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ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. Chemical Physics Letters 2017, 683, 211. CA WOS accession No.:
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‘Interactions Between
Chlorophylls and Carotenoids in Photosynthesis’, Antalia, Turkey.
2000 – IVth winterschool ‘Ultrafast Spectroscopy in Chemistry
and Biology’,
Borgafjäll, Sweden.
2001 - The 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis.
2002 – Laser Application in Life Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2003 – International workshop on photoreceptors, Universiteit
van Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2004 - 14th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena,
Niigata, Japan.
2005 - International Conference organized by the EU Excellence
Centre for
Photoactive Materials, Lesko, Poland
2007 - Lithuanian National Physics Conference
2008 – International school 'Methods in microscopy and image
Vilnius, Lithuania
2009 – Lithuanian National Physics Conference
2009 – International conference „Northern Optics 2009“,
Vilnius, Lithuania.
2009 – 2nd Congress of Baltic Association of Laser Medicine,
2010 – Laser Applications in Life Sciences 2010, Oulu, Finland
2011 - Electronic and Related Properties of Organic Systems,
Vilnius, Lithuania
2011 - Lithuanian National Physics Conference
2013 - Processes in Isotopes and Molecules - 2013,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Invited)
2014 – 247th ACS Meeting, Dallas, USA.
2015 – LTPhi
international physics
conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2015 – Open Readings, Vilnius, Lithuania (Invited).
2016 – Nordic Femtochemistry, Orenas Castle, Sweden
2017 - Lithuanian National Physics Conference
2017 - Winter College on Optics (invited lecture), Trieste, Italy