Gruodis, A., Jursenas, S., Aleksa, V., Kovalevskij, V. and Valkunas, L., The vibrational spectrum of N,N-dimethylaminobenzylidene 1,3-indandione., . Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.) 38 (2):237-243 1998
Trinkunas, G., Moller, M.G., Martin, I., Valkunas, L. and Holzwarth, A.R., Functional and spectral assingment of chlorophylls in the light-harvesting complex II of higher plants., Abstracts of XIth International Congress on Photosynthesis 1998
Kietis, B.P., Lingė, D. ir Valkūnas, L, Elektromechaninės archebakterijų Halobacterium salinarium purpurinių membranų sąvybės. Lietuvos mokslas ir pramonė. Europos erdvės kontekstas., Fizika, Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, Kaunas, Technologija 1998
Valkunas, L. and Cervinskas, V., Excitons in photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes., Proc. of Xth Int. Symposium UPS-97. Eds. R.Kaarli, A.Freiberg and P.Saari, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Tartu 1998
Valkunas, L., Cervinskas, V., Trinkunas, G., Moller, M.G. and Holzwarth, A.R., Excited state mixing effects in transient absorption spectra of photosynthetic light-harvesting complex., Abstracts of XIth International Congress on Photosynthesis 1998
Valkunas, L. and Cervinskas, V., Excitons in photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes., Proc. of 10 Intern. Symposium on Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Tartu 1998
Jursenas, S., Gulbinas, V., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Kovalevskij, V. and Valkunas, L., Spectroscopy of Self-Trapped Charge-Transfer Excitons in Polar Films and Crystals of N,N- dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-indandione (DMABI)., 1 International Bunsen Discussion Meeting, “Conduction and Transport Mechanisms in Organic Materials: Preparation, Characterisation and Applicationsâ€, September 27-30, 1998, Heidelberg, Germany, p.p. 2-3. 1998
Kodis, G., Gulbinas, V. and Valkunas, L., Isomerization dynamics of Dimethylaminobenzylidene-1.3-Indandione Molecules in Solutions., In: Proc. of 10 Intern. Symposium on Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Tartu 1998
Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Kovalevskij, V. and Valkunas, L., Excitons in polar molecular compounds., Symposium on Electronic Processes in Organic Condensed Matter, In honor of the 80th birthday of Professor Martin Pope, NSF Center for photoinduced Charge Transfer University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA, August 1, 1998, p. 20. 1998
Ruseckas, A., Gulbinas, V., Sundstrėm, V., Undzenas, A. and Valkunas, L., Femtosecond charge separation in an amorphous photoconducting polymer with electron donor-acceptor complexes., J. Phys. Chem. B., 102:7365-7370 1998
Jursenas, S., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Kovalevskij, V. and Valkunas, L., Exciton spectroscopy in polar molecular films., 1 ECOF-7 European conference on thin organised films, September 14-18, 1998, Potsdam, Germany, p. 27. 1998
Kietis. P., Valiokas, R., Linge, D. and Valkunas, L., Nonlinear piezoelectric effect in the purple membrane of bacteriorhodopsin., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.), 38 (1), 93-97 1998
Jursenas, S., Gulbinas, V., Gustavsson, T., Pommeret, S., Mialocq, J.-C. and Valkunas, L., Exciton dynamics in films of N,N-Dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-Indandione studied by femtosecond time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy., 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31-September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania, p.p. 103-104. 1998
Jursenas, S., Gulbinas, V., Gustavsson, T., Mialocw, J.-C. and Valkunas, L., Femtosecond fluorescence spectroscopy of self-trapped charge-transfer excitons in films of dimethylaminobenzylidene 1,3-indandione (DMABI)., Liet. fiz.zur. (Lith. J. Phys.), 38 (1):53-57 1998
