. We cannot identify its order from these plots alone.
Note that if we have automatically generated the data using smt.arima_process.ArmaProcess
, we can examine the theoretical acf/pacf plots
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15, 10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax1.stem(E_auto_spec.acf(lags = 20), label = "Theoretical ACF", basefmt = "white", linefmt = "r-", markerfmt = "ro-")
ax1.stem(smt.stattools.acf(E_autogenr, nlags = 19), label = "Empirical ACF", basefmt = "white", linefmt = "g-", markerfmt = "go-")
ax1.axhline(y = 0, color = "black")
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax2.stem(E_auto_spec.pacf(lags = 20), label = "Theoretical PACF", basefmt = "white", linefmt = "r-", markerfmt = "ro-")
ax2.stem(smt.stattools.pacf(E_autogenr, nlags = 19, method = "ywm"), label = "Empirical PACF", basefmt = "white", linefmt = "g-", markerfmt = "go-")
ax2.axhline(y = 0, color = "black")
As an example, we will re-generate the process but with a larger sample size of $N = 1500$
E_autogenr_large = E_auto_spec.generate_sample(1500, scale = 0.5)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15, 10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax1.stem(E_auto_spec.acf(lags = 20), label = "Theoretical ACF", basefmt = "white", linefmt = "r-", markerfmt = "ro-")
ax1.stem(smt.stattools.acf(E_autogenr_large, nlags = 19), label = "Empirical ACF, sample size N = 1500", basefmt = "white", linefmt = "g-", markerfmt = "go-")
ax1.axhline(y = 0, color = "black")
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax2.stem(E_auto_spec.pacf(lags = 20), label = "Theoretical PACF", basefmt = "white", linefmt = "r-", markerfmt = "ro-")
ax2.stem(smt.stattools.pacf(E_autogenr_large, nlags = 19, method = "ywm"), label = "Empirical PACF, sample size N = 1500", basefmt = "white", linefmt = "g-", markerfmt = "go-")
ax2.axhline(y = 0, color = "black")
The following result is important to note: the larger the sample size, the closer the estimates to the true values.
We will estimate the models with the exact order that we used to generate the data:
A_spec_1 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(A_data, order = (0, 1))
A_mdl_1 = A_spec_1.fit(trend = 'c')
B_spec_1 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(B_data, order = (0, 2))
B_mdl_1 = B_spec_1.fit(trend = 'c')
Note that the coefficients are not close to the true values (except for the constant and the overall coefficient signs). This is because our true process is not invertible. Hence, the software attepts to fit an invertible model, which results in different coefficients.
C_spec_1 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(C_data, order = (1, 0))
C_mdl_1 = C_spec_1.fit(trend = 'c')
Note the coefficient values for the non-stationary process.
D_spec_1 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(D_data, order = (2, 0))
D_mdl_1 = D_spec_1.fit(trend = 'c')
Note the const
coefficient of the model is close to the process mean. This is not the intercept!
E_spec_1 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(E_data, order = (2, 1))
E_mdl_1 = E_spec_1.fit(trend = 'nc')
Note that we use trend
to decide whether to include a constant or not. c
includes constant, nc
- no constant.
We can also see the roots for stationarity and invertibility. Again, the fitted model attempts to fit a stationary and invertible process, hence the MA coefficient is different for this process (which is generated from a non-invertible data generating process).
We can also extract specific information about the model:
print("Included trend (this is actually the constant): ", E_mdl_1.k_trend)
print("Included constat: ", E_mdl_1.k_constant)
print("Number of AR parameters: ", E_mdl_1.k_ar)
print("Number of MA parameters" , E_mdl_1.k_ma)
print("Included exogenous variables: ", E_mdl_1.k_exog)
as well as specific parameters
print("All of the parameters: ", E_mdl_1.params)
print("All of the p-values: ", E_mdl_1.pvalues)
print("Only AR parameters: ", E_mdl_1.arparams)
print("Only MA parameters: ", E_mdl_1.maparams)
Interestingly, on the larger sample size the autoregressive parameters are indeed close to the true values
print(smt.arima_model.ARMA(E_autogenr_large, order = (2, 1)).fit(trend = 'nc').summary())
However, the moving-average parameters are not, since the process is non-invertible.
