Valkunas, L., Kudzmauskas, S., and Trinkunas, G. Picosecond, Difference absorption spectroscopy of chromatophores of the photosynthetic bacteria., Quantum Electronics 12:1699-1702 1985
Valkunas, L., Vektaris, G., and Viscakas, J., Local states of vibronic spectra in doped crystalline naphthalene., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.-Collection) 25:40-45 1985
Valkunas, L., Razjivin, A.P., and Trinkunas, G., The minor spectral form chlorophylls coupling with the light-harvesting antenna and the reaction center in bacterial photosynthesis., Biophysika (USSR) 30:609 1985
Valkunas, L. and Liuolia, V., Influence of the structural heterogeneity on the quantum yield of photosynthesis., Proc. Acad. Sci. USSR 278:1242-1246 1984
Valkunas, L., Viscakas, J., and Zaliscevskis, A., Influence of the magnetic field on the auger recombination in the wide band semiconductors., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.-Collection) 24:21 1984
Valkunas, L., Gaizauskas, E., and Galkute, L., Analysis of nonlinear absorption changes in photosythetic bacteria reaction centers at selective excitation by powerfull laser pulse., Quantum Electronics 11:1965-1969 1984
Brovchenko, I., Valkunas, L., Vektaris, G., Ostapenko, N., and Shpak, M., Exiton-totaly symetric phonon boun states near deffects of naphthalene., Pisma JETP 39:105-107 1984
Valkunas, L., Kudzmauskas, S., and Liuolia, V., Theoretical investigation of energy transfer in bacterial photosynthesis. Influence of structural heterogeneity., Advances in Photosynthesis Research, ed. C.Sysbesma, Martinus Nijhoft, Dr. Junk Pbl., The Hague 1984
Gaizauskas, E., Trinkunas, G., and Valkunas, L., Charge transfer state in photosynthetic bacteris antenna., Advances in Photosynthesis Research, ed. C.Sysbesma, Martinus Nijhoft, Dr. Junk Pbl., The Hague 1984
Gaizauskas, E., Trinkunas, G., and Valkunas, L., Charge transfer state in photosynthetic bacteria antenna., Abstracts of VI Int. Congress on Photosynthesis, Brussels 1983
Valkunas, L., Kudzmauskas, S., and Juzeliunas, G., Theoretical analysis of the excitation migration in pseudocyanine-dye solution., Proc. 3 Int. Symp. UPS-83, Minsk: 94-98 1983
Valkunas, L., Kudzmauskas, S., and Liuolia, V., Analysis of excitation kinetics in bacterial photosynthetic unit., Preprint IP1 (6)-83, Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, ed. J.Viscakas, Vilnius 1983
Valkunas, L., Kudzmauskas, S., and Juzeliunas, G., Kinetics of excitation transfer in one-dimentional doped systems at strong electron-phonon coupling., Preprint IP2(7)-83, Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, ed.J.Viscakas, Vilnius 1983
Kudzmauskas, S., Valkunas, L., and Borisov, A.Y., A Theory of excitation in photosynthetic units., J. Theor. Biol. 105:13-23 1983
Valkunas, L., Kudzmauskas, S., and Juzeliunas, G., Antiresonancem effect in quasi-one-dimentional stuctures with impurities., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.-Collection) 23:34-41 1983
Borisov, A.Y., Danielius, R.V., Kudzmauskas, S., Piskarskas, A.S., Razjivin, A.P., Sirutkaitis, V.A., and Valkunas, L., Evidence against the stage of electron localization on monomeric bacteriochlorophyll (P800) under charge separation in reaction centre., Photobiochem. Photobiophys. 6:33-38 1983
Kudzmauskas, S. and Valkunas, L., Theoretical investigation of P800 absorption changes in photothyntetic bacteria reaction centers., Studia Biophysica 96:213-220 1983
Brovchenko, I., Valkunas, L., Ostapenko, N., Tretyakov, S., and Shpak, M., Local excitons and mixing with impurity electronic states in naphthalene., Soviet Phys.-Solid State 25:465 1983
Valkunas, L. and Liuolia, V., Excitation energy transfer in photosynthesis. Teoretical Review., Proc. Sov. Conference Laser Application in Biology , ed. L.Rubin, Moscow, 1983
Valkunas, L., Kudzmauskas, S., and Liuolia, V., Theoretical investigation of energy transfer in bacterial photosynthesis. influence of structural heterogeneity., Abstracts of VI Int. Congress on Photosynthesis, Brussels 1983
Brovchenko, I., Ostapenko, N., Shpak, M., and Valkunas, L., Anomalous polarization of local excitons and mixing effects in naphthalene., Proc. Int. Conf. of Luminescence, Szeged 1982
Brovchenko, I., Valkunas, L., Ostapenko, N., and Shpak, M., Exciton-photon-effect interaction in naphthalene Crystal., Proc. X Molecular Crystal Symp., St. Jovite, Canada, 1982
Valkunas, L. and Kudzmauskas, S., Kinetic theory of primary processes in photosynthesis., Abstracts I Soviet Biophys. Simp., Moscow 1982