The. Jursenas, S., Gulbinas, V., Gustavsson, T., Pommeret, S., Mialocq, J.-C. and Valkunas, L., Femtosecond Luminescence Kinetics of Self-Trapped Excitons in Films of N,N-Dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3,-Indandione., The Jablonski Centennial Conference on Luminescence and Photophysics, 23-27 July, 1998, Torun, Poland, p.p. 121-122. 1998
Ruseckas, A., Theander, M., Valkunas, L., Andersson, M.R., Inganės, O. and Sundstrėm, V., Energy transfer in conjugated polymer with reduced inter-chain coupling., J. Luminesc., 76&77:474-477 1998
Gulbinas, V., Kodis, G., Valkxnas, L., Gruodis, A., Gustavsson, T., Pommeret, S. and Mialocq, J.-C., Charge Transfer Induced Twisting Dynamics of N,N-Dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-Indandione Molecules in Solutions., 1 Jablonski Centennial Conference on Luminescence and Photophysics, 23-27 July, 1998, Torun, Poland, p.p. 143-144. 1998
A.Ruseckas, V.Gulbinas, V.Sundström, A.Undzenas and L.Valkunas, Charge separation and recombination in a photoconducting polymer with electron donor-acceptor complexes, J. Phys. Chem. B., 102:7365-7370 1998
Jursenas, S., Gulbinas, V., Gustavsson, T., Pommeret, S., Mialocq, J.-C. and Valkunas, L., Femtosecond luminescence spectroscopy of self-trapped excitons in films of N,N-dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-indandione., CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC-98, 14-18 September 1998, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, p. 139. 1998
G.Kodis, V.Gulbinas and L.Valkunas, Isomerization dynamics of dimethylaminobenzylidene-1,3-Indandione molecules in solutions., Proc. of 10 Intern. Symposium of Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Tartu 1998
Valkunas, L., Gulbinas, V. and Undzenas, A., Charge separation and recombination in polymers and aggregates., Abstracts of European Conference on Electronic Processes in Organic Materials. Kyiv, May 18-22 1998
Kietis, B.P., Lingė, D., Pakalnis, S. and Valkunas, L., Piezoelectric model of energy transition in bacteriorhodopsin., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.,) 38 (3):313-319 1998
Valkunas, L., Excitons in photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes., Abstracts of European Conference on Electronic Processes in Organic Materials, Kyiv, May 18-22 1998
Valkunas, L. and Cervinskas, V., Excitons in photosynthesis., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.) 38 (1),:101-107 1998
Tamulaitis, G., Gulbinas, V., Kazlauskienė, E, Undzėnas, A. ir Valkūnas, L., Fluorescence spectroscopy of sensitized photoconductive films., VII Lithuanian-Polish Seminar “Solid State Physics and Technologyâ€, Kaunas, June 29-30, Technologija 1998
Kietis, P., Valiokas, R., Lingė D. and Valkunas, L., Nonlinear piezoelectric effect in the purple membrane of bacteriorhodopsin., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.,) 38 (1):93-97 1998
Valkunas, L., Abramavicius, D., Trinkunas, G., Undzenas, A. and Gulbinas, V., Kinetics of charge transfer exciton formation and recombination., Abstracts Int. Conference Femtochemistry III, Lund 1997
Ruseckas, A., Gulbinas, V., Undzenas, A., Sundstrėm, V. and Valkunas, L., Ultrafast charge transfer in photosonducting polymer., Abstracts of Int. Conference Femtochemistry III, Lund 1997
Jursenas, S., Gulbinas, V., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Kovalevskij, V. and Valkunas L., Formation of self-trapped charge-transfer excitons in films and crystals of dimethylaminobenzylidene 1,3-indandione (DMABI)., Abstracts of Xth Int. symposium UPS-97, Tartu 1997
Valkunas, L., Excitons in photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes., Abstracts of Xth Int. symposium UPS-97, Tartu 1997