The estimated model is:
$ \widehat{Y}_t = 1.1010 \cdot \widehat{Y}_{t-1} - 0.2045 \cdot \widehat{Y}_{t-2} + e_t + 0.7826 \cdot e_{t-1} $
where $e_t = Y_t - 1.1010 \cdot \widehat{Y}_{t-1} + 0.2045 \cdot \widehat{Y}_{t-2} - 0.7826 \cdot e_{t-1}$ and $e_0 = 0$.
We will see more on model fitting in the last task.
We will automatically etimate the unknown parameters as well as the lag order. Note the documentation:
This method can be used to tentatively identify the order of an ARMA process, provided that the time series is stationary and invertible.
A_est_auto = sm.tsa.stattools.arma_order_select_ic(A_data, ic='aic', trend='c')
print("(A) process order: ", A_est_auto.aic_min_order)
The automatically selected model is:
A_mdl_auto = smt.arima_model.ARMA(A_data, order = A_est_auto.aic_min_order).fit(trend = 'c')
If we wanted, we could restrict the models by specifying the maximum order of the $MA$ or the $AR$ (or both) parts:
A_est_auto = sm.tsa.stattools.arma_order_select_ic(A_data, ic='aic', trend='c', max_ar = 0)
print("(A) process order: ", A_est_auto.aic_min_order)
B_est_auto = sm.tsa.stattools.arma_order_select_ic(B_data, ic='aic', trend='c')
print("(B) process order: ", B_est_auto.aic_min_order)
The automatically selected model is:
B_mdl_auto = smt.arima_model.ARMA(B_data, order = B_est_auto.aic_min_order).fit(trend = 'c')
C_est_auto = sm.tsa.stattools.arma_order_select_ic(C_data, ic='aic', trend='c')
print("(C) process order: ", C_est_auto.aic_min_order)
Since our process is non-stationary, we will get an error when estimating. To make the error more compact, we will wrapt the function in a try-catch block:
C_mdl_auto = smt.arima_model.ARMA(C_data, order = C_est_auto.aic_min_order).fit(trend = 'c')
except ValueError as err:
print('Handling run-time error:', err)
So our suggestions are to either (a) induce stationarity; or (b) choose a different model order. Since we know that it is non-stationary, we may try to specify an $\rm ARMA(2, 2)$ model and hope that the $\rm AR$ coefficients approximately stationary, or a pure $\rm MA$ model. We will go with a pure $MA$ process, since they are always stationary (though they may not be the best fit on the data). We opt to choose an order automatically.
Note that for larger orders the calculations take a while, so we restrict to $q_\max = 6$ (default max is 2 for $\rm MA$ and $p_\max = 4$ for $\rm AR$).
C_mdl_auto = sm.tsa.stattools.arma_order_select_ic(C_data, ic='aic', trend='c', max_ar = 0, max_ma = 6)
print("(C) process order: ", C_mdl_auto.aic_min_order)
C_mdl_auto = smt.arima_model.ARMA(C_data, order = C_mdl_auto.aic_min_order).fit(trend = 'c')
Note again that the non-stationarity of the process is quite a problem even looking at the results - some standard errors are nan
D_est_auto = sm.tsa.stattools.arma_order_select_ic(D_data, ic='aic', trend='c')
print("(D) process order: ", D_est_auto.aic_min_order)
The automatically selected model is:
D_mdl_auto = smt.arima_model.ARMA(D_data, order = D_est_auto.aic_min_order).fit(trend = 'c')
E_est_auto = sm.tsa.stattools.arma_order_select_ic(E_data, ic='aic', trend='nc')
print("(E) process order: ", E_est_auto.aic_min_order)
Note that we would expect to have problems with (B) and (C), since the function requires stationarity and invertibility.
Note that in the case of (A), specifying max_ar = 0
returns a result without any warnings. This is a current drawback of this method as it does not automatically distringuish when an order of 0
is appropriate for either MA, or AR components. Update: after a package update some warnings may have disappeared.
Either way, in all cases the final suggested models are ARMA models, instead of pure AR or pure MA models.
The automatically selected model is:
E_mdl_auto = smt.arima_model.ARMA(E_data, order = E_est_auto.aic_min_order).fit(trend = 'nc')
For the larger sample size
print("(E) process with larger sample order: ", sm.tsa.stattools.arma_order_select_ic(E_autogenr_large, ic='aic', trend='nc').aic_min_order)
The suggested process is actually the same order as the true underlying process. Note that because of the non-invertibility of the process this may not always be the case.