Brovchenko, I., Ostapenko, N., Tretyakov, S., and Valkunas, L., Anomalous polarization and mixing effects in molecular crystals., In: Sovremenye Problemy Physiki Tverdovo Tela i Biophysiki. Ed. V.Baryakhtar, Kiev, Naukova Dumka 1982
Valkunas, L., Gaizauskas, E., and Kudzmauskas, S., Theoretical investigation of the absorption changes in the reaction centers of photosynthetic bacteria., Izv.AN Estonian SSR 31:215 1982
Valkunas, L. and Vektaris, G., Influence of the resonance interaction between crystal molecules and impurities on rashba effect for some impurity centers in molecular crystals., Opt. Spect. 1982
Gaizauskas, E., Kudzmauskas, S., Valkunas, L., and Viscakas, J., The energetic model of the photosynthetic bacteria reaction centers., Proc. IV Int.Seminar on Energy Transfer in Condensed Matter, eds. J.Pantoflicek and L.Zachoval, Prague 1981
Valkunas, L., Ostapenko, N., and Tretyakov, S., Anomalous polarization of local excitons and mixing effects in naphthalene., Abstracts Sov.Congress on Luminescence, Leningrad 1981
Gaizauskas, E., Kudzmauskas, S., and Valkunas, L., Theoretical Investigation of absorption changes in photosynthetic bacteria reaction centers., Preprint, IP3-81, Ultrafast Phusical Phenomena, Institute of Physics (ed J.Viscakas) 1981
Adamonis, K., Bershev, E., Valkunas, L., and Girchovichus, S., Disconnection of textile dust and fibres from metal surfaces in electric field., Izv. Vishykh Uchebnykh Zavedenij-Tekhnologiya Tekstilnoy Promyshlennosti. 1:36, 1981
Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., Interband coupling effects in the theory of impurity centers of molecular crystals., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.-Collection) 20:13, 1980
Adamonis, K., Bershev, E., Valkunas, L., and Girchovichus, S., Contact electrization of textile dust and fibres in electric field., Izv. Vishykh Uchebnykh Zavedenij-Tekhnologiya Tekstilnoy Promyshlennosti. 3:71, 1980
Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., The influence of the resonance interaction on the stark-effect in some impurity centers of molecular Crystals., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.- Collection) 19:345, 1979
Abromaitis, A., Valkunas, L., and Girchovichus, S., Thread friction on a vibrating support., Vibrotechnique (Sov. Selection of Higher School Proc.) 5 (29):129, 1979
Valkunas, L. and Kudzmauskas, S., Modelling of primary picosecond processes in photosynthetic bacteria reaction centres., Preprint IP 1-79, Ultrafast Physical Phenomena, Institute of Physics (ed. J.Viscakas) 1979
Valkunas, L., Gaizauskas, E., Poluektov, A.I., and Popov, Y.M., Coherent interaction between high-power light pulses and exciton-impurity centers in molecular crystals., Quant. Electronika 6:1971, 1979
Valkunas, L., Viscakas, J., and Ignatyeva, L., The influence of three-particle electron-hole complexes on the optical spectrum of semiconductors., Liet. Fiz. Rink.(Soviet Phys.-Collection) 19:677, 1979
Girshovichus, S., Adamonis, K., Valkunas, L., and Belov, A., Influence of contact charging on electrostatic dust trapping., Textile Industry (Tekstilnaja Promyshlenostj) 11:71, 1977
Vaitkus, J., Valkunas, L., Viscakas, J., and Skaistys, E., The influence of the free carriers on the exciton luminescence spectra in semiconductors., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.-Collection) 16:813, 1976
Valkunas, L. and Skaistys, E., Exciton-exciton and exciton-electron interaction in the luminescence spectra of two-dimensional crystals., Soviet Phys.-Solid State 18:2594, 1976
Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., Effect of resonance interaction berween crystal molecules and impurity., Opt. Spectr. 40:834-837, 1976
Skaistys, E. and Valkunas, L., Screening effects in the luminescence spectra of exciton-electron interaction., Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 75:K23, 1976
Skaistys, E., Vaitkus, J., and Valkunas, L., The exciton-plasmon interaction in the luminescence spectra of semiconductors., Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 69:K69, 1975
Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., Intensities of fine structure of electron-vibrational spectrum in doped crystalline naphthalene., Liet. Fiz. Rink. (Soviet Phys.-Collection) 15:647-653, 1975
Valkunas, L. and Skaistys, E., Exciton-exciton and exciton-electron interaction in the luminescence spectra of two-dimensional crystals., Abstracts 8th Soviet. Conf. on Semiconductors, ed. S.Pekar, Kiev. :39, 1975
Valkunas, L. and Sugakov, V.I., Application of the exciton dispersion law calculating some impurity centres in naphthalene., Ukrain. Phys. J. 17:1561-1563, 1972