Kodis, G., Gulbinas, V. and Valkunas, L., Isomerization dynamics of dimethylaminobenzylidene 1,3-indandione molecules in solutions., Abstracts of Xth Int. symposium UPS-97, Tartu 1997
Valkūnas, L., Spektroskopija ir biofizika., Å iuolaikinė fizika Lietuvoje, sudarytojai: Makariūnienė, E., Rupšlaukis, E. ir Usorytė, D. Vilnius, Å viesa 1997
Ruseckas, A., Undzenas, A., Gulbinas, V., Sundstrėm, V. and Valkunas, L., Charge transfer dynamics in poly-N-epoxypropylcarbazole., Abstracts of Xth Int. symposium UPS-97, Tartu 1997
Valkunas, L., Spektroskopija ir biofizika., Å iuolaikinė fizika Lietuvoje. Kaunas Å viesa 1997
Valkūnas L. ir Undzėnas A., Organinių medžiagų tyrimai Fizikos institute., Kn.: Fizika. Konf. pranešimo medžiaga Lietuvos universiteto katedrai 75-eri metai. Kaunas, Technologija 1997
Valkūnas L., Žervinskas V., van Mourik F., Energijos pernešimas ir ryšiai chloroplastuose: konkurencija tarp gesimo ir anihiliacijos impulsiniuose fluorescencijos indukcijos eksperimentuose., 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija. Vilnius 1997
Jursenas, S., Kovalevskij, V., Gruodis, A., Kodis, G., Valkunas, L., Muzikante, I. and Silinsh, E., Exciton-phonon interaction in polar organic crystals., Liet. fiz. zur. (Lith. J. Phys.) 37 (6):567-571 1997
Kietis P., Lingė D., Valkūnas L., Biologinių. membranų baltymo bakteriorodopsino pjezoelektrinio efekto netiesiškumas., 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija. Vilnius 1997
Jennings, R.C., Zucchelli, G., Croce, R., Valkunas, L., Finzi, L. and Garlaschi, F.M., Model studies on the excited state equilibrium perturbation due to reaction centre trapping in photosystem I., Photosynthesis Research, 52, 245-253 1997
Gruodis A., Juršėnas S., Aleksa V., Kovalevskij V., Valkūnas L., N,N-dimethylaminobenzylidene 1,3-indandione darinių vibracinio spektro tyrimai., 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija. Vilnius 1997
Valkunas, L., Cervinskas, V. and van Mourik, F., Energy transfer and connectivity in chloroplasts: competition between trapping and annihilation in pulsed fluorescence induction experiments., J. Phys. Chem. B, 101(37):7327-7331 1997
Abramavičius D., Valkūnas L., Trinkūnas G., Undzėnas A., Gulbinas V., Fotogeneracijos ir rekombinacijos kinetika organinėse medžiagose., 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija. Vilnius 1997
Valkunas, L., Cervinskas, V. and van Mourik, F., Energy transfer and connectivity in chloroplasts: competition between trapping and annihilation in pulsed fluorescence induction experiments., J. Phys. Chem. B, 101(37):7327-7331 1997
Juršėnas S., Gulbinas V., Gustavsson T., Mialocq J.-C., Valkūnas L., Femtosekundinė krūvio pernašos spektroskopija dimetylaminobenzylidene-1,3-indandione (DMABI) plėvelėse., 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, Vilnius 1997
Gaizauskas, E. and Valkunas, L., Femtosecond four-wave mixing spectroscopy of molecular aggregates., J. Phys. Chem. B, 101(37):7321-7326 1997
Kodis G., Gulbinas V., Valkūnas L., Dimethylaminobenzyliden-1,3-indandiono molekulių izomerizacijos dinamika tirpale., 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija. Vilnius 1997
van Grondelle, R., Monshouwer, R. and Valkunas, L., Photosynthetic light-harvesting., Pure and Applied Chemistry, 69(6):1211-1218 1997
Juršėnas S., Kovalevskij V., Gruodis A., Kodis G., Valkūnas L., Eksitonų ir fononų sąveika polimeruose organiniuose kristaluose., 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija. Vilnius 1997
Liuolia, V., Valkunas, L. and van Grondelle, R., Excitons in chains of dimers., J. Phys. Chem. B, 101(37):7343-7349 1997
Valkūnas L., Eksitonai fotosintezėje., 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, Vilnius 1997