If the process was both stationary and ivnertible, then it is very likely that for a larger sample, the automated order selection would suggest a model order, which is close to the true process, as long as the true underlying process is an $\rm ARMA(p, q)$ process.
We will show with (A) since it is both stationary and invertible.
rewriting as an $AR(\infty)$ process yields $Y_t = \alpha + \sum_{j = 1}^\infty (-1)^{j+1} \theta^j Y_{t-j} + \epsilon_t$ with coefficients:
theta_coef = 0.5
for j in range(2, 10):
theta_coef = np.append(theta_coef, (-1)**(j+1)*0.5**j)
A manually specified arbitrary approximation could be, for example, an $\rm AR(10)$ process:
A_spec_2 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(A_data, order = (10, 0))
A_mdl_2 = A_spec_2.fit(trend = 'c')
We can also try to automatically fit the best AR model:
A_est_auto = sm.tsa.stattools.arma_order_select_ic(A_data, ic='aic', trend='c', max_ma = 0)
print("(A) process order: ", A_est_auto.aic_min_order)
A_spec_2 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(A_data, order = A_est_auto.aic_min_order)
A_mdl_2 = A_spec_2.fit(trend = 'c')
Note the different coefficients. This is because the lower level model is a sort of approximation of the higher order model.
We leave the remaining cases as excercises.
From our automatically simulated data, we can transform it into a pure AR, or pure MA process of different orders:
E_auto_spec.arma2ma(lags = 5)
E_auto_spec.arma2ar(lags = 5)
Remember that our underlying assumption is that $\epsilon_t \sim WN$. In other words the residuals:
The zero-mean property is guaranteed by the estimation method (the proof is similar to the OLS estimation method, which minimizes the sum of squared residuals in the univariate cros-sectional regression case). We can examine the variance by checkign for ARCH effects. For the purpose of these exercises, we will examine the variance only visually.
We note that, unlike forecast
in R
, the statsmodels
package in Python
does not have the tsdisplay
function. Fortunately, we can always create one ourselves for simplicity:
import pandas as pd
def tsdisplay(y, figsize = (14, 8), title = "", lags = 20):
tmp_data = pd.Series(y)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = figsize)
#Plot the time series
tmp_data.plot(ax = fig.add_subplot(311), title = "$Time\ Series\ " + title + "$", legend = False)
#Plot the ACF:
sm.graphics.tsa.plot_acf(tmp_data, lags = lags, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(323))
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, lags + 1, 1.0))
#Plot the PACF:
sm.graphics.tsa.plot_pacf(tmp_data, lags = 20, zero = False, ax = fig.add_subplot(324))
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, lags + 1, 1.0))
#Plot the QQ plot of the data:
sm.qqplot(tmp_data, line='s', ax = fig.add_subplot(325))
plt.title("QQ Plot")
#Plot the residual histogram:
fig.add_subplot(326).hist(tmp_data, bins = 40, normed = 1)
#Fix the layout of the plots:
Furthermore, the tsdiag
, available in R
, does not have an analog in statsmodels
. Neverhteless, we can create our own:
def tsdiag(y, figsize = (14, 8), title = "", lags = 30):
tmp_data = pd.Series(y)
tmp_data.index += 1
tmp_acor = list(sm_stat.diagnostic.acorr_ljungbox(tmp_data, lags = lags, boxpierce = True))
# Plot Ljung-Box and Box-Pierce statistic p-values:
plt.plot(range(1, len(tmp_acor[0]) + 1), tmp_acor[1], 'bo', label = "Ljung-Box values")
plt.plot(range(1, len(tmp_acor[0]) + 1), tmp_acor[3], 'go', label = "Box-Pierce values")
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, len(tmp_acor[0]) + 1, 1.0))
plt.axhline(y = 0.05, color = "red", label = "5% critical value")
plt.title("$Time\ Series\ " + title + "$")
# Return the statistics:
col_index = ["Ljung-Box: X-squared", "Ljung-Box: p-value", "Box-Pierce: X-squared", "Box-Pierce: p-value"]
return pd.DataFrame(tmp_acor, index = col_index, columns = range(1, len(tmp_acor[0]) + 1))
We now examine the residuals of our models:
The residuals of the true model:
tsdisplay(A_mdl_1.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1 + \epsilon_t + 0.5 \epsilon_{t-1}")
