Valkūnas L. ir Undzėnas A., Organinių medžiagų tyrimai Fizikos institute., Kn.: Fizika. Konf. pranešimo medžiaga Lietuvos universiteto katedrai 75-eri metai. Kaunas, Technologija 1997
Valkūnas L., Žervinskas V., van Mourik F., Energijos pernešimas ir ryšiai chloroplastuose: konkurencija tarp gesimo ir anihiliacijos impulsiniuose fluorescencijos indukcijos eksperimentuose., 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija. Vilnius 1997
Jursenas, S., Kovalevskij, V., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Valkunas, L., Muzikante, I. and Silinsh, E., Exciton-phonon interaction in polar organic crystals., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.) 37 (6):567-571 1997
Kodis, G., Gulbinas, V., and Valkunas, L., Nonlinear luminescence of polar dimethylamino-benzylidene-1,3-indandione solids., NATO Advance Research Workshop Electrical and relatied properties of organic solids , 108 1996
Valkunas, L., Akesson, E., Pullerits, T., and Sundström, V., Energy migration in light-harvesting antenna of photosynthetic bacterium rhodospirillum rubrum studied by nonlinear annihilation at 77 K., Biophys. J. 70(5):2373-2379 1996
Barzda, V., Valkunas, L., Sundström, V., Aberg, U., Ruseckas, A., and Garab, G., Aggregation dependent fluorescence quenching in LHCII., ESF Workshop Light-Harvesting Physics , Abstracts and Program, 39 1996
Somsen, O.J.G., Valkunas, L., and van Grondelle, R., A perturbed two-level model for exciton trapping in small photosynthetic systems., Biophys. J. 70(2):669-683 1996
Valkunas, L. Excitons in photosynthesis., ESF Workshop Light-Harvesting Physics , Abstract and Program,18 1996
Kodis, G., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., and Jursenas, S., Nonlinear luminescence of polar dimethylaminobenzylidene -1,3- indandione compounds., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.) 36(4):336-339 1996
Valkunas, L., Cervinskas, V., and van Mourik, F., Energy transfer and connectivity in chloroplasts, the competition between trapping and annihilation in pulsed fluorescence induction experiments., ESF Workshop Light-Harvesting Physics , Abstracts and Program, 50 1996
Gulbinas, V., Chachisvilis, M., Valkunas, L., and Sundström, V., Excited state dynamics of phthalocyanine films, J. Phys. Chem. 100:2213-2219 1996
Gaizauskas, E. and Valkunas, L., Femtosecond four-wave mixing spectroscopy of molecular aggregates., ESF Workshop Light-Harvesting Physics , Abstracts and Program, 42 1996
Barzda, V., Garab, G., Gulbinas, V., and Valkunas, L., Evidence for long-range excitation energy migration in macroaggregates of the chlorophyll a/b light-harvesting antenna comlexes., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1273:231-236 1996
Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Kuciauskas, D., Katilius, E., Liuolia, V., Zhou, W., and Blankenship, R.E., Singlet-singlet annihilation and local heating in FMO complexes., ESF Workshop Light-Harvesting Physics , Abstracts and Program, 37 1996
Liuolia, V., Valkunas, L., and van Grondelle, R., Excitons in dimerized chains., ESF Workshop Light-Harvesting Physics , Abstracts and Program, 48 1996
Holzwarth, A.R., Connelly, J.P., Muller, M.G., Trinkunas, G., and Valkunas, L., Modeling room temperature exciton relaxation in the light-harvesting complex II., ESF Workshop Light-Harvesting Physics , Abstracts and Program, 48 1996
Jursenas, S., Aleksa, V., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G. and Valkunas, L., Spectral and polarization properties of polar films., The first Nordic symposium on polarization spectroscopy, Abstracts 1996
van Grondelle, R., Monshouwer, R., and Valkunas, L., Photosynthetic light-harvesting., Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft fur Physikalische Chemie, 100(12):1950-1957 1996
Kodis, G., Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A. and Valkunas, L., Optical properties of organic solids built up by polar dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-indandione., 5th Polish-Lithuanian workshop on the semiconductor physics and technology, Abstracts, 21 1996
Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Valkunas, L., Kaulach, I., and Silinsh, E., Optical properties of films built-up by polar molecules., Eds. E.Silinsh, A.Medvid, A.Lusis, A.Ozols, Proc. SPIE, 2968:24-32 1996
Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G. and Valkunas, L., Spectroscopy of polar molecular compounds., Abstracts of CLEO, 229 1996
Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Chachisvilis, M., and Valkunas, L., Relaxation of self-trapped excitons in polar molecular compounds., Fast Elementary Processes in Chemical and Biological Systems. Ed. Tramer, A. AIP Press, New York 1996
Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Kuciauskas, D., Katilius, E., Liuolia, V., Zhou, W. and Blankenship, R.E., Singlet-singlet annihilation and local heating in FMO complexes., Annual meeting of the Dutch Physics association, Abstracts 1996
Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., and Valkunas, L., Spectroscopy of excitons in the polar molecular crystals DMABI., Adv. Mat. for Opt.and Electr. 6:387-390 1996
Trinkunas, G., Holzwarth, A.R., Connelly, J.P., Muller, M.G. and Valkunas, L., Excitation energy pathways in light-harvesting complex II. Modeling room temperature annihilation-free pulse-probe femtosecond experiment., Abstracts of the International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences 1996
Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., Kuciauskas, D., Katilius, E., Liuolia, V., Zhou, W., and Blankenship, R.E., Singlet-singlet annihilation and local heating in FMO complexes., J. Phys. Chem., 100:17950-17956 1996
Kodis, G., Gulbinas, V., Jursenas, S., and Valkunas, L., Luminescence of N,N-dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-indandione compounds excited by infrared light pulses., Abstracts of International Conference Advance Optical Materials and Devices , 27 1996
Gulbinas, V., Kodis, G., and Valkunas, L., Visible luminescence of dimethylaminobezylidene -1,3- indandione compounds excited by ultrashort infrared light pulses., J. Phys. Chem. 100:19441-19445 1996
Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Valkunas, L., Kaulach, I., and Silinsh, E. ., Optical properties of films built-up by polar molecules, Abstracts of International Conference Advanced Optical Materials and Devices , 24 1996
Kodis, G., Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., and Jursenas, S., Non-linear luminescene of polar dimethylaminobenzylidene -1,3- indandione solids., Advance Materials for Optics and Electronics 6: 391-394 1996
Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., and Valkunas, L., Spectroscopy of excitons in polar molecular crystals., NATO Advance Research Workshop Electrical and related properties in polar molecular crystals , 100 1996
Gaizauskas, E., Valkunas, L., and Feller, K.-H., Manifestation of the transition from the excited state by means of femtosecond four wave mixing spectroscopy., Optical and Quantum Electronics 28:1203-1213 1996
Barzda, V., Garab, G., Gulbinas, V., and Valkunas, L., Long distance migration of the excitation energy and fluorescence quenching mechanisms in chiral macroaggregates of LHCII. . Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere., Ed. Mathis, P. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht, 1:319-322 1995
Kodis, G., Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Gulbinas, V., and Valkunas, L., Fluorescence dynamics of polar molecular compounds of dymethylaminebanzylidene 1,3-indandione., XI Belorus-Lithuania seminar Lasers and optical nonlinearity . Ed. G.Ryabcev, Minsk 1995
Valkunas, L. and Jursenas, S., Optical properties of polar molecular compounds., Liet. Fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.), 35(5-6):575-579 1995
Gaizauskas, E. and Valkunas, L., Theoretical analysis of femtosecond coherent nuclear motion in photosynthetic reaction centers. Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere., Ed. Mathis, P.Dortrecht/ Boston/ London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1:231-234 1995
Barzda, V., Garab, G., Gulbinas, V., and Valkunas, L., Evidence for long range energy migration in the macroaggregats of light harvesting chlorophyll a/b pigment protein complexes., ESF workshop on light-harvesting systemns, programme 1995
Barzda, V., Garab, G., Gulbinas, V., and Valkunas, L, Evidence for long range energy migration in the macroaggregates of light-harvestiong chlorophyll a/b pigment protein complexes., Photosynth. Research supplement:50 1995
Gaizauskas, E. and Valkunas, L., Theoretical analysis of femtosecond coherent nuclear motion in photosynthetic reaction centers., Photosynth. Research supplement:45 1995
Valkunas, L. and Jursenas, S., Optical properties of polar molecular compounds., Abstracts of Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors, Vilnius 1995
Valkunas, L., Trinkunas, G., Liuolia, V., and van Grondelle, R., Nonlinear annihilation of excitations in photosynthetic systems., Biophys. J. 69(3):1117-1129 1995
Valkunas, L., Liuolia, V., Dekker, J.P., and van Grondelle, R., Description of energy migration and trapping in photosystem I by a model with two distance parameters., Photosynth. Research 43:149-154 1995
Cervinskas, V., Valkunas, L., and van Mourik, F., The dependence of the shapes of fluorescence induction curves in chloroplasts on the duration of illumination pulses. The effect of singlet-triplet annihilation., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.), 34(4):375-378 1994
Gaizauskas, E. and Valkunas, L., Coherent transients of pump-probe spectroscopy in two level approximation., Optics Comm. 109:75-80 1994
Gulbinas, V., Valkunas, L., and Gadonas, R., Exciton annihilation and local heating in molecular aggregates., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.), 34(4):348-360 1994
Somsen, O.J.G., van Mourik, F., van Grondelle, R., and Valkunas, L., Energy migration and trapping in a spectrally and spatially inhomogeneous light-harvesting antenna., Biophys. J. 66:1580-1596 1994
Somsen, O., Visser, M., van Grondelle, R., and Valkunas, L., Numerical simulation of thermal equilibration in spectrally inhomogeneous light-harvesting antennae., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.), 34(4):370-374 1994
Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Chachisvilis, M., and Valkunas, L., Optical properties of polar molecular compounds derivatives of dimethylaminebenzylidene 1,3-indandione (DMABI)., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.), 34(4):361-369 1994
Valkunas, L., Somsen, O., van Mourik, F., and van Grondelle, R., Energy migration in spectrally inhomogeneous antenna systems., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.), 34(1-2):89-93 1994
Gaizauskas, E., Gulbinas, V., Chachisvilis, M., Sundström, V., and Valkunas, L., Temporal oscillations in femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.) 34(1-2):67-72 1994