We now want to test the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation:
$ \begin{aligned} H_0 &: \rho(1) = ... = \rho(k) = 0\\ H_1 &: \exists j: \rho(j) \neq 0 \end{aligned} $
tsdiag(A_mdl_1.resid, lags = 20)
For the first 16
lags we have that $p-value > 0.05$, which means we have no groudns to reject the null hypothesis of no correlation. For larger lag values, there is significant autocorrelation with $p-value < 0.05$, though it occurs only at lag > 16
Looking at the automatically-selected order model residuals we see similar results:
tsdisplay(A_mdl_auto.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1 + \epsilon_t + 0.5 \epsilon_{t-1}")
tsdiag(A_mdl_auto.resid, lags = 20)
In comparison, the original data had significant autocorrelation from the very first lag
tsdiag(A_data, lags = 20)
tsdisplay(B_mdl_1.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1 + \epsilon_t + 1.3 \epsilon_{t-1} - 0.4 \epsilon_{t-2}")
tsdiag(B_mdl_1.resid, lags = 20)
tsdisplay(B_mdl_auto.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1 + \epsilon_t + 1.3 \epsilon_{t-1} - 0.4 \epsilon_{t-2}")
tsdiag(B_mdl_auto.resid, lags = 20)
Both model residuals indicate similar results in terms of adequacy - the residuals do not exhibit any autocorrelation for lag values up to 17
tsdisplay(C_mdl_1.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1 + 1.1 Y_{t-1} + \epsilon_t")
tsdiag(C_mdl_1.resid, lags = 20)
The residuals clearly still exhibit autocorrelation - as indicated by the $ACF$, $PACF$ and $Ljung-Box$ tests (p-value < 0.05
The automatically selected model exhibits the same problems of autocorrelated residuals:
tsdisplay(C_mdl_auto.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1 + \epsilon_t + 1.3 \epsilon_{t-1} - 0.4 \epsilon_{t-2}")
tsdiag(C_mdl_auto.resid, lags = 20)
In other words, a non-stationary process cannot simply be directly approximated by a moving-average process.
tsdisplay(D_mdl_1.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1 + 1.1 Y_{t-1} - 0.2 Y_{t-2} + \epsilon_t")
tsdiag(D_mdl_1.resid, lags = 20)
tsdisplay(D_mdl_auto.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1 + 1.1 Y_{t-1} - 0.2 Y_{t-2} + \epsilon_t")
tsdiag(D_mdl_auto.resid, lags = 20)
We see that the $p-value$ of the Ljung-Box statistic is greater than 0.05 for the first 20 lags - we have no grounds to reject the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation in the residuals. So, both the specified underlying amodel and the automatically selected model is adequate.
Note the histogram and Q-Q
plot - since the first value of the series is quite different from the rest - one value (and hence, one residual) appears to be an outlier. Generally, when simulating data, a number of the first values generated in the series are treated as burn-in
observations - they are usually dropped from the beginning of the sample. For example, if we need to generate $N$ observations, we generate $N + 20$ and drop the first $20$ observations.
tsdisplay(E_mdl_1.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1.1 Y_{t-1} - 0.2 Y_{t-2} + \epsilon_t + 1.3 \epsilon_{t-1}")
tsdiag(E_mdl_1.resid, lags = 20)
tsdisplay(E_mdl_auto.resid, title = ":\ Residuals\ Of\ Y_t = 1.1 Y_{t-1} - 0.2 Y_{t-2} + \epsilon_t + 1.3 \epsilon_{t-1}")
tsdiag(E_mdl_auto.resid, lags = 20)
For the automatically selected model, the Box-Pierce test statistic of the first 20 lags is greater than 0.05, indicating no autocorrelation in the residuals. On the other hand, manually specifying the true model shows that there would still be autocorrelation after the 18th lag. On the other hand, the autocorrelation significance is only for a large lag, which is usually not too important.
We will compare the AIC and BIC values to select the best model.
The model with the lower AIC/BIC value is the preferred one. BIC penalizes model complexity more heavily.
pd.DataFrame([[A_mdl_1.aic, A_mdl_auto.aic], [A_mdl_1.bic, A_mdl_auto.bic]], index = ["AIC", "BIC"], columns = ["Manual", "Auto"])
The automatically specified model is better in terms of it its lower AIC. On the other hand, the BIC is lower of our manually specified model.
In this case, we should examine the residuals and maybe even forecasts in order to determine, which model is more appropriate.
However, since we automatically selected the model order in terms of lower AIC values and since the task requires to compare in terms of AIC, we will opt to use the auto specified model.
pd.DataFrame([[B_mdl_1.aic, B_mdl_auto.aic], [B_mdl_1.bic, B_mdl_auto.bic]], index = ["AIC", "BIC"], columns = ["Manual", "Auto"])
AIC and BIC indicate that the automatically specified model is better.
pd.DataFrame([[C_mdl_1.aic, C_mdl_auto.aic], [C_mdl_1.bic, C_mdl_auto.bic]], index = ["AIC", "BIC"], columns = ["Manual", "Auto"])
The automatically specified model is better since itsAIC and BIC are lower.
pd.DataFrame([[D_mdl_1.aic, D_mdl_auto.aic], [D_mdl_1.bic, D_mdl_auto.bic]], index = ["AIC", "BIC"], columns = ["Manual", "Auto"])
Automatically specified model is better because its AIC and BIC are lower.
pd.DataFrame([[E_mdl_1.aic, E_mdl_auto.aic], [E_mdl_1.bic, E_mdl_auto.bic]], index = ["AIC", "BIC"], columns = ["Manual", "Auto"])
Automatically specified model is better in terms of AIC. In terms of BIC, the manually specified model is better.
Because the task requires to compare in terms of AIC, we will go with the automatically specified model.
As we can see, we do not always get a clear-cut result of which model is better if we have mode than one criteria for model selection.
Since in practice we would not know the true lag order, the automatic model selection produced acceptable models.
From the results in (4.1) - the automatically specified models have lower AIC and BIC values. Furthermore, from the residual diagnostics in tasks (3.1)-(3.3), the residuals of the automatically specified models are just as good (in terms of the significance of autocorrelation) as the residuals of the models with the true lag order specification.
Hence, we will use forecasts of the automatically specified models.
We will show how to get the predictions as values in this example. We will generally focus on the plots, so this is provided only as an example
A_mdl_auto.predict(start = N - 1, end = N + 19)
Note that if we start the forecast from a historical datapoint (remember that our sample size is $N$ and indexes in Python
start from 0
, so effectively, our last osbervation is at index N-1
), we actually get the fitted value.
We can also plot the fitted values and the forecasts along with their standard errors:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14,8))
A_mdl_auto.plot_predict(end = A_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(211))
A_mdl_auto.plot_predict(start = A_data.size - 10, end = A_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(212))
We see that the initial forecast has some variation at $T + 1$, but for $T + 2, ..., T+20$ the forecast gets closer to the process mean (note that the estimated auto-sepcified model is not a pure $MA$ model, hence the forecast does not immediately go to the mean after the first forecast step).
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14,8))
B_mdl_auto.plot_predict(end = B_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(211))
B_mdl_auto.plot_predict(start = B_data.size - 10, end = B_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(212))
Similarly to (A), the process there is some variation for the first couple of forecasts, but the later ones are close to the process mean.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14,8))
C_mdl_auto.plot_predict(end = C_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(211))
C_mdl_auto.plot_predict(start = C_data.size - 10, end = C_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(212))
graphically, the fitted values appear close to the ture values for this non-stationary process. However, the forecast is declining, whereare the fitted values and the true values appear to grow exponentially. this does not apepar to make any sense intuitively. Remember that we attempt to estimate a stationary model for the data, regardless whether this is true or not, so the forecast is quite poor.
Overall, these kinds of non-stationary processes need separate methods for dealing with non-stationarity and cannot simply be modelled by specifying an approxiamte stationary model on the initial data.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14,8))
D_mdl_auto.plot_predict(end = D_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(211))
D_mdl_auto.plot_predict(start = D_data.size - 10, end = D_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(212))
Fitted values appear to fit the data quite well, the forecast is declining - it appears that it is approaching the mean of the process, but it may take longer than 20 periods in the future.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14,8))
E_mdl_auto.plot_predict(end = E_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(211))
E_mdl_auto.plot_predict(start = E_data.size - 10, end = E_data.size + 20, ax = fig.add_subplot(212))
The model appears to fit the data quite nicely. furthermore, the forecasts exhibit quite a bit of variation - rougly the first 10 forecasts are declining. Then, the decline slows down and even appears to begin increasing.
To sum up:
(A) and (B) are moving average processes, which are governed by random shocks, hence the fitted values are quite varying, even though the automatic selection, selected ARMA models, which have both AR and MA components.
If the true underlying process has a significant autoregressive part, the automatically selected models appear to fit the data quite well, even if it isnt stationary.
On the other hand, the forecast of a non-stationary process does not appear to make sense, indicating overall a poor model for (E).
As we have seen, in case of non-stationary or non-invertible processes, we may still get an estimated model, with stationary and invertible coefficients. The model may not fit the data well, but is an attempt of fitting a good model (in terms of stationarity and invertibility). However, sometimes estimation may result in an error, stating that the non-stationarity and/or noninvertibility doesn ot allow to estimate a model.
To make matters worse, sometimes even if we know that a process is stationary and/or invertible, we may still get an error, stating otherwise. To give an example of when an error may occur, generate the following $\rm AR(1)$ process
N = 100
AR_spec_test = smt.arima_process.ArmaProcess(ar = np.array([1, 0.99]), ma = [1])
AR_bad_example = AR_spec_test.generate_sample(N, scale = 0.5)
We can verify that this process is both stationary and invertible:
If we try to estimate this model:
spec_1 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(AR_bad_example, order = (1, 0))
we would get an error:
mdl_1 = spec_1.fit(trend = 'nc')
except ValueError as err:
print('Handling run-time error:', err)
Sometimes we may even get this kind of error if our coefficients are relatively small - for example the following $\rm ARMA$ model:
N = 150
ARMA_spec_test = smt.arima_process.ArmaProcess(ar = np.array([1, 0.5]), ma = [1, 0.5])
ARMA_bad_example = ARMA_spec_test.generate_sample(N, scale = 0.5)
We can verify that this process is both stationary and invertible:
spec_2 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(ARMA_bad_example, order = (1, 1))
mdl_2 = spec_2.fit(trend = 'nc')
except ValueError as err:
print('Handling run-time error:', err)
which makes no sense.
To bypass this, we can specify the starting parameters, start_params
, when fitting:
mdl_2 = spec_2.fit(trend = 'nc', start_params = [0, 0])
If our specified model has a constant:
N = 150
ARMA_spec_test = smt.arima_process.ArmaProcess(ar = np.array([1, 0.5]), ma = [1, 0.5])
ARMA_bad_example = 3 + ARMA_spec_test.generate_sample(N, scale = 0.5)
Then the starting parameters have to include the constant term as well:
spec_3 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(ARMA_bad_example, order = (1, 1))
mdl_3 = spec_3.fit(trend = 'c', start_params = [0, 0, 0])
Do note that non-stationarity, even when the true underlying process is stationary, can be cause by:
Similarly, if the process is non-invertible, we may not always get the estimates. This, unfortunately, may also cause false error for invertible processes for similar reasons, as with non-stationarity:
N = 100
MA_spec_test = smt.arima_process.ArmaProcess(ar = np.array([1]), ma = [1, -1.3, 0.5])
MA_bad_example = MA_spec_test.generate_sample(N, scale = 1)
We can verify the stationarity and invertibility as before:
We can calculate the roots:
And their absolute values:
To verify that they are outside the unit circle (i.e. their absolute values are > 1).
If we try to estimate this model:
spec_4 = smt.arima_model.ARMA(MA_bad_example, order = (0, 2))
we would get an error
mdl_4 = spec_4.fit(trend = 'nc')
except ValueError as err:
print('Handling run-time error:', err)
Note that this time, the MA coefficient is non-invertible, even though the model specification and MA_spec_test.isinvertible
indicated that this process is invertible.
Similarly to before, we can specify the starting parameter values:
mdl_4 = spec_4.fit(trend = 'nc', start_params = [0, 0])
If we want to avoid checking for stationarity and invertibility entirely, we can specify transparams = False
print(spec_4.fit(trend = 'nc', transparams = False, start_params = [0, 0]).summary().tables[1])
NOTE: the results are entirely different! Furthermore, it may be possible that the final parameters are exactly the same as the ones in start_params
. Therefore, if is advised against using this option.